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Posts posted by hollyberries

  1. Thanks Cindy! =)

    I actually reached restriction about 3 or so weeks ago and joined the gym so the combination has made me start to lose again. I'm feeling truly motivated for the first time in 3 months.

    It's definitely hard when your family doesn't approve. I know my family's hearts were in the right place, as I'm sure yours were. Being overweight is complex and I feel like I knew deep down this was the right choice.

    By the way, great job with the weight loss both Cindy's!! lol


    You should be so proud of yourself with conquering Bulemia. That is a very difficult thing to do and you should be proud of your accomplishment. I know that I am. Congrats on restriction it must be a wonderful feeling.

    Us Bandsters have a common perspective and isn't nice to be part of great family of support. I know that I couldn't do it without you all. Reading your posts always inspires me to do better. I don't know how some Bandsters do it without this group.


  2. Ok..here is mine. My pants fell down at the store today. I laughed, pulled them up and said I think it is time for some new clothes. I have gone from a size 34 to a size 26 and am almost in a size 24. I have hit all the smallest sizes in the closet. I am 2lbs away from reaching 50% of my weight loss goal of 179lbs. I guess to many NSV's lately. It is what keeps me going.


  3. But I am learning something more valuable. And that is to trust myself. I started reading a book called, "I Can Make You Thin" by Paul McKenna. I read it about 75% of the way through, put it away for awhile, then I've read it again about 50% of the way through. It's kind of short, so that's not that big of a feat. But my point is that it's starting to get into my brain. And I don't WANT to diet anymore. That's exactly what this book is about - not dieting anymore and just trusting yourself.

    I got down to 180 on my weight loss ticker and gave up and gained about 7 more pounds back. I have struggled with myself since then because I'm seriously fed up with dieting. I can lose the weight fast, but I know I can't keep up that way of eating. I'm not very organized, so that makes it harder.

    I haven't applied all the tools from the book. My biggest struggle is focusing on JUST eating. No distractions like TV or radio or...uh...internet (as I sit here eating dinner). I am forced to eat slower because of the band, and I do stop when I'm satisfied because of the band. I have some work to do.

    But anyhow, I've been eating whatever I want and after the initial rush binge that comes after breaking a diet, things have evened out. I started running and I've done 2 weeks of the Couch to 5K (but I'll be starting week 4 this week because I accidentally skipped week 2 and ran the week 3 schedule this week). I'm back down to 180. I'm relaxed and not stressing about what I eat.

    If anybody's interested in that book, you can find it pretty much anywhere. AND - he is starting a series on TV by the same name. It runs on TLC and the first one starts tonight. I'm sure the time will be different depending on where you are, but for me it starts at 7p. I'm DVR'ing it since I'm stuck at work tonight. But I look forward to applying the tools...ALL of them.

    I'm going to catch up on the posts - I've been crazy busy with work and home life but I've dropped in now and again. Hope everybody is doing well.


    You are doing fabulous. You are 50% to your goal. That is damned remarkable considering you had surgery in November. I am interested in this TV series as well. I have learned that we need to eat to live not live to eat. I eat everything in much more moderation. I find that if I don't deprive myself and allow myself to have just a little than I won't binge. I have started to ask myself questions before eating. Am I really hungry? Am I eating to live or living to eat? Am I eating this for any other reason than hunger? Do I really need this? Sometimes the answer is Yes to Do I really need this? But more often than not, it is I can wait or just a little.

    I seems to work for me. I gotta tell you the head has not caught up to body changes!


  4. Cindy,

    You are an inspiration! I just followed you from the last thread. I'm glad you started this one to help us gain some perspective, especially if we're struggling a bit. While I'm moaning and groaning about not losing fast enough and getting stuck too often, I forgot that I did lose 38 pounds. I went down 2 sizes and my back, knee, and foot pain is so much better. I can also climb a flight of stairs without panting. Yesterday, my son and I were scrolling through the photos my husband has on his cell phone and we came to one of my son and I from our cruise last July. I was 38 pounds heavier and I gasped. My stomach was in folds and my arms were straining against my short sleeve shirt. I demanded my husband delete it which he refused. I told him then he has to replace it when I get off the next 40 pounds. I have rarely allowed anyone to take my picture in years and don't remember my husband taking this one. On the other hand, seeing my progress is motivating. As the lady (also named Cindy) on the lapband commercial says, "I will never look like THAT again!"

    Thanks for reminding me that I did not go through this process in vain. I will get to the end of this journey eventually.

    Good attitude. I have one for you...You are over a 1/3 of the way to goal 44% to be exact. That is very close to 50%. :rolleyes:

    You are doing super.


  5. Thanks Cindy!

    I'm going to follow your advice. I have an appointment in 2 weeks and will ask for a small fill. My doctor wants us on this super strict diet. It's pretty much the Atkins or South Beach. Absolutely no carbs except in 1-2 pieces of fruit. He doesn't even want us drinking skim milk cause of the sugar content. He wants us to use Equal instead of Splenda cause Splenda is a derivitive of sugar even though it has no calories. No Soup because of the salt. I mentioned early on that his diet guidelines seem to be stricter than any I read on this board. I don't feel well on a carb-free diet so I don't follow it. But my way isn't working too well either. What kind of foods do you eat? You're doing amazing! Could use some advise.

    After my last fill, I was craving Protein and couldn't tolerate solids for a few days. My husband made me a chocolate milkshake with low fat ice cream, skim milk, and a squirt of low cal choc Syrup. Now I crave them daily and I never wanted milkshakes before the band. I have been having a small one each night but I don't think that's what has slowed the weight loss down. I know my portions are still too big. The other problem is I have to wet all of my food with gravy, ketchup, mayo, or butter or it will get stuck. If it wasn't for this stuck problem, I would be doing a lot better. How have you been doing after your last fill?

    Wow! He is restrictive. My problem with that is that the LapBand should allow you to eat everything in smaller quantities. However, we are all different in how are bodies are. Mine seems to react well to high Protein, fruits & veggies and lots of cheese.

    My typical diet is this:

    Breakfast: 8am 2 eggs with cheese & sausage (turkey) or Quaker Weight Control Maple & Brown Sugar. 1/2 an orange or bananaThis usually fills me up until 12:30 or 1pm

    Lunch: Low carb tortilla with turkey, mayo, lettuce cheese, almonds, 1/2 orange or 1/2 a banana.

    Snack: yogurt or SF/FF choc. pudding

    Dinner: 2-3 oz protein, 1/2 cup veggies or salad and some type of 1/2 cup carb (i.e., mashed potato or rice with gravy).

    I drink 2 K20 24oz. waters a day. I like the ice tea one the best.

    If I am super hungry I might eat some cheese with RF Wheat Thins or have 100 calorie snack packs.

    Again, this might not work for everyone but it does for me. It is kind of like South Beach but not as restrictive. I have recently been making quiches. If you like to cook tryout some of these recipes at Kalyn's Kitchen: Recipe Favorites

    I have found her website awesome with great recipes.

    Good luck!


  6. We are all about 4 months plus out from being Banded. Some of us started this journey over a year ago and got me thinking about what has happened over the last year.

    A year ago I was researching weight loss surgery. I woke up one day and decided that I no longer wanted to be overweight. Not only could I not shop in regular stores but I was reaching a size that would force me to shop in the catalogs not store fronts. My knees were killing me. I woke up in the morning and I couldn't walk because of planters facititious (sp) and severe back pain. It just seemed everything hurt on me. I was just sick and tired of being overweight and it was restricting me. I was healthy according to the doctors but I knew that I was on a road that would lead to my down fall and worse yet but some type of disease. Worse yet I was close to hitting 400lbs. I can remember years ago saying that I would never hit 300lbs but here I was 354lbs and miserable.

    In May, I bit the bullet and scheduled my appointment for my surgical consult with Dr. Lautz. I would have to wait until August to see him but his reputation was impeccable and I was so ready. In August, I saw Dr. Lautz and remember him asking me why I wanted to have surgery. My response back was have you looked at me....I am freaking fat. He chuckled and looked over my test results and said that I was a good candidate for the LapBand. I was on my journey to getting a LapBand and my date November 6th.

    I followed the pre-op diet to the "T" and lost 24lbs prior to my surgery. Since the surgery, I have never looked back.

    LapBand Perspectives include:

    • Losing 88lbs in 4 months
    • Wearing the lowest size in the closet
    • Having your pants fall down because you need new clothes
    • Having people stop you to ask what you have done to lose weight
    • Waking up in the morning and not being in pain
    • No more foot pain
    • Buying a bra and going from a 50DD to 44DD (the girls are so excited about there new home).
    • Wearing a belt
    • No lower back pain
    • Knees don't hurt
    • Eating small portions and being satisfied
    • Putting the seat belt on it actually being loose and not having the steering wheel touch my stomach.
    • Going from a size 34 to a size 26 and almost moving into a 24.
    • Passing the 60lb weightloss goal because I never could move pass that without falling off the wagon.
    • Just being damn proud of my progress

    So what are you perspectives 4 months out. Are you happy with your decision. I know that I am. I am never turning back. I love this lifestyle.

  7. I'm in the same boat! I try to be really careful and chew slowly but I still get a stuck episode almost daily. I drink before eating but it happens anyway. On the other hand, if I eat slow enough, I can still get in a large meal before feeling full. I know I'm not restricted enough but I can't stand the thought of getting stuck more often than I am now. I think I'm going to have to leave the restriction alone and really try to diet which is not why I got this band. I have been going up and down the same 5 pounds for 2 months now. I'm getting discouraged and losing my focus. I'm not even posting on the spring challenge board. My "eating" demons are on my shoulder every night and I think the only way to chase them away would be to go to bed earlier. I'm a night owl so it's hard. Maybe a very small fill would be the answer. It could always be unfilled if there's a problem.


    I would get the fill even if it is a very small one. I think that by going in and getting a tweak it will help you but you will definately have to chew, chew and chew some more. Also, eating much slower. I would also recommend drinking something warm prior to eating. This will loosen the band up a little. I am finding that I am eating crazy stuff sometimes at crazy times; i.e., 1 scoop ice cream sundaes or Cookies but I always have a small amount just to get the demon off my back. I think that if we try to stay away from our triggers it will make the craving much stronger so I find for me that it is better for me to have just a little to but the craving on ice.

    It seems to work for me because I am down 88lbs.

    I have also noticed that shifting my calorie intake every so often kicks starts my metabolism. For example, I might only eat 800-1000 calories for several days in a row and then eat at 1200-1500 for additional days in row. I might even kick it higher than that if I am hungrier than usual. It seems to work for me.

    Keep your chins up your doing great and you just need to keep coming here for support. We are here for you.


  8. My episode was mild but convinced me that I may get a slight unfill next week. I got stuck on a piece of biscuit. It only lasted about five minutes before it went down. I coughed a couple of times but it didn't come up.

    My appetite has been so low that I need to be able to take advantage when I do feel like eating. But even if that wasn't the case, I probably would keep my level of restriction the same because I'm losing at exactly the average rate and pretty comfortable (when I'm more careful!)


    Hope you are doing well considering everything that you going through. I have noticed that when I am super over hungry that I get stuck on anything. The best thing is to track when it happens because sometimes it is the fill level it is the band rules...i.e., chewing, eating slower. One tip my Dr. did give me was to drink something warm prior to eating to help with the stuck episodes.

    You are still in my thoughts and prayers. Take care!


  9. Name...................Start..........Current..........Goal ......To Go

    Momto1plus1.........228.8............227.6............218 .8.......8.8

    Teresajo...............195..............188...............185......... ....3

    Shortgal.................189..............184................182...... .......2


    Can't tell you what happened this week but I am down 6lbs and I only had my fill yesterday. I can't figure this band out. Up and down like a yo-yo. But no complaints here.

    Have a great day everyone!


  10. Just a little update. I did go for my fill today and discussed with my doctor how we should proceed. He agreed that moving at a slower pace with the fills will be good to avoid getting over filled. I started with 1.5cc's from the last fill and they pulled out 1.2cc's (not sure where .3cc's went...hmmm) and he decided that we would put back 1.5cc's and see if the works for me. So I am at 1.5cc's in my 4cc band. I go back in one month for another fill so I think that this will give me a good idea if I am coming close to restriction or not. I hope so!


  11. Way to go Bandpal! You are a much different person now and I think that you know that. That was your security blanket, something that you had control over that no else does. You are in control now and you have taken control over your life with your decision to put that tool inside you. Good for you! You deserve this self realization, this epiphemy (sp?). Shine! You have a lot to offer.


  12. Man,

    I read this a few days ago and thought, "right-right, chew slowly, of course, yada yada yada." Then, at lunch today, I got a piece of ahi tuna or rice or brocolli (left over from last night) S-T-U-C-K!!!

    Oh cripes. It hurt like the dickens!!! I had tears, slime, burps, hiccups, and stabbing pain in my chest. I spit about a gallon of slime into the sink and hung from the bathroom door (to stretch out) while breathing deep and slow. My DH got so upset that he drove to the store and bought me papya enzyme (by the time he got back - it was over- but I love him for it). Even the pets were freaked out.

    Nothing but slime would come up and NOTHING would go down. It lasted for about 30 minutes. At one point I was thinking "What if it moves up and gets wedged in my windpipe - I'm gonna die!!!!" In the end, there was a big flash of pain and then it was gone.

    Dang!! I don't EVER want to do that again. I can't quite figure out what caused it. I was eating last night's leftovers and I thought I was chewing pretty good. It would be a great motivator if I could figure out what I did wrong.

    Sucks doesn't it. I kind thought the same thing...I am just eating food that I usually eat with not problem. This band is so finicky isn't it?


  13. Hey November 07 bandsters! I've noticed everyone with such huge numbers, I've only lost 10 lbs. I was banded November 14 went in weighing 240lbs. I lost 20 lbs in 2 weeks from being on only liquids and have since put on 10 of those 20. I've been filled twice. I'm up to 5 in a 10 band. help! I feel like a failure. I'm really proud of everyone but what am I doing wrong?

    I can still eat pretty large portions without getting full.

    Sounds to me like you haven't had much support. I find that our success has been largely a result of being a part of a community/family of bandsters. We are very supportive of each other and have grown close through this experience.

    Not only does it take following the Band Rules, getting fills and exercise it also takes a support system.

    My suggestion would be take a look at all the band information that you got about how and what to eat and follow to the tee! Protein first, veggies and if still hungry carb. Drink your Water and allow yourself a treat once and while and for goodness sake get over here for some support.


  14. re: "Should I hold off or should I tweak it and get better at chewing and eating slowly and not getting myself so hungry that I cannot concentrate on eating."

    The 'get better at chewing and eating slowly' is VERY critical. I found when I didn't eat for too long, I tended to get back into gulping...and had many episodes of PB, sliming and the Flaming Golf Ball From Hell.

    Usually by going on liquids for a few days my Os irritation would improve.

    Congratulations on your progress!!!

    Jack you are a breath of fresh air! I love reading your posts. I agree that I have got to get better at it or going to be on miserable Bandster. I am going to do liquids to calm things down a bit. I thought I was going to be Slime-free since it had been 3 months or so. No such luck...I think that I am going to get the fill but a tweak not an aggressive one. I know that if I don't I will need in a week or so. So I guess I am going back the toddler stage and relearning to eat. LOL


  15. Well, it is official. I have just had my very first experience with a really stuck episode that lead to a huge sliming incident.

    I should have known because since this last fill, I have been having some episodes of having things go down hard. I have noticed that is usually when I am hungry and I am not being careful with chewing and eating slowly. This happened to me tonight and boy the pain that I felt was so very very uncomfortable and I just wanted die. I have got to learn to slow down and chew or the next fill as going to kill me.

    My problem is this. I am suppose to go in for a fill on Wed. this week and I know that I need some fill because I can eat more than I should be able to. However, I am concerned that it is going to tighten me more and that I will have more and more stuck episodes.

    So I need to some advise from you Bandsters. Should I hold off or should I tweak it and get better at chewing and eating slowly and not getting myself so hungry that I cannot concentrate on eating. By the way, it has been 6 weeks since my last fill and I have lost 10lbs. in that time and floating 2lbs for possible 12lbs. in this timeframe.


  16. Thanks everyone for the well wishes. I haven't been able to post as much lately because of the new store opening. Lots of headaches and just plain sheer exhaustion have been my daily plate for the last month or so. I am glad to see everyone doing so well. We cannot complain because we keep losing. We do have a great family here.

    TXArcher! Man you are doing a great job too! You are going to be so light on your feet during Spring Turkey Season that I am sure that you will be eating turkey for a year. Keep up the great work.

    Oh Yeah! I dropped that pound that I though I gained last week. I hate this yo-yo up and down everyday thing. It makes it really hard to post your true weight loss. Oy!


  17. Cindy, your weight loss has been incredible! I think opening the new store is probably enough exercise for you right now!

    Thanks Shortgal! I appreciate the kudos. I can always rely on a response from you. You are the November Nymphs den mother. You are always lifting us up. We appreciate it.

    Hey, I have noticed the weight is moving for you. You should be very proud of yourself. You are going to look just fab for the wedding. You better take lots of pictures. Do you have any ideas for the "Dress"?


  18. Hey Welcome!

    I have Dr. Lautz and I love him as well. I had to wait 3+ months to get in to see him for my surgical consult but I was very happy that I did. I had a very good surgery and recovered quickly about 1 week after surgery. Since my pre-op diet started on 10/22/07 I have lost 80lbs. I have had 2 fills and I go for my 3rd next week. I have seen a slow down on my weightloss this past month but am happy with my progress thus far.

    Good luck on your upcoming surgery. I am sure that you will do just great and are in good hands with Dr. Lautz.


  19. Longhorn-

    I wanted you to know that I have been praying for you. I pray that God gives you the strength you need to battle this. From your posts, I have found that you are a very strong person and that you will fight this. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.


  20. Name...................Start..........Current..........Goal ......To Go

    Momto1plus1.........228.8............228.4............218 .8.......9.6

    Trixie....................241..............224.5............221....... ...3.5

    Osangriared...........262..............255...............250.......... 5

    wnt2lose...............226..............219...............216......... .3

    TxArcher...............345..............337...............325......... 12

    Shortgal................188..............185...............182........ ..3

    Sades...................201..............197...............190........ ..7

    Shalee04...............205..............200...............197......... 3

    Mariegabrieleee.......252..............249...............240.......... 9

    Longhorn...............204..............196...............195......... .1


    I have been floating about 2-3lbs this week. It is an up and down roller coaster ride. I really need to start doing something with exercise but I have been so busy with the store that I don't even have to time for me. I hoping the next few weeks will bring some slow down. However, I must say that I am very pleased with my weight loss thus far. I can't complain at 80lbs since 10/22/07. I am shooting for 100lbs. by May 31st.

    I really need new clothes but I don't want to buy anything until I hit that 100lb mark. However, my pants are not staying up anymore. I might have to suck it up and get something. One good thing is I can now buy clothes at Walmart.< /p>

    Keep up the good work everyone! November Nymphs are Awesome!


  21. This thread is very helpful. I've been over restricted since my last fill and have chosen to live with it. I just have to be careful. My weight loss is ok and I'm not eating "slider" foods. But for the last two days my restriction has gone down. I've not pushed it by eating what I know I can't eat, but I am able to eat more than normal. My test is whether I can only eat three McDonalds chicken nuggets or four. Normally, I can only eat three and would throw up the fourth. Two days ago the drive thru accidentally gave me a 6 piece instead of a four and I was able to eat all six pieces. I could also eat more at lunch yesterday.

    Now I am NOT hungry. I can just eat more. I don't intend to overdo just because I can. I've come too far and have paid too much and am enjoying my new look to mess it up now. I guess I'll just watch it. If I start getting actual hunger, I'll get another fill. There is really a difference between head hunger and REAL hunger. However, if my restriction is really tight, I am not able to fullfil my head hunger as easy as before. My Protein bars, which I LOVE, don't go down.

    I must not be alone in this though. I certainly hope this is common. I've not messed up my band any. At least I don't feel like I have. Hmmm. :confused2:

    I got a lot out your post. I have not had full restriction yet but have lost weight well. I have a problem with head hunger. I find that I can eat more than I should be able to. However, it is still not as much as pre-band. I really need to deal with the head hunger issue because I find that I pick. I don't want to slow down the weightloss. Why is it so hard to feel saiety? Ugh!


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