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Posts posted by hollyberries

  1. After reading the replies to Sades post...I have just realized that we are all going through a November Nymph Funk! OK...Nymphs get your booties up and motivated...we can do this. We have motivated each other for over 9 months and we can do it during this trial. We are worth every lb we have lost whether small or large...

    We can do it with the help of each other...now lets get going. Any ideas how we can get re-energized?


  2. Hi all my wonderful Nymph friends. I am struggling at the moment, just can't seem to get motivated. Even though I have managed to keep my weight off (I haven't weighed myself since last Saturday), I just can't seem to get back into it. I've been sick with a cold for the last 4 days so have spent most of the time inside, so no exercise. I feel that I spent the first 8 months trying to stay motivated even though I had no band or restriction and now that I have a new band, I feel burnt out and don't have the emotional strength to do it. I know I need a fill which I will be getting on 3 September but it's gone beyond restriction. HELP!! :)

    Oh Honey, I know how you feel. I have been so busy during the month of August that I have not really been able to stay in routine with anything including eating. I haven't got on the scale in a week because the batteries are dead and I know that I am moving upward. I need the motivation and need stop making excuses. We need to remember why we are doing this...we want to be healthy and fit. I think that we go through times where it just isn't fun anymore....that is normal...but it is how we tackle this that makes us or breaks us. You have been through this twice and you are going to make it through. We are here for you...and I know that you are here for us as well...

    We can do it.....

    Miss you guys...just been very busy....the cheerleader is still around but very busy...

    Love ya,


  3. OK...I want to be you when I grow up. That is so awesome. You do have wonderful husband to be able to pull that all off without you knowing. Amazing. Congrats on WW Lifetime that is an amazing accomplishment as well.

    I was in tears reading the story...thanks alot for the eye clean out. LOL


  4. Judy-

    I am so sorry....I understand why you want to stay clear but we will truly miss you. I will miss cheering you on. However, I will be cheering you anyways. I know that you are trying to get a grip on what has just happened to you but I hope that after some perspective that you will be able to get through this show that you have inner strength that you didn't know you had.

    I really hope that you will check back with us and I want to see pictures of your Son's wedding. Please stay in touch, we love you.


  5. Hey All!

    I haven't had the time to post much but have been sticking to my low carb ways. I have been making a lot of recipes that are getting me through. I love this website for the awesome recipes

    Linda's Low Carb Menus & Recipes - Induction Menus

    If you are not finding recipes that are good tasting this may be the site for you.

    Yesterday Menus:

    B: strawberry smoothie (1/4 cup heavy cream, 3/4 cup of Water, 4 frozen strawberries, 4 oz. strawberry lowfat/suger yogurt, 1 scoop vanilla 100% GNC whey Protein, 4 ice cubes)

    S: Chipolte Peanuts

    L: pizza made with zucchini crust, hamburg, onions, cheese and Tomato sauce. This was good.

    D: Sausage & Cheese Quiche and Mock potato salad (made with cauliflower).

    S: Cheesecake Fluff (heavy cream, cheesecake s/f Jello, cream cheese)

    Todays Menus:

    B: Strawberry Smoothie

    S: Chipolte Peanuts

    L: Sausage & Cheese Quiche and Mock potato salad

    S: Kiddie cone at Plymouth waterfront

    D: Mushroom Sausage & chicken Casserole, Zucchini Gratin

    S: Cheesecake Fluff

    I really believe that you need to ensure that you have planned ahead with your menus. I spent the last couple of evenings cooking these recipes so that I am prepared for the remainder of the week. I will always have something in the fridge to pull in an emergency.

    Variety is key!

    Keep up the great work everybody.


  6. Congratulations to all NSV'ers. My own news in this department is that I have gone a while now without eating at night.

    This has been a central problem in my life. It has caused me to isolate, lie, and cultivate guilt, anger, frustration and despair. It has blocked me from establishing any substantiol, long lasting spiritual connection. Of course it has also contributed greatly to my continual weight gain over the years.

    For me the answer has been a spiritual one. I need to feel that I am not alone – that there is an entity out there (and not only out there- all around me) that can help me; that I am accountable to and from whom there are no time-outs and no secrets. When I lie in bed at night, I try to sense God's presence all around me – in the breeze, the blankets wrapped around me, my wife's breathing beside me, even in the shadows on the wall. That, for me, makes me feel safe and keeps me from running away and plugging up my empty spaces with food.< /span>

    I need to keep this connection throughout the day. For me, even though I'm no longer a member of Overeaters Anonymous, this line from the Big Book is key: "We are not cured ... What we really have is a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition." I don't intend to proselytize – this is just what works for me.

    Great perspective. I agree with you 100%. We no longer live to eat we eat to live but our demons will never be gone. It will always be a battle but I would like to say I draw my strength spiritually as well.


  7. Wow, what a difference .25 can make! I can drink easily and can even get down a little mushie food. What a relief! Apparently, I was all swelled up inside which was causing the gas bubble. The nurse practioner said that if and when I get another fill, we should only do .25 from now on. She said some people can only handle .10 at a time. I only need to get an x-ray if I'm having trouble in a few days. I really need to be careful not to put back any of the weight I lost this week.

    So glad that you are doing so much better. It is not worth being miserable just to lose weight. If it takes longer so be it. At least you won't feel so bad. Good for you!

  8. Name............Start........Current........Goal.......To Go








    Skinny Jill......167...........164...........157........7






    Down 1 more which makes it 11 pounds in 10 days. More than I lost 10 days after surgery. I'm done with this fill. I can't even keep a thin shake I got from the doc's down. Before this gets as bad as Linda's problem, I'm calling the doc tomorrow and getting an unfill and maybe an x-ray. .5 should not have taken me from being able to eat too much to not at all. The fast weight loss was fun while it lasted but today I feel weak and tired from lack of nourishment. This taught me a lesson. I was probably tight enough before the fill and need to learn how to work with my band better. I was expecting it to do all the work and stop me from eating. Time to take more responsibility. At least this craziness got me under 200.

    Cindy I feel for you. However, don't beat yourself up to much. You are doing just fine. Everybody has different reactions to the band. Some are more sensitive to the fills than others. You are going to have to be really careful with your fills and go with your instinct. Your instinct is what will get you to goal.


  9. Oh my God you are doing through hell. I definately feel that you are too tight and will need an unfill. It should not be this difficult for you. I hope that it gets straightened out for your sake.

    Here is wishing the bubble to burst.


  10. Name............Start........Current........Goal.......To Go








    Skinny Jill......167...........164...........157........7






    I had to post that Onederland pound!

    Congratulations Cindy...You Deserve it!

  11. Hello everyone. I've a story to share so that you don't need to go through what I did. My last fill was in May. It didn't start to tighten up until a month after that though. I think I had irritated it (maybe not chewing enough, eating too much ... who knows?). Anyway, I ended up PBing up whatever I had. Now, my stomach doesn't just PB, it keeps on puking, just goes on and on until I get acidic stomach contents as well. So then I'd go on liquids for a few days, start eating again, then get stuck again. The cycle continued 3-4 times.

    Then I got really inflamed a few days ago (I think a combo of my period and being a little sick and eating the wrong thing). I spent all of Thursday night in a chair with a spit cup and kept puking up all night long. Friday I went early, my doc was on holidays, the nurse couldn't get into the port. But she helped me get to another doctor who does lapbands and thank God he got 1.5 cc's out of me. I was able to drink water! Hurrah!! Water has never tasted so good.

    The nurse said if I couldn't wait until Monday to get an unfill (when my doc would be back from holidays), I'd have to go to emergency which would be thousands of dollars for me to pay! Yikes! Thank goodness we found a doctor who was very, very wonderful and nice to do it for me.

    I guess my point is I knew I should have probably got a bit of an unfill a long time ago, but I was having great weight loss and was a bit lazy and didn't want to pay the money, so I didn't want to go to get an unfill. Also I thought if I lose more weight I wouldn't need an unfill. So if you feel just a tad too tight, please don't wait until you're really suffering like me. It was such a scary experience, not being able to swallow, puking up everything, and it's so hot out I thought I was going to dehydrate into a prune.


    So sorry you have gone through all that. I thank you for informing me. I too have not had a fill since May. I have been somewhat tight and have good days and bad days. I definately am tighter in the morning so I have found that I don't try to eat in the morning. Sometimes I have issues at dinner time but I never know when I am going to PB. I can go a whole week without issues and then have days in a row. I went to see my doctor a few weeks ago and we both agreed that I didn't need a fill or unfill. However, I wish it wasn't so finnicky.

    Hope you are feeling much better!


  12. Hey everyone! Stuck to the low carb bandwagon today. Mamato3, I think that we need to keep a lot of variety in our low carb diet. It is hard for me some days because I literally have no idea what to make. Being prepared is the key. I try to plan my meals out as much as possible. I pack a cooler with all kinds of stuff and eat only when I am hungry. Finding the right combination of items is key but not easy.

    That is why I like to see what others are eating because I need the variety.

    Todays menu went this way:

    B: Low Carb Slimfast shake...can't eat in the morning without Pbing.

    S: 24 almonds

    L: 1 Johnsonville Brat and 1/2 cup of green Beans

    S: 2 oz. Sharp Cheddar

    D: 2 cooked hamburg pattys with american cheese dipped in mayo and 1/2 cucumber

    S: chocolate Creamcheese Fluff

    I wanted something desserty tonight but didn't want to blow my day. So I created this recipe and wasn't sure how it was going to workout but it tasted great. It is just 4 oz of cream cheese (nuke in micro for 30 sec to soften) whip with 1 cup of heavy cream, 2 tbsp of cocoa powder and 5 splenda/equal. I cut this in half for a little snack tomorrow. It satisfied my desserty need tonight. It wasn't ice cream but it did the job.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Cindy a.k.a. Holly

  13. Ughh!! I only had .5cc put in to add up to 7.5 and I can barely swallow Water. I don't know why my tummy is so sensitive to the fills but I always feel lousy afterwards. My last fill was back in March. I waited too long. The nurse practioner who does the fills and counsels me said that she is concerned that I haven't lost more. She said that I'm not in the zone yet but one or two more fills should do it. She said I need to judge by how hungry I get and how often. Not by how often I get stuck which is almost daily. She suggested using a food chopper to chop my food up like you would a toddler. Great way to live! Oh well, I need to keep reminding myself that it's not forever...I hope.

    Cindy, I have had ice cream as a meal too. I even had a sundae for lunch today before the fill. But the scale tonight is showing that those new 3 pounds are off already, thank God! I couldn't even get down a cup of tea tonight.

    I was hoping that it would be ok for you....some people are just more sensitive to fills and we must be them. I only have 2.25 cc's in my 4.0 cc band. I can't take much more than what I got in now. I have decided that I can't eat Breakfast in the morning and that I may just do a shake because it is the easiest thing to get down. I hope that you aren't to tight that you have to have some taken out.


  14. Renewd...been real busy this week and not being a good lowcarb dooby. Last Friday night we went out for dinner and had chili, onion rings and a brownie sundae...since then I have spiraled out of control....carbs are the devil. It just amazes me how much you can gain when you hope off the low carb wagon...I am up 5lbs. I hate it because it will take me another week to lose the 5 that I gained. Dang it!

    I stayed low carb today:

    B: eggs w/cream cheese and butter

    L: chicken salad with celery, sharp cheddar cheese

    S: almonds and peanuts

    D: 1 1/2 Johnsonville Brats, peppers & onions

    S: homemade whip cream

    Not much Water but trying to get it in.

    Have a great evening everyone!


  15. I'm actually going to be in Rhode Island the last week of August renting a house with the lady we went to the Cape with. I'll only be 25 minutes from Newport. Getting there in the fall would be pretty easy too. If you all would like to plan a fall getaway, I'm up for it!

    Sorry, Sades. I would love to meet you too!!

    Anyway, going for a fill today. I was able to eat way too much in Cape Cod and did. Put on 3 pounds! It should come right off with a fill and hopefully propel me into Onederland. No way am I changing my ticker to show the weight gain! I hate getting fills. I'm sore for a week and don't feel normal for about a month. I think I'll just stay on liquids and mush until the end of the Summer Meltdown!

    And of course, you will come visit me. Hope the fill went well and I am keeping my fingers crossed that you don't have to many issues. I haven't had a fill in almost 3 months and still get stuck daily. I don't know when it will loosen up but I couldn't eat more than 3 bites of breakfast..did alright for lunch and had trouble with dinner. Finally gave up and ate an ice cream sundae...I know it was bad for me but I was hungry and it went down smooth. I've gotta get rid of the ice cream from this house...dang it.


  16. Ok....Sades...you just live to dang far. However, I have always wanted to go to Australia. I want to see a kangaroo...and a baby kangaroo and of course Koala Bears. I know that I can go to a zoo but down under would be awesome. I also want to go to see Hillsong in Sydney. It is a large church over there that has an awesome music ministry. I am the worship leader at my church and I do a lot of Darlene Z's songs; she is the worship leader for Hillsong. Anyhoo! I digress. I really would love to go to Australia not sure how to pull it off but I can dream..


  17. I haven't had a chance to get on lately. Haven't been the best low carber and the scale is definately showing it...up about 3-4lbs. Getting back on track though...I lose better on low carb.

    B: 2 eggs, 2 tbsp cream cheese & real bacon bits & butter

    S: Cheeze Its & Chipolte Peanuts

    L: Cheeseburger & peppers/onions fried

    S: Cheezits & coffee w/cream & 2 equal

    D: steak & salad & Zuccuni...very bad PB...most of it came back up...

    S: Caramel & Choco. pudding with real whip cream & walnuts

    I did one hour of Water aerobics this morning and cleaned my downstairs...it really needed it and I must admit that I hate it with a passion.

    Keep up the great work everyone.


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