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Posts posted by hollyberries

  1. Hey, Cindy! Where did ya go? We lost you after the cookie attack! :unsure:

    I have been in the friggin Water exercising the dang Cookies off. :(

    I did two Water aerobics classes today. You know how proud of myself I am. I could have never done that before but I love water aerobics a lot. I never thought that I would like to exercise as much as I do now. I know that the exercise is going to be the key to getting the rest off. I am seeing the benefits because the sizes are dropping. I have gone from a size 32/34 to a size 20 and tonight I put on a 10 year old Garth Brooks T-Shirt my brother brought me when he saw him in concert...it was a XL...woo-hoo!

    I want all of you to take a look at some your NSV's for a moment. Even though the scale might not be moving as quickly you would like, think about some things that have changed for you. How are you clothes fitting? Can you do things that you couldn't do in the past? How do you feel? I am sure that you have some wonderful things to ponder on. So forget the scale and think about the great accomplishments that you have made. I know that I am proud of you all! You are all great inspirations to me....you'll never know how much. Ok...enough of the mushy gushy stuff...lol! Think positive thoughts!


  2. Thanks for the encouragement.

    I am more proud of the blood pressure than I am of loosing 100 pounds!

    Dude! You are doing so good. Isn't the NSV's the best. Even if the scale isn't moving you are seeing other things that mean more.

    I know that is how I am looking at this journey right now. The scale has been moving slow for me in the last few months but I have had so many NSV's that make things brighter for me.

    Take today. I actually did two Water aerobics classes today. I am loving Water aerobics and go just about everyday except for Saturday and Sunday. I was proud that I could handle two classes in one day. The one I did tonight is titled Burn Baby Burn and was very high energy. I was tired after but I didn't quit. These small victories keep me going and losing another size in the last month has been a great bonus. I have gone from a size 32/34 to a 20. There are so many NSV's now that I can't name them all but I wouldn't trade this band for anything in the world...except for God, of course.

    Keep up the great work everybody...even if the scale isn't moving...the NSV's must be there.


  3. Ok...can someone please answer me this one questions. Why the heck is it easier to eat things that are bad for you than things that are good for you. All day I have eaten and gotten stuck.

    I started the day with eggs and bacon...this is our Sunday morning ritual. However, I had alot of trouble getting my egg and 2 slices of bacon down even with chew chew chew and small bites. I quit because I was uncomfortable and then slimed and pb'd before church. I felt better though.

    Around 11 I was still hungry and grabbed 1/4 cup of peanuts to curb the hunger. They went down a little tough but I did it.

    lunch was left over dinner from Friday nights meal at a great restaurant. It was Fettucine Neptune which by the way got stuck. I ate maybe one cup of this and it was a little tight going down but I did it.

    I had a sugar free vanilla pudding which went down great. Then around 4pm was needing a snack and tried to eat fresh cherries but again trouble.

    dinner was tough too! Tried to eat my Protein and veggies and had a tough time but got it in but uncomfortably.

    Then the kids did it....they came back from camping with the Grandmother and brought back the dang chocolate chip Cookies that I made for them to bring with them....

    These stupid Cookies went down as easy as a anything. So again my question...why the heck can't cookies go down hard and Protein and veggies go down easy. I swear the band knows this....I just wish...I just wish....it was easier.

    Well, I ate the cookies filled the pie hole and now sit here ranting about the dang cookies...

    I must admit that I would have beat myself up in the past. Now, I just learn....tomorrow is a new day and this band is forgiving. Maybe not tomorrow but in the next few days.

    Water aerobics here I come...gonna need to do two classes tomorrow to make up for my cookie trip.


  4. Name..........Start........Current.........Goal........ To Go




    I am going to shoot for 15 but at the rate I am going it might only be 10.....we will see.

  5. Name..........Start........Current.........Goal........ To Go



    Foofy..........235...........233...........225.......... 8














    Hopping to it..295...........295...........280...........15

    Eulete P.......219...........219...........209...........10


    OK...one freakin pound in 16 days...I am really hoping it is the exercise. I started Water aerobics about 4 weeks ago and have really been losing slowly and going up and down but this week I have consistently went down daily to mount up to my 1lb loss. I will take it though.

    Cindy I like your idea of the rest of the summer until labor day.

    Come on everyone we can be big loser this summer.


  6. Cindy, I think I was wrong on the surgery copay, I believe mine was $500 too. It goes back too far in the check book to find it at the moment. I don't remember the deductible either, I just know they charged the $150 as outpt. surgery for the fill on some occasions and $48. in addition to the visit copay on others. I am wondering if it is how the hosp/clinic codes it. Where did you go?:)

    OK...something is very wrong with them charging you as outpatient for a fill. I would definately try to straighten that out because a fill should be only your co-pay of $20.00. IMHO, of course. I go to Brigham & Women's for my surgeon and fills. Are you fills under Flouro or just a fill with a needle no xray. I don't know if that means anything or not. I would call BC/BS and ask them how your clinic is billing them for the fills. Get educated before you take on the clinic. However, you are being overcharged for your fills and it is wrong.

    Good Luck!


  7. Dude!

    You look fantastic. :thumbup: What a huge difference. :eek: I can understand why your wife is looking at you :lol: with wide eyes. My hubby is doing the same thing with me.

    Great job :cursing: for finally hitting the 100lb mark and going past it. Woo-hoo! I am still yo-yoing up and down. I hate it but I know that it will eventually go in the downward position eventually. I am just happy with the 100lbs and know that I won't go back to weighing over 300lbs. Even if the rest takes forever to come off; I am fine with that.

    I was beginning to worry about you though. You need to check in more often because we do worry about each other.


  8. Mine is only a copay too, the question is "which one and how much?" MY co-pay seemed to change with the wind direction!

    My copay is $20.00. It sounds like you are being charged the deductible. Do you have a deductible on your insurance? I know with my surgery I had a $500.00 surgical deductible but everything else was covered. My first few fills were covered because they were billed as surgical follow up. Now, I have to pay just the copay of $20.00 when I go to a fill appt. I would call BC/BS and asked that everything be clarified. They might be able to send you something that will explain your responsibility. BC/BS is great to work with so just hang in there.


  9. That's a minor error, Robin Bird. Someone on another thread called me FooFoo! That's not acceptable. ;o)

    Remember the kids song... "Little rabbit FooFoo, hopping through the forest, picking up the field mice, and bopping them on the head."


    You crack me up! LOL. I will always think of you when I hear that song.


  10. I didn't actually start it yet. I didn't have anything to work with. Need to go food shopping and don't have the time to squeeze it out. I need to order my powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury Protein powder as I used the rest last week. Is there anywhere to get it without buying it online?

    Glad things are going so well for you. I can't wait to start it. I think I will shoot for it on Monday when I can get the stuff to be successful with it.


  11. Insurance! now there is a touchy subject for me:cursing: I went in expecting it to be covered as an office apt. as they only requested a reg. copay. On the first billing they prorated it to a larger copay of $ 48. as an adjustment because the correct co was larger than the cost of the procedure! They claimed they were giving me a break. Later billings they tried to get $ 150 out of me which is my copay for out pt. surgery! They claim it is the same as an emergency rm. visit/out pt. surgery:angry: $150 is my copay for the whole surgery, who would have guessed. there was another thread started addressing this issue, but nothing lately. so far as I'm aware, we were all having this problem. I finally gave in and paid the damm bill. When they did the fill on the same day as blood work those were the times I got the higher copay. if no blood work, then the $48. one! Yet, blood work is fully covered. never did get a good answer about that one. I've been back and forth about it with little success to both the isn. com and Lahey. Both try to pass the buck and blame the other for the way it is set up. Oh, and they still charged for the regular office call too.I got tired of the fight. If any of you do manage to get this resolved I'd love to know how. I have BCBS Blue, hmo. GOOD LUCK!

    Hi Cheri-

    I have BCBS Blue New England HMO and I only have to pay my co-pay for a fill. Just thought I would chime in on my coverage. I hope that you get some straight answers; that is very frustrating I am sure.


  12. My trainer took measurements last week and the results were great! I lost a total of 13 inches in just over 2 months. I am so excited. It makes the hard work worth it. During that time I also lost 13 pounds. My lean body mass slightly increased and my fat decreased considerably. My overall fat % dropped 5%.

    It is so nice to see results other than scale, especially since the scale has slowed down so much.

    Skinny Jill-

    That is awesome. Sometimes measuring in other ways helps when the scale isn't moving. What is your routine with the Trainer? I am curious. I just started Water aerobics about a month ago and love it. I actually get cranky when I can't make one day. I am hoping for the inches as well. I have noticed inch loss though. Keep letting us know how it is going.


  13. Way to go Cindy!

    I will cross that line this week, I predict.

    I bet it sure feels good to finally be past that hurdle.

    For me it will mean that I will FINALLY be back down to the 2-hundreds!

    I am so happy for you. Now lets focus on both knockin' off the rest of the weight that we have!

    You got it buddy! Are we in for another race or what? LOL! I have not expectations now. I met the one goal I had set from the beginning. Now I just want to get to 220. After that it is bonus poundage.

    Have a good one.


  14. ArcherMan!

    Good to hear from you. I have to admit you and I have been going through the same hell. I have done the same thing up and down up and down. Although since hitting 254 I have stayed steady and not gone up yet. You have done remarkable and keep a really good attitude because it is a battle now for us. Although, we have lost really quick for Bandsters the next stage will be tougher for us.

    I have decided that I need to exercise because I lost a lot without it. I started doing Water aerobics 3 days a week and 2 days weight training. I have been doing this for 3 weeks now and am feeling a difference in the clothes. I like you have decided that if it takes longer so be it. We have a lifetime to lose the rest. Lets be proud of our accomplishment so far and join the turtle club; we are great company.

    I am canceling my appointment for next week for another fill because I still can't eat without pain. I have to take it real slow and easy or I am sliming and pbing.

    Keep up the great work and don't get down on yourself to much...you really have done remarkable.

    Don't be a stranger, we are your "Bandster" family and we will always lift you up. How is the new job going?


  15. Hi Everyone!

    I just wanted to thank you all for great well wishes. You do realize that I have done this with all of your help and I couldn't have done it without you. You may not realize this but you have been inspiring to me during the last 7 months. Even though we are all losing at different paces, I have always felt supported and encouraged.

    I do not know how anybody can do this WLS journey without support of some kind. I have found that I am more accountable with coming here everyday.

    Again, thanks guys! You are best Bander family that anyone could ask for.

    Love you guys!


  16. I can officially post that I have lost 100lbs as of today. I started at a size 32/34 and am down to 22/24. I feel terrific but know that the last 80lbs are going to be tough to get off since that last 3lbs has taken over a month. Yikes! I am elated though. On to the next goal of 220lbs which is my pre-wedding weight.....


  17. Exciting news, Cindy! :thumbup:

    I'm sure you did the "happy" dance when you saw that on the scale. I've been out of the loop lately, did you get there before Craig?

    I'm winding down on the biggest part of the work here in RI. (Thankfully) First Bridal shower this weekend and then I'll PM you soon after.


    I think I beat Craig but he hasn't posted in awhile. I hope I did dang it. Looking forward to a visit to the RI coast for a day. Hope all is well with you.


  18. Name..........Start........Current.........Goal........ To Go



    Foofy..........235...........233...........225.......... 8














    Hopping to it..295...........295...........280...........15

    Eulete P.......219...........219...........209...........10


    Yay! I hit 100lbs today. Finally!

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