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Posts posted by hollyberries

  1. Good Morning Low Carbers!

    We will stay on plan today...we will do it....we are victors!

    I started the Atkins Induction on Friday to kick start my metabolism. I am keeping my total daily carbs under 30 grams for the next two weeks. Today is day three and I feel great...the cravings are pretty much gone and I have a lot more energy than I did before. Also, working for me is the exercise. I know sometimes we don't want to hear that but I am a believer in it.

    As for Low Carb...just for two weeks this strict induction and then on to probably more like a South Beach approach because it includes good carbs. I have definately found my issue is carbs and I will need to keep them at bay. Funny thing is when you begin to look back at the post op diet plan it indicates Protein, fruits/veggies & then carbs if still hungry...I guess I forgot and needed a kick in the pants.

    My diet has included solid Protein and salad or cooked veggies, nuts and eggs/bacon/sausage. I think I am going to make some deviled eggs today for Snacks or even lunch. I like how I am feeling eating this way and hey I am down another 1lb.

    Funny story for you...yesterday morning had to go to my son's All Star Baseball game...I needed to eat Breakfast out and thought I would just get scrambled eggs and a sausage patty at McD's. Well, do you think that I could find a McD's..nope drove for over 20min in two directions from the baseball park..nothing. Now I am starving...by damn I am not going to eat any carbs if it kills me. We finally find a convenience store and I think hey I will just grab some nuts and cheese...they had a Dunkin Donuts so I grabbed a Sausage/Egg/Cheese Bagel sandwich...now I bet you all thought I ate the bagel, Huh! Nope, ripped the egg/sausage/cheese from the middle and made the boys eat the bagel. I stayed on plan but had to be quite creative with it.

    Off to Water aerobics...have a great day everyone! Motivation is key....think bikini.


  2. I haven't tried this but have been on a plateau myself. I started the Atkins Induction on Friday to kick start my metabolism. I am keeping my total daily carbs under 30 grams for the next two weeks. Today is day three and I feel great...the cravings are pretty much gone and I have a lot more energy than I did before. Also, working for me is the exercise. I know sometimes we don't want to hear that but I am a believer in it.

    As for Low Carb...just for two weeks this strict induction and then on to probably more like a South Beach approach because it includes good carbs. I have definately found my issue is carbs and I will need to keep them at bay. Funny thing is when you begin to look back at the post op diet plan it indicates Protein, fruits/veggies & then carbs if still hungry...I guess I forgot and needed a kick in the pants.

    My diet has included solid Protein and salad or cooked veggies, nuts and eggs. I think I am going to make some deviled eggs today for Snacks or even lunch. I like how I am feeling eating this way and hey I am down another 1lb.

    Just letting you know what I am doing.


  3. Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

    The November Nymphs are the best friggin support group in the world..Shout out to my Nymphs; Sades in Australia, Bandpal in Isreal(sp) and TxArcher in Oh Yeah! South Carolina formerly of the great country of Texas...and the rest of from the good ole' United States (and anyone I missed like QatarPhil) all kidding aside this is a great group of people who all genuinely care about each others success. We motivate each other and never criticize. You know I have read other post on this board and others that do that but I have found that we truly do not. We encourage when down and we Celebrate successes regardless of how small. You have come to the right family. Stick with us sister you are in for the ride of your life...

    Not to mention bikini's next year down under in Australia with Sades!


  4. After reading this whole thread through, I decided on Friday to start Low-Carbing it to break this plateau that I have been on. For two days I have done quite well...keeping the carbs under 30 grams and all this without the proper food to start with.

    We can do it! We can do it!


  5. That's great to know Cindy. I'm amazed at how addicted I get to walking. Aqua is great as well. I feel invigorated after each session. I think it's harder for me to keep it up because my classes are in the evening after work and I can't always get there.


    I know what you mean because my Burn Baby Burn classes are on Tuesday & Thursday nights at 7pm and don't finish until 8pm. I am usually flying high after the class and can't get to sleep until real late. I hate that it is that late and am sure during the fall/winter it will be harder but I do like this particular class because I get a lot from it. We will see for now it is a joy, wait for a few months when the newness wears off and than I will let you know. For now, I hope to get my booty in shape. I want to be in the Bikini next summer.


  6. Are nymphs just from nov 2007...I should be having surgery in november 2008 would I be a nymph?

    Keyword is should though, after the 6 month diet it should be november.:tt2:

    Froggi...congrats on your impending surgery...it will be the best thing you will do for yourself. You will be in the November 2008 group but hey we like everybody. However, the Nov 2008 Bandsters will have more in common with you than we will because we will be a year out and experiencing different things from you regarding the band.

    I highly recommend bonding with the November 2008 group because the support is was is vitally important to success. I consider these Nymphs my friends and supporters.

    Best Wishes


  7. Name............Start........Current.........Goal........ To Go








    Skinny Jill......167...........167...........157...........10


    Kuchiegrl........251...........251...........235..... .....16

    Peaches11........203...........203...........183........ ..20


    I just keep shuffling down...one...pound...at...a...time!

    I had actually gained 2 lbs earlier this week so at least I lost those and an additional pound. That's 50 for me!

    Can someone please tell me why it takes me a week to lose one measly pound but only one day to gain 2? :confused2:

    I am with Sades on this one! I can't explain it because all knowledge indicates that it takes over 3000 calories to gain a pound...I think. Well, hell I know that I am not eating 3000 calories and I still gain. I really think it might be water/salt our bodies...our bands....our husbands...our kids...awe heck no idea. Just hate it.


  8. Name............Lbs Lost........% of wgt lost.......BMI

    QatarPhil...........55......................19%...............32.2 (39.6)








    linda.................49.....................21.5..................30. 46






    TxArcher............101...................25.25%.........52.8 to 39.4



    Tmusicmaker123..73.....................19%.................60.1 to 48.7


    Mariegabrieleee....73.....................24%.................51.3 to 39.1

    gabeekeeper.......101.....................30% ..................40.2







    Cherlita...............44.......................20%...............65 to 57.5


    tyman311..............61.....................31%...............41 to 28 (so far)


    1950.6 pounds lost to date!

    I hit 50 lbs lost today! I'm saving my happy dance until I'm in Onederland. Won't be long now!

    Hey Cindy, Foofy, and Holly... Way to go!! :tt2:

    Way to Go Cindy~! You must be so proud....50lbs is a big deal. Go buy yourself something nice.....I am so proud of you because I know how much each of those pounds mean to you.


  9. I love it Cindy why do you ask? Isn't 4 hours enough? That's once a week on top of my walking. Pleeeease don't make me do more !! I hate having to do my hair afterwards, it's all about the hair !!! :):lol:

    Oh No Sades...I was asking because I love it as well. I am addicted to it. It is my time and I enjoy getting there and working out. You don't have to do more.....LOL

    I never thought I would say that I love anything to do with exercise.


  10. Name............Lbs Lost........% of wgt lost.......BMI

    QatarPhil...........55......................19%...............32.2 (39.6)








    linda.................49.....................21.5..................30. 46






    TxArcher............101...................25.25%.........52.8 to 39.4



    Tmusicmaker123..73.....................19%.................60.1 to 48.7


    Mariegabrieleee....73.....................24%.................51.3 to 39.1

    gabeekeeper.......101.....................30% ..................40.2







    Cherlita...............44.......................20%...............65 to 57.5


    tyman311..............61.....................31%...............41 to 28 (so far)


    Knock me over with a feather. I lost 2.5 pounds!!! I'm soooooooo close to the 220s that I can taste them.

    1944.8 pounds lost to date!

    Woo-hoo Foofy! You go girl.....the body is coming along...


  11. Name............exercise..................amount planned........amt done

    Hollyberries....Water Aerobics.............20 Hours.......................0

    Sades...........Walking.......................25 Hours.......................0

    Sades...........Aqua Aerobics...............4 Hours........................0

    hhilulu..........walking/jogging.............16 hours........................0

    hhilulu..........swimming.......................9 hours........................0

    Foofy............walking/eliptical............25 Hrs...........................0

    Foofy............weightlifting...................8 sessions....................0

    Cindy, I've added aqua aerobics because I haven't been for the last 6 weeks (Winter here). I love it and it really does work.


    Do you love it?


  12. Name............exercise..................amount planned........amt done

    Hollyberries....Water Aerobics.............20 Hours.......................0

    Sades...........Walking.......................25 Hours.......................0

    hhilulu..........walking/jogging.............16 hours........................0

    hhilulu..........swimming.......................9 hours........................0

    Foofy............walking/eliptical............25 Hrs...........................0

    Foofy............weightlifting...................8 sessions....................0

    I am Foofy, hear me roar! I may be whimpering mext month....

    Think positive thoughts about how your going to look...and what size you will be. I lost one whole dress size in a month doing Water aerobics...This week I lost 2 lbs. not sure what's up with that because I have been slowing way down must be the exercise catching up with me. I never thought I would say that love to exercise but this Water aerobics thing has been awesome.

    Everyone! Listen Up! Take your measurements because at the end of July lets see how many inches we have lost....that is another great NSV that we should ponder on....

    I am going to be the Cheerleader this month and cheer you all to victory!


  13. I have 2.25cc's in my 4cc band. Got that fill on May 15th but haven't had one since. I have been a little tight...some meals I have problems and others I don't....this band is finicky. I have fill scheduled for 7/10 and am not sure if I am going to need it. I am going to the appt anyway but may have him just check the Fluid level and if down a bit fill it back to 2.25. Who knows....


  14. yay! had a fill yesterday and i've lost 5 lbs!

    Congrats....doesn't it feel good. It also gives you a sense of renewed hope. One good thing with the Band is we always have the tool to help us. I don't ever want to go back to dieting on my own....I am glad that God gave somebody wisdom to create it and us the wisdom to use....I will get off my soap box now.

    Again, Congrats! Keep up the hard work...its well worth it.


  15. Are you cold now too? I used to always be so hot - even in Canada in the winter. I used to sleep neked! :thumbs_up: Now I live in Arkansas and sometimes I get chilly in the summer! Can you believe it? :thumbs_up:

    Know what you mean Linda....We have central AC and last year I used have to keep it at 68-70 because I was always so hot...my family be be freezing and me sitting there sweating...now I am always saying, "Can someone bump up the AC to 74." Funny how losing weight changes the internal thermostat.


  16. Name..........Start........Current.........Goal........ To Go







    Mariegabrieleee...235..................235.................215........ ..........20

    Skinny Jill...........167..................167.................157........... ........10


    I don't know what happened this week but I am down 2lbs. Must be the Burn Baby Burn Water Aerobics Class I started Tuesday along with my morning Water aerobics...

    We can do it!

  17. Name............Lbs Lost........% of wgt lost.......BMI

    QatarPhil...........55......................19%...............32.2 (39.6)








    linda.................49.....................21.5..................30. 46






    TxArcher............101...................25.25%.........52.8 to 39.4



    Tmusicmaker123..73.....................19%.................60.1 to 48.7


    Mariegabrieleee....73.....................24%.................51.3 to 39.1

    gabeekeeper.......101.....................30% ..................40.2







    Cherlita...............44.......................20%...............65 to 57.5


    tyman311..............61.....................31%...............41 to 28 (so far)


    1942.3 pounds lost to date!

  18. You're talking about a man who has found me beautiful through thick and thin---and as high as 304 pounds. I can't even imagine he'd notice the skin. I do know he's supportive and agreed that if I eventually want plastic surgery, we'll find a way to finance it. He just wants ME to feel comfortable. This isn't about how he feels about me. He loves me regardless and I trust your husband feels the same way. Get healthy and then worry about skin. My honey wants me to be around for a long time......:embaressed_smile:

    Diddo for my husband....by the way, luv2teech I have Dr. Lautz at Brigham & Women's....you are doing great; as well.


  19. Anyone want to join me in a exercise challenge for the month of July. I am not sure how to run this but I think something like pick how many hours that you plan to exercise for the month and update each week.

    Name............Exercise..............#Hours Committed..........#Hours Completed

    Hollyberries....Water Aerobics.....20 Hours......................0

    Tag your it! Lets commit to getting our booties going and getting rid of some of the Flab!


  20. I like this thread...helps to put your accomplishments down...because in my book exercising is about accomplishments.

    Monday-60min of Water aerobics

    Tuesday-a.m. 60 min. of Water aerobics/p.m. 60 min. of water aerobics-Burn Baby Burn Class

    Wednesday-I hurt all over from last nights Burn Baby Burn class and could not make the a.m. water aerobics class

    Thursday-60 min. Burn Baby Burn Water Aerobics class


    Dang it...my work scheduled changed and I can't make a class on Friday. Nothing on Sat/Sun or I would go...I love water aerobics and I hate to miss it.

    Keep up the great work everyone.


  21. I have 2.25cc's in my band and I had to cancel my last appt because I get stuck on quite a few things. I am not sure if I am at a sweet spot because I can eat quite a bit but if I get stuck I can't eat anymore. I am scheduled to go back in July for another fill. I think that I will need to talk with the Dr. about why I get stuck but can still eat more than I should. One good thing is I am doing Water aerobics and losing dress sizes and I am happy about that.


  22. I believe exercise is key to me losing the remainder of my weight. I started Water aerobics about 5 weeks ago and I absolutely love it. I really don't like missing it and I never thought I would say that.

    It is key to toning up and feeling better and I am glad that I am doing it. So much so that yesterday I went to 2 classes and I could walk this morning but I love how I am losing sizes. I dropped a dress size in 5 weeks. I am now a size 20 and I haven't been that size since 1990. Woo-hoo.

    Good luck...even though it is not alot right now wait until it is 20-30 minutes you will be so proud of yourself.

    Best wishes,


  23. Hey Cindy & Cindy, sounds like a plan to me !! I already did the USA / Mexico trip 2 years ago so Australia sounds like the way to go. Definitely no Antartica for me either !! :biggrin2: I've never been to the Great Barrier Reef so it will be 2 new things for all of us, 1. the trip, 2. wearing the bikinis !! :) It's been at least 30 years since I last wore a bikini ! :tt2:

    Hell Sades, I haven't been in a bikini since....I can't remember maybe when I was 7 or 8. :thumbup:

    No takers for the Antartica....I wonder why....you know I am always cold now man I can't imagine Antartica without 100lbs of blubber....

  24. Sounds like you have pretty good restriction. I haven't had restriction since the first 6 weeks of banding. I get glimpses of it then it's gone. I feel like I've been on a diet for the last 6 months rather than banded. One false move and I could end up putting on what I've already lost.

    Sorry for hijacking your thread Cindy ! :(

    You can always hijack....I love reading your posts. You know, someday I am going to your country...I have always wanted to go to Australia...but I am also the one that wants to go to the Antartica...my husband said that I go by myself because that is to cold for him. LOL! But Australia...I would love that.


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