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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by hollyberries


    IF SHE CAN'T DO IT, NO ONE...... OK, what rhymes with girl?! curl, pearl...?? :thumbup:

    Better just leave the cheerleading up to Cindy!! :biggrin2:

    Sades, Sades, Sades, She's our Girl!

    If she has slip

    We are all gonna hurl:lol:

  2. Thanks Msnika...I think that I will be down at least 2 of the 4 tomorrow but I hate that one day can really affect you so much.

    I stayed on plan today. How about you all?

    B: 2 eggs and 2 slices of bacon

    S: Ice coffee with cream & 3 splenda

    L: Taco meat and tossed salad and cheddar cheese

    S: 24 almonds

    D: Taco meat, tossed salad & cheddar cheese

    S: Atkins Crustless Cheesecake (later)

    92 Protein/33 Carbs

    I have already had 32oz of Water and working on the next 16...

  3. I actually stayed on plan yesterday, but don't be too impressed. I have a horrible stomach bug and the thought of any food makes my stomach sick. Yuck!! It will probably be only liquids for me today. I feel really yucky.

    I hope you feel better. Yikes!

    Today I stayed on plan all day but I was up 4lbs from yesterday. How can you gain 4lbs in one day...I don't get it. I am thinking it will be gone in a few days but dang it...I hate that.

    B: Low Carb Slim Fast Shake-eating on the run this morning.

    L: 1 cup of chicken salad made with Helman's & celery. 1/2 cup of Spinach Dip (sour cream, spinach, Water chestnuts, mayo & Knorr's Vegetable Soup mix).

    S: 24 Almonds

    D: 1/2 cup of taco meat, 1 cup of shredded lettuce, 1/4 cup of tomatoes, 1/4 cup of cukes, 3 tbps of salsa, 2 tbsp of sour cream & 1/2 cheddar cheese

    S: Atkins Crustless Cheesecake

    Water about 48 oz. today...can't seem to get to 64oz. No exercise had to work all day.

    Have a good evening everyone.


  4. Thanks Cindy, that's so sweet! :tt2: I only have the news from the xray dr so he might not have it right. I'll wait to hear what my dr has to say on Monday. I'm not holding my breath though. I guess if they have to adjust it, then I will just go with it. I would rather not go under again but I won't have much choice. As the nurse said, at least you can really start losing weight after that. And it's true, I've been working so hard just to maintain what I have lost and I always knew that I was doing it the hard way. I will definitely keep everyone posted and thanks again for your kind thoughts.

    :Banane06:The Nymph Cheerleader is cheering you on!

  5. Great Attitude! You are right that the band is only a tool and we must make the right choices. I too have found that I must exercise the rest of the weight off. I am not worried too much about the last 70+lbs or so as I know that they will eventually drop and that this is not a race. Having goals helps us to stay on track.

    I have decided that to kick the plateau I have been on for the last few months I needed get a kick in the butt and have decided to low carb/South Beach. When going back to read my Band rules from the hospital it says to eat Protein, veggies & if still hungry good carbs..I have chosen to eat Protein and veggies and eliminate most of the carbs. It has worked for me because I slashed the plateau in the last few weeks by losing 6lbs.

    Water aerobics have been my best friend and I love it...I miss it when I can't go and let me tell you I try not to it must be something important to do so.

    Again, great attitude and keep the great work. You are doing just great.


  6. Ok....I had every well meaning intention to stay on plan yesterday. Until I saw my mom's homemade potato salad, smores, watermelon & my own Ambrosia. It all called really loud to me. Oh Yeah! and twizzlers at the fireworks. Dang it! What is with celebrations that are surrounded by food that throw you off your game plan?

    However, me and my little friend the band are going straight back on plan today. I have found that low carbs is the way to go for me right now because it works with the weight loss.

    I hope everyone had a great 4th and here's to getting back on track if you were like me and fell off the wagon.


  7. Hi all my fellow Nymphs

    I went for my barium meal this morning (my time) and the xray dr said my band has slipped. I think it is only a slight slip but I'm not sure what that means. I am waiting to hear back from my dr's office to find out what my next move is. Naturally I am very sad about this. I knew I couldn't be eating the amount I was with such a large fill without something being wrong. At least I know now. :thumbup: I will keep you posted on what the dr says.



    Oh Sades! I am so sad for you too! However, you at least have an answer to why things have been going so hard for you. I am hoping that it will be easily fixed. Please keep us updated...we love our Sades Down Under Girl. And know that we are sad right along with you because it could be any one of us.

    Keep your chin up!


  8. Hope everyone's day was great.

    B: 2 eggs & 4 slices of bacon

    S: 1 oz. Cheddar cheese & 5 slices of pepperoni

    L: 4 slices of deli ham & 1 slice of swiss cheese

    S: 24 Almonds

    D: 1 1/2 deviled eggs

    S: Atkins Crustless Cheesecake

    70 grams of Protein & 9 Net Carbs

    Did 60 min of Burn Baby Burn Water aerobics tonight. With the 4th tomorrow not sure how I will do but I am going to try to stay low car if I can.

    Good luck everyone & Happy 4th of July.


  9. Hi y'all!

    I have stumbled across this thread at the perfect time! I have been seriously considering changing my diet to low carb and what an incentive now to have some support with it!!

    I need to get some ketostix and get my pantry filled so I can get started. I know it is difficult but after really only maintaining since my slip repair I am ready to start making progress again. I just got a fill that I think may finally get me the restriction I need.


    Welcome Ellgee! Low carb has helped me alot in the last week. Down 6lbs. Woo-Hoo!

  10. Hope everyone has had a great day low carbing it.

    Here is what I ate today:

    B: McD's Scrambled eggs & Sausage patty

    S: McD's ice coffee with cream & 3 splenda

    L: 3 oz of roast beef with homemade gravy & 1.5 cups of tossed salad with Ken's Ceasar

    D: I ate so late I am playing by ear tonight...if hungry 3oz of Turkey Sausage & salad

    S: Almonds & Atkins Crustless Cheesecake

    I did my 1 hour of Water aerobics this morning before work...my legs are killing me today.

    Have a great rest of the day everyone! You can do it. I can't believe how good I feel. No cravings at all yet.


  11. CindyG...........204...........202...........184...........18







    Skinny Jill......167...........167...........157...........10


    Kuchiegrl........251...........251...........235..... .....16



    Shalee04...............182..................182.................170... ...............12

    I am loving the low carb way of eating and the exercise...it has really kick started my metabolism. It's on fire...not to mention that I think I am at my sweet spot. I am just not as hungry...that might be the low carb eating but I will take it.

  12. Good Evening Everyone!

    I hope everyone had a great day today and stayed on track...if not, don't beat yourself up and start again tomorrow.

    Bonnie...I use sparkpeople to log my food; you can choose what you want to track. I like to track Protein & carbs...it has a place for journaling and tracking exercise as well. I like it...I don't always get everything but I try.

    This morning I was down 2lbs. I can't believe it...this really works for me. I did 2 one hour classes of Water aerobics today. The Burn Baby Burn class kicked my butt again...I am in pain.

    As for eating, my menu was:

    Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with 2 tbsp of real bacon bits cooked in real butter.

    Snack: Almonds & Atkins Crustless Cheesecake

    Lunch: leftover BBQ chicken and salad...ate only the chicken got stuck & PB'd.

    Snack: Swiss cheese and Deli Ham roll up & more almonds.

    Dinner: 3oz Roast Beef, tossed salad and Ken's Ceaser Dressing

    Snack: Atkins Crustless Cheesecake

    I need to work on the Water though. I seem to only get in about 40-50 oz. of water. I guess better than nothing.

    Have a great evening everyone! Keep up the great work.


  13. Name............Lbs Lost........% of wgt lost.......BMI

    QatarPhil...........55......................19%...............32.2 (39.6)








    linda.................49.....................21.5..................30. 46






    TxArcher............101...................25.25%.........52.8 to 39.4



    Tmusicmaker123..73.....................19%.................60.1 to 48.7


    Mariegabrieleee....73.....................24%.................51.3 to 39.1

    gabeekeeper.......101.....................30% ..................40.2







    Cherlita...............44.......................20%...............65 to 57.5


    tyman311..............61.....................31%...............41 to 28 (so far)


    1957.6 pounds lost to date!

  14. ]Name............exercise..................amount planned........amt done

    Hollyberries....Water Aerobics.............20 Hours.......................2

    Sades...........Walking.......................25 Hours.......................1

    Sades...........Aqua Aerobics...............4 Hours........................0

    hhilulu..........walking/jogging.............16 hours........................0

    hhilulu..........swimming.......................9 hours........................0

    Foofy............walking/eliptical............25 Hrs...........................0

    Foofy............weightlifting...................8 sessions...................0

    Shalee04.......Walking/Swimming...........30 hours......................0

    Shalee04.......Weights/........................8 sessions...................0

    Hi everyone. I just got back from my 2 week vacation. And I am glad to see this challenge here ready and waiting for me to join into.

    I did do 2 Water Aerobics claases in Cancun at the pool, it was alot of fun, I even got hubby to join in with me, he wouldn't admit it, but he had fun too. We did ALOT of walking and swimming. Usually when we go its only for a week and I always gain weight, about 5-8 pounds, This time I didn't gain an ounce!!!! Wohoooo I focused more on all the activities I could do and not on the all inclusive food and drinks there was to be had, sure I drank my margaritas a few days, But I made sure to exercise my butt off to make up for them.

    Have a great day evberyone, I am off to pull weeds in the back yard as they seemed to have grown at least 2 feet tall all over the yard while I was gone....

    Glad you had a great time on vacation and congratulations on not gaining any weight. So happy that you are joining us in the July Exercise Challenge.


  15. Name............exercise..................amount planned........amt done

    Hollyberries....Water Aerobics.............20 Hours.......................2

    Sades...........Walking.......................25 Hours.......................1

    Sades...........Aqua Aerobics...............4 Hours........................0

    hhilulu..........walking/jogging.............16 hours........................0

    hhilulu..........swimming.......................9 hours........................0

    Foofy............walking/eliptical............25 Hrs...........................0

    Foofy............weightlifting...................8 sessions....................0

  16. Hey Huskerette,

    We are a very non-exclusive club. Welcome in. I assume you'll be sending the normal initiation fee out to all Nymphs ;o) (kidding).

    Put your numbers in our Nymphs Weight Loss to Date thread. YOU will put us over the one ton loss mark!!! Go nymphs!!!

    Oh, I have about 3 ccs in a 10 cc band (not sure how much they put in during surgery....)

    Hollyberries - what the heck - when did your BMI get below mine?!?!? It's on now!!!!


    Low Carb and Water Aerobics Baby!


  17. OK, you guys are just wearing me out with all that excercise talk. I'm exhausted just reading your posts! Think I can burn off a few calories by osmosis? :lol:

    Now where did I hide the elliptical? :)

    Cindy the elliptical is under the clothes. :frown: At least that is where my treadmill was when I cleaned the room. LOL


  18. Ok...everyone tomorrow is July 1st...we are going to do this. We will stay committed for the entire month and reach our goals. Trust me at the end of the month make sure you measure...I am sure you will be down inches.

    Foofy...the swimdress actually fits great now....I am going down sizes so quick that it won't for long. The Water aerobics really gets the sizes down. I am a perfect size 20 and xlarge on shirts...who would have thunk it.


  19. CindyG...........204...........202...........184...........18







    Skinny Jill......167...........167...........157...........10


    Kuchiegrl........251...........251...........235..... .....16



    Another pound down! This new low carb eating is kick starting my weightloss...yeah!

  20. Good one Cindy. My problem is that I can't seem to get out of my bad habits and it doesn't help that I can still eat too much. Without restriction it is definitely all about mindset. Once I know my band is okay (this Thursday), I'm going to ask for another fill that will hopefully get me to where everyone else is.


    You might want to give low carb a shot after you find out the results of your test and another fill. I am now through day 3 and I must say the cravings are gone. I mean it. I made brownies for the family today and frosted them with vanilla icing....usually I would like the knife off and grab a spoonful of icing but not today...didn't have it...weird. As a matter of fact, I didn't even eat lunch today because I was not hungry. My meal was:

    B: 2 eggs scrambled with 3 tbps of real bacon bits

    S: Almonds a handful

    L: Not hungry

    S: Almonds

    S: coffee w/cream & 2 splenda

    D: 3 oz. Top Round Steak with 1 1/2 cups of tossed salad and Ken's Greek Dressing

    S: Atkins crustless cheesecake....mmmm good!

    I didn't really eat that much today but I am satisfied and not craving anything. Tomorrow is the real test because I am home all day and usually I want to snack all day long. Not sure what will happen but I am going to be very aware tomorrow. I will let you know.

    Best wishes on the test...I really want you to get something from it for you own sanity.....wishing you good thoughts.


  21. How was everyone's day? I didn't do to bad...

    B: 2 eggs with 3 tbps Oscar Mayer Real Bacon Bits

    S: Almonds

    L: Wasn't hungry and food shopping during lunch

    S: Almonds

    S: coffee w/cream & 2 splenda

    D: 3 oz. Top Round Steak, 1 1/2 cups of tossed salad w/Kens Greek Dressing

    S: Atkins Crustless Cheesecake (no strawberries)

    If anyone is interested here is the recipe:

    Atkins' Crustless Cheesecake


    • 12 oz cream cheese, softened
    • 3 pkts Splenda
    • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
    • 1 Cup heavy cream
    • 1/2 Cup fresh strawberries, quartered. (optional)

    Combine cream cheese, sugar substitute, and vanilla extract in a bowl and mix well. Beat the heavy cream in a separate bowl until it forms soft peaks. Fold the whipped cream into the cream cheese mixture.

    Transfer the mixture to a large glass bowl and chill, covered with plastic wrap, for at least 25 minutes. Top with berries if you like. Serve immediately or store, covered with plastic wrap, in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

    Serves 8. 2.6 carbs per serving (7 carbs if using berries.)

    Have a great night everyone!


  22. Hmmmm, I am baffled by the ketone sticks! I have been dedicated to 20 or less carbs since Tuesday but my stick still only says that I have a small amount of ketones. I thought that it would have moved on up to moderate by now. Literally all I have eaten is eggs, meat, cheese, salad and 1 Atkins shake a day. Maybe I will only ever produce a small amout of ketones??

    On a good note.... no wait... a FABULOUS note.... I am down 2.5 pounds this week! AND that places me at 199! YAY!!!!!! That is what I wanted to accomplish for this week and I am SO happy.

    I'm going to keep the carbs under 20 for at least 1 more week and see what happens. I like losing 2.5 lbs in a week. It sure beats my .5 or 1 lb which has been my usual! Thanks for this thread and for the support!

    Great Job Mamato#! Awesome job at onederland. I can't wait until I get there. I haven't seen it since...hmmmm...I can't remember.

    Keep up the great job everyone!


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