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Posts posted by hollyberries

  1. name ...............starting# ....... current#.........goal#.......togo#

    1. Momto1plus1.......241...............238..............229...........9

    2. TxArcher............360........Last week, 357......???...........12

    3. Hungryforchange...227.5..........225...............215.5.......10

    4 shortgal ............. 198............195................192...........3

    5. Hollyberries..........298............293................285...........8

    Way to go Losers!:pray2:

  2. Cindy - Great idea! BTW - I hope your son is doing better. That's got to be very difficult.

    OK - Here goes:

    Bfast - oatmeal (instant)

    lunch - Frozen South Beach Diet Chicken/Spinach pizza (30gm Protein & 330 calories) Yummy!

    dinner - 4 oz salmon

    1/2c Orzo salad w/Feta cheese & olives

    1/2c Green Beans w/Carrots & dried cranberries (Birdseye)

    Drinks: 1c wine (ok, just shoot me)

    lots & lots of Chrysal Lite

    No Flames Firebolt...a glass of wine is heart healthy right:smile: Sounds like we eat about the same amount. The fill I got 2 weeks ago is starting where off...dang it! I got an appt for 2/6/08 for my second fill. Now I wish that I had some idea of what type of band I have. I asked the doc and he indicated that it was a 10. He put in 1cc at my first fill. I need to ask him at my next visit to be more clear. I hate not knowing that information.


  3. Another board has a daily thread entitled, "What are you eating today?" I like this idea because it will us new exciting ideas of what everyone else is eating. Also, great accountability. Everyone is welcome to post.

    I was in the hospital the last two days with my youngest son. He was having a bone graft for is bi-lateral cleft palate. So I was eating hospital food until this evening.

    Breakfast: 3/4 cup of scrambled eggs and 3 sausage links

    Lunch: chicken Quesadilla's with sour cream and salsa sauce. 1/2 an order.

    Dinner: 3 oz of London Broil, 1/2 cup of GG Brussel Sprouts, 1/2 cup of GG Corn Nibblets

    Snack: 10 almonds

    Have a great evening everyone!:smile:


  4. I have a 10 ml (cc) band and have 2 mls (cc) in it. I can eat a lot more than I should be but I notice there are some things which do make me feel restricted. I have my 2nd fill next week and I'm a bit worried that I might have done some damage to myself during the last 3 weeks of eating pretty much what I want. Then again it could just be my fat belly !! :smile: You sound like you have good restriction Cindy. I want to have at least 4-5 mls (cc) in my band after that fill. I don't want to be sick or PBing but I certainly don't want to be able to fit in that extra mouthful.

    One other problem I have is I find it hard to throw something out when I'm full. For example, today I had a big toasted sandwich and was full after 1/2 - 2/3 but waited a few minutes and finished it. Silly me for sure.


    Old habits die hard. I am the same way! I pay for the last bit I put in my mouth because then I feel a stuffed turkey at thanksgiving and I hurt. I do not want to stretch the pouch out so I am really trying to concentrate on listening to my body. I really never knew how hard it would be to try to do that. I don't think my mind has caught up with my body because the mind is still playing tricks on me. I hope that I can begin to listen to the queues that I am getting about being full. I think the years of overeating have really caught up to me in the this leg of the journey.

    Who knew how hard this was going to be. We can only do our best! Keep the chin up.


  5. I have had one fill of 4cc in the 10cc AP band. This sounds like what you have HB--some Dr's leave it filled w/ 3cc after surgery and then add 1cc for the first fill. Mine was unfilled after surgery and he put in 4cc for the first one. This is the new band...there's a very informative thread started on this if you search the site for "new ap band".

    I am feeling restriction, but I don't think I have quite enough yet. I still have to stop myself sometimes when I think I've eaten enough. Then, 20 minutes later I actually feel full. I'm following all the rules with eating slowly and chew chew chewing, but I don't always have the physical cues. I can also eat more @ Breakfast and lunch than w/ dinner...is anyone else experiencing this? I would have thought it would have been reversed and I'd be able to eat less in the mornings.

    I will have my next fill in a couple of weeks, and I'm looking forward to having more restriction. I also have not had any problems eating anything, so far. I just yesterday started adding back in bread, rice, Pasta and red meat, though, so we'll see.


    Funny you should mention not eating as much at dinner. This is exactly what happens to me. I wake up starving in the morning and can eat a really good breakfast. Come dinner time, I am lucky that I can get in 2 oz of Protein and some veggies. Weird!


  6. Half Marathon. Today was the day, 10 months after the surgery, I ran and completed the PF Changs Rock and Roll Half Marathon. I ran the first 9 miles straight through, walked 1, and ran the last 3. I am proud to say that out of the 30,000 1/2 marathon runners I finished #8707 overall, and #4441 for the men, and finally #688 in my division. Not bad for someone who could barley walk less than a year ago. I have to say that I am proud of myself, and usually do not like to say that out loud. Today was a great feeling.

    Way to go!

  7. Well, since I have only had one fill I am no expert but I have got to admit that what I am feeling must be restriction. Now mind you, I have no idea what kind of band I have. I did ask Dr. Lautz what size and he said a 10. Not sure what that means but he proceeded to put 1cc in my band. Anyone that might have a clue as to what band size I have let me in on the secret. I am going to ask at my next appointment as I feel stupid for not knowing.

    My first fill was 1/3/08 and this past week I have been very full after eating. I have not felt hunger between meals except if I waited to long to eat but for the most part it has been about 5 hours between meals and no Snacks in between. The last few days I have been cutting my portions down because I don't like the overstuffed feeling. I am eating fine but full.

    So my guess is that I have restriction. I do know that it will be short lived but I was wondering how many of you Nymphs are experiencing some restriction after your first few fills.


  8. Thanks, Cindy! Your marathon analogy is right on! For me, weighing every day is like running a marathon and constantly checking to see how fast I'm going. Who cares how fast I'm going? There's no way I'm coming in first and my only goal is to finish! :biggrin: I don't even give my students timed tests because all I care about is what they know, not how fast they can tell me what they know. :welldoneclap:

    I think it's time I step away from the scales and maybe even step away from the board, which is going to happen anyway with the start of the new semester tomorrow. I don't mean that I'm leaving but that I need to curtail my obsession a bit. The November 07 forum is my favorite, however, so I'll still check in here.

    Thanks, Momto1plus1, Mindy, Kristin, and Sades for your comments and this enlightening discussion! :wink:


    Can I call on you when I get into math trouble with homeschooling my boys. I gotta tell you I agree with timed speed drills. I believe that my kids need to know the concept and that speed is not necessary. It is what they know verses how fast the can do it. That being said, I am beginning to think that I did not learn a dang thing in school because I am learning so much by teaching the boys. I never thought I could be so good at fractions. LOL

    Best wishes with the new semester! Don't stay away because I will miss your post and awesome insight. You really do keep me grounded. I agree about the November 07 forum! It is the best and I have enjoyed getting to know all my November Bandster brothers and sisters.


  9. I think you're misunderstanding a bit. My "plan" was to do exactly what you suggested -- to relax and see what happens. I steered away from that plan when I started weighing myself because it shifted my focus to only one aspect of my life since the surgery.

    The only reason I put a "projected" weight for this Friday is that I figure that's a reasonable guess as to what I'll be in order to finish making my point, not what I "plan" to be. And I haven't even thought about what I expect to be at any given time. The graph in my signature makes a projection based on my average weight loss so far but I don't really pay any attention to the actual date -- it just makes me feel good that slants down and ends in 2008! But I've used that tracking graph when I lost weight before and the projection jumped all over the place so that's why I don't really pay it much attention.

    No, my disappointment comes from not seeing a loss -- if it was .25 pounds a day, I would be happy! And when I weigh every day it does not make me accountable -- to what or to whom? I've yet to see a connection to what I did the day before. I've exercised and barely eaten and saw a gain. I've eaten more than I should and sat around all day and saw a loss. So how does that hold me accountable? I wouldn't argue with anyone who says it helps him or her -- I just know that it doesn't help me.

    I trust this process and I know I will lose eventually. So I just need to be patient, quit weighing myself daily and then, in all probability, I will only see losses.

    Frankly, I'm beginning to wonder whether it is good for me to participate in these challenges that crop up here on the board. The fact is, I can't control how quickly I lose weight (or I'd be done by now! :smile: ) So what's the point of the challenge? I might as well challenge myself to grow my hair an inch by Valentine's Day! :)

    I think you may be right! However, you are doing great and have been such a great inspiration to me since I started my journey here. You always have a good attitude and I applaud your ability to be able to stay off the scales.

    I do weigh myself every morning. I do this to help me stay on track. I think it more of for accountability. One thing I don't do is beat myself up if it is up or not going down fast enough. I just like to see it everyday and it helps me keep the mind set of staying on plan. On another note, I do really only judge my success when I go see my doctor. His scale is what I measure my success with.

    We are in this for the long haul and this a life changing experience that must be looked at as a marathon and not a 5k. Hope I made sense.


    PS: Love reading your posts...you are an inspiration to me.

  10. I had my first fill on 1/3/08 and am feeling restriction. I wasn't sure if I had restriction or not but can tell you what I am feeling must be. This is what I ate today:

    Breakfast 8:00 am: Weight Control banana Nut bread oatmeal. Very Full!

    lunch 1:00 pm: 2oz. chicken breast w/1tbsp of Light mayo, 20 almonds & 9 All-Bran crackers. Very Full!

    dinner 6:00 pm: on a very small plate beef & broccoli, 1 beef teriyaki and small chicken finger. Comfortably Full!

    I am hoping that I will be able to eat a small piece of my own birthday cake but I don't wan't to push it because I have been overstuffed after my meals.

    So I guess that I am experiencing restriction. I expect it to be short lived but it has been a week and I have lost 4lbs.


  11. On the initial challenge post, some people put their starting weight (before surgery, etc.) but it was supposed to be the weight at the beginning of the challenge, followed by the current weight (at the beginning of the challenge, they should have been the same,) the goal weight at the end of the challenge, and how many pounds to go.

    For example, for me it was:

    211, 209, 199, 10. So subtracting 209 from 211, I lost 2 pounds since the challenge began.

    I hope this answers your question!

    Thanks Longhorn! You beat me to it. LOL


  12. 1. Hollyberries...........298.............296..............285.........11

    2. TxArcher..............360.............357..............345.........12

    3. Longhorn..............211.............209..............199.........10

    4. Momto1(Wendy)....241.............242...............229........13

    I was disappointed that I gained a pound this week. I really don't know what happened. Although this is typical of my past weight loss patterns.


    Don't beat yourself up! You may wake up tomorrow and see 2lbs gone, you never know. I know how discouraging it can be. Take yesterday for me, I was up 1lb but this morning I was down 2lbs. I think TOM was to blame for me but even though I weigh everyday for accountability, I don't let the scale get me down if I don't lose or gain a little.

    I do have a suggestion...you may want to try to weigh everyday and write it down. Then at the end of the week average your weightloss; you might be surprised that you are actually losing consistently and this can take into consideration weight fluctuations daily.

    Best wishes and we are here for you.


  13. Had to re-update my loss because I got another pound down overnight. Yeah! Everyone is doing marvelous!

    1. Hollyberries...........298.............295..............285.........10

    2. TxArcher..............360.............357..............345.........12

    3. Longhorn..............211.............209..............199.........10

    4. Momto1(Wendy)....241.............242...............229........13

    5. Steph..................203.5..........200...............188.5......11. 5

    6. Hungryforchange...227.5..........225...............215.5.......10

  14. I moved my fill up to Jan 15th from the 17th. scale won't budge! I am drinking all day and having a small dinner to help things!

    One bottle of Isopure CLEAR and one small glass of V-8 juice so far today. Wanted an Atkins shake but we're out. I think my husband is getting some.

    If I don't get some restriction on Tues, I think I've reached the stage where I'm lucky if I stay the same weight until I reached some level of restriction, even for a short time.


    Cheer Up Shortgal! Before you know it you will woosh away some lbs. Wishing you scale victories.


    1. Hollyberries...........298.............298..............285.........13
    2. Momto1(Wendy)....241.............241..............229.........12
    3. Hungryforchange...227.............227..............215.........12
    4. Cagstorm (Craig)...360.............357..............345.........12
    5. Teresajo..............252.............212..............205..........7
    6. Skinny_Jill............195.............195..............180..........1 5
    7. Foofy .................249.......... 248...............237 ........11
    8. want2lose............236.8..........236.8............225.........11. 8
    9. sades..................229............199.7............189..........10 .7
    10. chiqui..................246............231...............220.......... 11
    11. MarieGabrielle........268............268...............256..........12
    12. Trixie...................264.............264..............244......... .20
    13. Firebolt................243.............224..............212.......... 12
    14. Kristin1031...........287.............256..............240...........1 6
    15. Longhorn..............211............211..............199...........12
    16. BarbBee...............302.............284..............272...........1 2
    17. Jen.....................296.............264...............249......... .15
    18. Steph.................203.5..........203.5.............188.5........15
    19. Goldie1109...........228............228.................213..........1 5
    20. Shalee04/Kelly......248............218.................206..........12
    21. Pattypoo1............202............202.................192.........10
    22. Shortgal ..............216...........198..................192 ........6
    23. Cindyg.................218...........218...................208........ 10

      I am on my way back down! I guess that fill on the 2nd helped out a little bit! Down to 357 now. WOHOO!

    Way to go, Cag! Down, down, down...that's the way we like it.


  15. Hey Cindy what I'd give for that kind of restriction again. Obviously I don't want to feel sick but maybe you need to eat a little less each time and a little more often. I found when I had restriction that it worked for me to do that.


    That is what I am trying for today. I am cutting everything in half. I think that you maybe right that I may be feeling restriction and don't know it yet. I am still unsure what my body is telling me. Before the fill, I was able to eat 1 cup to 2 cups of food so I was assuming if I went to 1 cup it would be fine.

    I am going to see how today goes with the smaller quantities. I don't feel as bloated this morning and I lost 1lb overnight. I am going to take it easy and let my body dictate what I should be able to eat instead of what my diet plan calls for.

    I agree if this is restriction than I am very happy that I got it on the first shot. I know that it will be short lived.

    Thanks a bunch for the words of wisdom. By the way, when is your next fill?


  16. Ok...I had my first fill last Thursday. I was on liquids for 2 days and diced Protein and mushies for 2 days. Well, last night I ate dinner which consisted of 1 cup of Chili, 1 oz. of cheddar cheese and 1 tbsp of sour cream and 1 slice of deli ham while I was preparing dinner. After I ate, I was still feeling a little hungry so I grabbed some more ham to fill the whole. About 1/2 hour later I was so dang full that I hurt. I didn't feel sick to my stomach or anything just really full. Like I had eaten a whole turkey dinner with all the fixings and dessert full. I felt that way for hours and could not even drink my Water.

    This morning I ate Breakfast which was Weight Control banana bread oatmeal with 1/2 scoop of powders? utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury Protein powder and a 1 tbsp of honey. I couldn't finish the bowl because I was full. I ate lunch today which was leftover chili (1 Cup) with cheese and sour cream and was very full. I was not hungry for 6 hours after eating and was very bloated and uncomfortable. Then it dawned on me that maybe the Beans in the chili were wrecking havoc with my stomach. I was not able to eat to much for dinner because of the bloated feeling but ate protein. I took two Mylanta's for the gas & bloating and am drinking water to kind combat this.

    Anyone experience this type of feeling after the fill or is this just a case of eating way to much chili. I just hate this full bloated feeling.

    Thanks for letting me vent and helping me figure this out.


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