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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by hollyberries

  1. Doing my trick eh Cindy? :) I was trying to nap this afternoon but only got 1 hour in. Hopefully I'll sleep well tonight.

    I'm trying not to dwell on the weight loss but I feel a little short changed since I already did my time and now have to do it again. I think once I am off the liquid stage I'll feel more normal again.

    I have no gas pain, didn't the last time either. Guess I should be thankful for that. I've had diarrhea all day, not very pleasant! :cool: It's eased up a little now.

    Love Cindy's cheerleader avatar as well. Waiting for the real photo Cindy !! :thumbup:

    70 more pounds Sades....then I will get pom poms and a cheerleader outfit...at least I know I would fit in one. Dang it. I wish I was you with no gas pain but after everything you have gone through you should have none...I hope it is smooth sailing from now on...you deserve it.


  2. Hey all hope everyone's day went well.

    B: 1 1/2 eggs, 3 turkey sausages, onions & american cheese

    S: Cheeseburger bacon dip made with sour cream & mayo

    L: 1/4 hamburg with 2 tbps of cream cheese on it, onion & summer squash

    S: 1 1/2 oz. of cashews

    D: 1 1/2 Johnsonville Brats & Zuccini

    S: SF Jello with homemade whip cream (heavy cream and splenda)

    77 grams of Protein & 41 carbs...a little high gotta get it down.


  3. Archer Man....first I feel for you! That is a long time to wait.

    Now put your hand out so that I can slap it. You can't be away from your Nymph family this long. You need support and cheerleading. We are here for you in the good times and the bad. We are your shoulders during frustrating times like now. Ok...I wooped ya.

    Now...you can do this. I know that I have been right where you are and recently to boot. Look over your Band diet rules, begin doing what you were doing in the beginning. Think about the fact that you are in Bandster Hell again and just work it the best you can.

    I have taken a dramatic step in the last 2 weeks and started to low-carb. I eat just Protein and veggies and I try to keep my carbs under 30 grams. It has worked for me because in the last few weeks I have dropped 8lbs.

    You can do it....and we are here for you. Don't be a stranger...we miss you. Who else can I harass before football season starts...PATS training camp is in two weeks....Woo-Hoo!


    The Nymph Cheerleader :thumbup:

  4. I don't count calories but carbs. Refined or white carbs are the devil for me. I eat Protein and veggies. Like tonight I ate 1 1/2 brats and zuccuni. I have found that it works for met the best but not for all.

    Foofy is too hard on herself; she is doing great. Cindy is doing great too! It will come off eventually because of the Band. It is not a race it is what works for you and how you can handle it. Exercise does help alot and I found that out over the last 8 weeks.

    Best wishes and this is a great family to be a part of. Everyone is just great.


    The Resident Nymph Cheerleader

  5. Sades,

    So glad everything went smoothly. I have been thinking about you often and am glad that you doing as good as you can be right now. Rest, Walk, take you pain meds, keep your feet up and drink and stay hydrated. We are all pulling for you.


  6. thank you for the information.

    i've tried the 800 number, it's absolutely impossible. i've left voicemails twice, no response. i've sent them an email through the "contact us" link, no response. i'm starting to get really angry about their "non-response" at this point.

    any other thoughts? anyone else have direct contact information for INAMED? i'm going to keep trying the 800 number, but i think i'm just going to end up in voicemail hell again.


    If it is a defective band wouldn't your doctor work with you to correct the problem. Why should you be dealing with it? I would ask your doctor to assist you because they obviously have to have a relationship with them.

    Good luck though....


  7. I've not exercised since Monday! I officially SUCK!!!:lol:

    Cut yourself some slack. You were at the Water park the other day and tomorrow...I am sure that you were doing a lot of walking and were quite active. You don't suck; you are just busy...next week is always coming around the corner.

    As for me, I did:

    Monday: 1 hour Water aerobics

    Tuesday: 1 hour water aerobics

    Wednesday: Off was having stomach pain

    Thursday: 1 hour Burn Baby Burn water aerobics

    Friday: Off (have to work, dang it!)

    Keep up the great work everybody.


  8. Hey Cindy, great job!! Your doing amazing! I need to get more focused. I haven't lost in a couple of weeks. I'm due for a big loss.


    You can do it! I thought I was stuck in a rut about 3 weeks ago but I decided to kick start everything with eating low carb. I keep my carbs at under 30 a day. It seems to work for me...give it shot. I won't stay this low but for now...it works.


  9. Name............Lbs Lost........% of wgt lost.......BMI

    QatarPhil...........55......................19%...............32.2 (39.6)








    linda.................52......................23%.................29.9 5






    TxArcher............101...................25.25%.........52.8 to 39.4



    Tmusicmaker123..73.....................19%.................60.1 to 48.7


    Mariegabrieleee....73.....................24%.................51.3 to 39.1

    gabeekeeper.......101.....................30% ..................40.2







    Cherlita...............44.......................20%...............65 to 57.5


    tyman311..............61.....................31%...............41 to 28 (so far)


    Huskerette............54..(i gained)..........22%...............30.5

    Firebolt.................45.....................19%..................3 3.5

    Total 2094.2 lbs lost!

  10. Cindy, Your weight loss has been incredible and you should be proud of yourself. Great Job.

    16 pounds in 2 months after already losing 100 pounds is unbelievable!

    Thanks Shortgal! I am proud of myself...who would have thought that I would be this far along and loving 5 hours of Water aerobics a week. By the way, any news yet! I am still thinking great thoughts for you.

    Congratulations!!!!!! You are definately above the norm!! Your doctor will be wanting to use use as a poster child for the band.

    How many calories are you eating a day?


    I don't count calories...I just eat low carb and when I am hungry. I have chosen to keep my carbs under 30 grams a day for a few weeks and then I will in more good carbs. I have found that carbs are the devil and that I will stall if I eat them. I am very choosy with what I eat now but strictly stick to Protein & veggies. I ate off low carb plan on the 4th and gained 4lbs but have lost all that and 1lb. It works for me. I won't stay so strict forever just until my next stall.

    The PA was amazed at how much I have lost because it is really unheard of. I am definately not the norm for the Band but for some reason it works for me...

    I just had my 4th fill on Monday. The Dr. said he thought we just needed to fine tune it and gave me another .75 cc for a total of 5.65 cc's in my 10 cc band. At my previous appointment he wouldn't do an adjustment at all because I had lost 18 lbs in the 12 weeks prior to that. This time I had still lost over 15 in 12 weeks but I told him that I fallen off the wagon on vacation and was starting to be a little hungry in between meals, so he went ahead and put in a small amount. I've been on liquids all week, but I did scrambled eggs for dinner tonight to see how things would go, and I can definitely feel the difference. Hopefully once I try something a little more solid, I will have a better idea of how things are going to go, but so far, so good!! Congrats Cindy--you just sailed past that 100 lb. weight loss and have kept right on going!! You should be very proud of yourself!! I hope to join you soon!! Great job to everyone!!


    You are doing great too! I kind of wanted a little tweek today but she was pretty insistent on not giving me one until I am losing slower and not hungry. Somedays I am hungrier than others but for the most part I am glad I did not get it because I think that I would have trouble like I had back in May.

    Keep up the great work!


  11. Hi all!

    Sounds like everyone is doing great this week. Congratulations on the NSV's that you all have had this week, as well.

    I haven't had much of chance to check in but have stayed on plan all week. I went in for a fill today and weighed in at 247...I couldn't believe that I had lost 16lbs in 2 months. Which meant that I did not get a fill today. They felt that I have been losing at a consistent pace and didn't need one. I agree at this point because I still have issues getting things to go down and I didn't want to get to tight.

    As for eating today...I thought I was getting a fill so I filled my bag with LC SlimFast shakes and Water.

    B: LC SlimFast shake

    S: Water

    L: McD's Grilled chicken Ceaser (all chicken and 1/2 salad)

    S: 2 Tbsp low sugar Peanut Butter

    S: Water

    D: 1/4 Hamburg Patti with Slice of American cheese, 8 green olives, summer squash & fried onions and mayo.< /p>

    S: Planters Heat Peanuts

    S: Cashews

    I did 1 hours of Burn Baby Burn Water Aerobics.

    Keep up the great work everyone!


  12. Thanks Ladies!!! This has been such a long road for me and to actually be in onderland just floors me. I still can't belive I'm here. Now, I just want to be in the "Overweight" catagory. 13.2 lbs and I will be there. WW wanted me to weigh 155 or less. I'm not interested. 185 suits me fine.

    Good Attitude Wendy! We talked about goal weight at my fill today and the PA and I agree that I should lose until I feel good. She told me that the numbers that WW and other weight loss programs go by are unrealistic sometimes because it doesn't take into consideration body make up, ie; large bone or small bone. I am considered large bone and if I get to 145 I would look anorexic not to mention I don't ever remember being that low....


  13. Well I went to Boston today for a fill appointment. Imagine my surprise when they weighed me in at 247.5lbs. I am down 111 lbs since November 6th. I was so excited. I did not see Dr. Lautz today but his PA and she was great. I liked her alot. She told me that she felt that I did not need to get a fill at this point because I had lost 16lbs in the last two months.

    What really made my day was that she told me that I was at the top of the tier for weight loss with the band. I have lost 52.2% of my excess body weight and anything above 40-45% is considered good. We both felt that my success has been switching to low carb eating and adding 5 hours of Water aerobics a week.

    I asked about my stomach pain and she thought that maybe it was Gastritis (SP) and told me to take Prilosec once a day before Breakfast. She said that it should clear up in a few days but that if I was still having pain when I go back next month that we would need to look into some tests. I hope it is as simple as this.

    I weighed in at 247.5lbs and have 2.25cc's in my 4.0cc band. I am a happy little dudette today.


  14. CindyG...........204...........202...........184...........18







    Skinny Jill......167...........167...........157...........10


    Kuchiegrl........251...........251...........235..... .....16




  15. Linda-

    I am not sure about the spicy food but I have been having a lot of stomach pain lately after I eat. I have noticed that after I eat spicy food it acts up but I need to really start keeping tract of when it starts. However, I am concerned with the pain because it hurts quite a bit. I couldn't do my Water aerobics yesterday because of it but today it doesn't hurt. I have been feeling the pain every week for last 3 weeks. I go for a fill today and I am going to mention it to the doctor but I can't eat when I am having an episode.

    Not sure about spicy food but definately I am having issues.


  16. Oh my GAWD Sadies, I can't believe that! Good luck on your surgery. Once you have it on the right way you'll be up and away.

    Hollyberries - you were sooo a cheerleader in your past life, weren't you? :redface:

    Linda....I was to fat to be a cheerleader.....lol! Now, I am getting thinner and I think I will get a short skirt and some pom poms when I hit goal.


  17. I made it!!!! I can't belive that there's a 1 in front of all my weight numbers. I was so excited when I stepped on the scales at WW and I weighed 198.2!!!! I have lost 71 lbs since November 2007 and 103.4 since I began trying to seriously lose weight. My goal at WW was to be at 200, per my doctor's note. So, I made goal at WW today too.

    Congratulations Wendy! What a great accomplishment. You must feel elated.


  18. Hey Mamato3...love the new picture. You look great with those 65lbs gone. I can't believe the difference. Pictures make a great big difference so that we can see the results.

    Renewedhope...glad you are feeling better. Here is to Moderate Ketosis by Friday...I am with you.

    Tried to stay low carb today...

    B: 2 eggs scrambled with 1 tbsp of light cream and 2 pieces of bacon

    S: Ice coffee with light cream & 3 Splenda

    L: 1/2 cup of chicken salad (chicken, celery & mayo) PB'd that up..

    S: almonds, swiss cheese and pepperoni

    D: Chipolte peanuts and way to many to count...was at my son's baseball game was eating my nerves away....he won by the way.

    S: SF Raspberry Jello and whip cream (made with heavy cream/splenda/vanilla).

    I did 1 hour of Water aerobics at the "Y" and went in my pool today and taught my mom some water aerobics moves. We had a good laugh.

    I drank only 32 ozs of water and am going to try for another 16 tonight.

    Have a great night everyone!


  19. Wow! How unbelievable. I can't even imagine what you are going through right now. None us do but what we can do is think great thoughts for you. I am hoping that if you decide to have a new lap band put in that you will be at peace about it. I am sure that if you are rebanded that you will have much success but only you can decide if that is what you want.

    We are with you Sades!


  20. Name............exercise..................amount planned........amt done

    Hollyberries....Water Aerobics.............20 Hours.......................4

    Sades...........Walking.......................25 Hours.......................1

    Sades...........Aqua Aerobics...............4 Hours........................0

    hhilulu..........walking/jogging.............16 hours........................0

    hhilulu..........swimming.......................9 hours........................0

    Foofy............walking/eliptical............25 Hrs...........................0

    Foofy............weightlifting...................8 sessions...................0

    Shalee04.......Walking/Swimming...........30 hours......................3

    Shalee04.......Weights/........................8 sessions...................0

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