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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by hollyberries

  1. It was nice to read all the posts here. I was told last week that I may need to revise to RNY. The Doc and I have documented issues since we started filling the band. I have a 4cc band with only 2.2cc's in it. I am starving but I can't eat solid Protein without extreme pain.

    On top of it all I need my gall bladder out because I am having gall bladder attacks. With the band I have lost 115lbs but have gained back about 25lbs since because I am so afraid of the pain I get from eating I have reverted to eating things that are not good for me...I know that is bad but I so afraid to eat. I do try everyday though.

    My surgeon has scheduled me for an Upper GI to see what is going on with the band and then he and I need to sit down for the next course of action. He has suggested that I revise to RNY possibly or that we may need to go in and reposition the band. I am leaning towards RNY because I am so tired of being in pain when I eat. However, I am really thinking/researching RNY because I need to the know the risks involved to make a educated decision.

    I wish I could find some data on how successful the Band to RNY revision is. Any thoughts?


  2. Hey guys!

    Been a long time. Things have been tougher with me in the last 6 months or so. I haven't been able to eat solid Protein without difficulty and had a tight fill from July through February. I should have gone back to have fill taken out but just didn't find the time. Finally got back to surgeon in 2/09 and he removed .20cc's. I thought this would aleviate some of my issues which it did loosen but still problems with solid Protein.

    I have been so tired of fighting my food down and being in pain. I am gun shy to eat...so I reverted to foods that would slide down easier and have gained about 20lbs. I guess I have gotten physcologically impaired...LOL!

    Saw surgeon today, and he indicated that in a small % of people the band is just is too tight for some. I only have 2cc's in a 4cc band, so 1/2 full and too tight go figure. I am having an Upper GI in two weeks but he is recommending a revision to RNY. I am not sure how I feel about that but I know that I want to eat solid protein without pain.

    Oh yeah, did I mention the Gall Bladder has to come out too!

    So that is what Hollyberries has been up to...glad to see you all still hanging out..


  3. Happy New Year Cindy & Wendy and everyone else. Good one on the weight loss Wendy. I have to say I'm not sure where I'm at right now... been going crazy on the food over the last 2 weeks and have been too scared to weigh myself. I have walked pretty much every day so that has helped but I've decided no weigh in until the end of next week so it gives me time to get back into better eating etc. Hope 2009 is good to all of us.

    I'm in love with Facebook as well. I have Judy as a friend. I love playing some of the word games and poker... keeps me busy.

    Sades...send me your name in an email...would love to be your friend too! Look for me...on facebook. Cindy Colby.

  4. Cindy I love Facebook. Found you over there and have added you as a friend. :tongue2:

    Love my facebook too! I am on their all the time. I communicate with the boys through facebook all the time. We are having fun with it. Not mention all my friends and family. I feel more in touch with them with facebook. Happy New Year!


  5. Hey everyone! Hope the holidays were good for you all. I know I am glad that they are over and I can get back into a routine. I hate being out of routine. The stores keep me way to busy to keep the focus on me. I have missed getting on and seeing how everyone is going. I still have a bit of a tight fill and I really need to get to the doctors to have him advise me but again I have had no time. I will make the appt next week. I am still at about the same weight loss. Although, after the holidays I am sure I put on some weight but hope that is gone in the next weeks with routine, exercise and good eating. Get the Cookies out of my house.

    I hope the New Year will see us all meet our goals. My goal is to get the rest off if it kills me.

    Happy New Year everyone!


    PS: I am on Facebook more than this so if you want to find me...look for cindy colby.

  6. Name..-----.Start----------Current..----Goal.....--...To Go

    CindyG..............191...................191.............178......... .......13

    Sades................186...................185....... .....175................11

    Stephanie.........175..................169.5..........155............. ..14.5

    shortgal.............173.6...............172..............168......... .......4

    Bandpal...........172.26..............170.6........150................ .20.6

    Momto1plus1...187....................185............174............... .11

    lindata...............174....................174............169....... ..........5

    Skinny_Jill........151.....................150...........143.......... ........7

    mrskrzyz...........172.....................172...........162.......... .......10

    kalipso2...........172.....................172...........165.......... ..........7

    scarecrow.........190.....................190............180.......... .......10

    Foofy.................226....................223............212....... ..........11


    Lets see if putting out 5lbs to lose will kick start my weight loss. Been on a wicked plateau...but ok with it.


  7. Name........Surg Date....Start Wgt/BMI.... Cur.Wgt/BMI..... Total Lbs lost

    Sades.......1 Nov 07......229 / 41.9..........185 / 34.8..........44

    Cindyg......1 Nov 07......253 / 42.............191 / 35.............62

    Hollyberries 6 Nov 07.....358/54...............245/36.2...........115

    1. I went from a size 32/34 to a size 18/20

    2. I love when customers come into my store and ask me if I am still the owner and then realize that I am and can't believe how awesome I look.

    3. I love shopping now in any store not just Fashion Bug, Catherine's or catalogs.

    I don't regret my decision to have this surgery best thing I have done for myself in a long time. Now, as I reflect on the future, I want to take the next year to get the rest off...for good. Now if I could just stop eating the Halloween candy.< /p>

    Congrats to all of us for jobs well done. Keep up the great work everyone.


  8. Hello everyone.. I have hit a plateau and decided to officially go carbless.. woo hoo.. I have done low carb since banding but definetly need a push to get over this stall. I would love if you guys could post what you are eating daily for ideas of low carb items.. I think it would be helpful for us low carb newbies.. I appreciate all the help I can get!

    This site has been a life saver for me and the recipes are actually very good.

    Linda's Low Carb Menus & Recipes - Daily Menus

  9. Dude-

    I am right there with you. You know that we just need to get back to basics to kick start the remainder of the weight. I only have 70lbs left to go and I am hoping that I can get the rest off in the next coming year. Think about the 100 you lost and not gained back again. I am going to try the 5 Day Pouch Test starting tomorrow because I want to make sure that I am listening to my pouch and real hunger. Just google 5 Day pouch test and you will find the instructions. It may help and it may not but I am willing to give it a shot to kick start my weightloss again.

    What about your Dallas Cowboys...not so good year. I can't talk because my Patriots are not fairing so well either. We will see! We have the Genius Belechick on our team....

    Keep your chin up...things will get going again....I think that you might need a fill.


  10. Hey Peeps!

    Haven't been on much myself because I have been way to busy...I need my life to slow down a bit so that I can get back to normal. Whatever that is.

    Things have slowed down weightloss wise for me. I went like gang busters in the beginning but can't seem to shed any more weight. I got way to comfortable and have been eating more than I should. I will getting back to the doctor next month for another teenie weenie fill because I still get stuck often. I have decided that I am going back to basics to get myself back on track. Carbs are the devil for me and I need to get them out of my system. One good thing is I am still doing my Water aerobics so I have only yo-yo'd up and down the same 5lbs over and over again.

    I think we are all in the same boat and I am glad we will have each other. A year out, I am happier than I was this time last year. I love my band and would do all over again.

    Miss you guys.

    Nymph Cheerleader

    aka Cindy

  11. I haven't lost a dang pound but I am glad to see everyone is losing. Matter of fact, I am up about 4-5lbs depending on what day it is. I am still doing Water aerobics a couple of times a week but I am entering a very busy time for me. Christmas!!!! Yikes, I get a pit in my stomach when I say the word.

    Glad to see everyone doing so well. Shortgal, can't wait to see the photos. Sades you are our faithful one around here.

    Miss you guys,


  12. Cindy, I'm glad you're getting a little taken out. I don;t read many threads on the forums anymore except for the Nov group, but previously I would read people posting about getting stuck and being too tight. They would never want an unfill because they thought they would gain but they weren't losing having a too tight band either. Everyone would convince them to get a slight unfill and once they did, they would feel better and lose a few pounds. That's why it sounded like you were too tight.

    Maybe you need something in between the 2 and 2.25 cc's? With or without a working band, this losing weight thing is not easy but we've all done well.

    I hope your pants are not falling down these days!

    No pants falling down lately but getting to a size 18....haven't seen that in 20 years. Most of my weight is left in the stomach area. That will be the last to go I am sure. BTW...I am glad you are still around. Wouldn't be the same with our Shortgal.


  13. Looks like we're all having some challenges as we head to our bandiversary. I'm stuck at 193. I was 192 for about 5 minutes! Its so weird. Before my unfill of .25, I couldn't eat more than a baby food consistency without getting stuck. Now, I feel like I hardly have restriction. There is no in-between with me. I think at this point, we can't rely on the band to do all the work for us. We need to find a good weight loss plan that we can stick with.

    Cindy, I think you have the right idea of getting back on high Protein, low carbs. That always worked for me in the past. We're not done, yet. We can all get to goal but we need to put in more work now.

    Cindy...totally agree. There is no in between just extremes. I agree that we may need to more on our own.

  14. Cindy, It sounds like your band might be a little too tight. (I know, hard to accept info from a bandless person) but I have read so many times of people not losing with a too tight band because they resort to "easy"foods. You know yourself and situation the best but please consider the possibility.

    You've done an incredible amount of work to get off over 100 pounds, I am in awe all the time of all the nymphs achievements.

    Mzreeda, Absolutely join us in the Challenge. Losing and keeping off any pounds is a great goal and five pounds is half a size. I always set small goals but when you hit it, it feels great!

    I agree Shorgal, that I am to tight. I am seeing the doc in October...I think feeling this way since May is long enough. I guess I keep thinking that it will loosen up but I just may be a bandster that can only have 2 cc's in my 4cc band. Right now I am at 2.25. I also find that some days I don't have problems but then the band shows that it is still there. I don't get it it is just so finnicky.


  15. For me, doing low carb isn't just about never touching anything with carbs again. It's about eating the right TYPE and more importantly the right AMOUNT of carbs. For instance, now that I have the band I will fill a 7" plate with half Protein, then 1/4 (dark in color, low carb) vegetables and the other 1/4 with some kind complex carb. Eat your Protein first, then the low-carb vegetables, if you have room, eat the complex carb last. That's my version of doing low carb and it simplifies it for me. :redface:


    Like the chart....makes alot of sense...what do you consider complex carbs?


  16. Well, like most of you I ain't scarring off any pounds either...matter of fact I am up 5-8lbs depending on the day. I am still doing Water aerobics but I just can't seem to shake the yo-yoing....I have to go back and re-read my materials to get myself back on track. I seem to be going through soft food syndrome because I am still getting stuck more often than I should be. I tend to eat slider foods because they are easier to go down. I know that I shouldn't but I do because I am tired of fighting the food down. I need to get back to the doctor's for some help but don't have the time right now...way to busy and way to much going on...

    I am glad that I am still doing my Water aerobics just need to get back on the Protein bandwagon again...

    Shortgal, can't wait to see your pictures. You are my hero with all that you have gone through and you still have a great attitude...keep it up and enjoy the wedding.

  17. I have 3.8cc in a 10cc band. That worked great for 2 months. Seemed to be my sweet spot. But this last week, I can eat more than usual. Stuff like toasted bread or Cookies and fries that might cause me to get stuck right away are going down fine. Perhaps its time for another fill. I still have some restriction, but it seems it is hit and miss. One day things go down find and another day I have problems the minuete I take a bite. I wonder if anyone else has that situation.

    I am having the same issue right now. I canceled my fill appt this week because I still get stuck but like you a some days are good. I don't get it. I have not lost any weight in over a month..I guess I am stuck. Anyone else out there with the same issue got any insight?

  18. You know you have good restriction when... the only food you can eat looks like the food you've already pb'd.

    You know you have good restriction when... you comfort yourself by knowing that if you're ever kidnapped, the FBI will find you by your spit trail.

    You know you have good restriction when... you start chewing tobacco so that everyone will think they know why you've always got that big bulge in your cheek.

    You know you have good restriction when... every well earned burp carries with it the tantalizing risk of social catastrophe.

    You know you have good restriction when... you give up couting calories because, how are you ever going to know how much you've actually eaten?

    LOL!!! Very Funny!...we are very creative aren't we?

  19. The cheerleader is here checking in. She hasn't been around because she has been to busy with the stores and she is in depression over the loss of her beloved Quarterback Brady.

    Seriously, things have been busy and August was a whirlwind. I have a big Fall Open House this weekend at my stores and I am working like a dog to get the stores ready. I will be taking pictures of the event so I will post when the weekend is over.

    Weight is has been yo-yoing up and down 5lbs. However, I am not worried about it to much because I am very happy with my progress thus far. I just want to be down to 225 by my Bandiversary. I think it is doable but no stress.

    I am still doing Water aerobics at least 3x times a week. I am so freakin sore this week from missing last week entirely. I got up this morning feeling like a mack truck ran me over.

    Everyone is doing great and with the fall coming I think that we will be around a little more often.

    Love you guys,


  20. Thanks Cindy and we miss you too!! :) It's good that you're busy, must mean the business is doing well... hope so. I think it's hard to stay motivated after such a long time and with everyone moving off the site for whatever reason. I think we just have to make the effort to pop in at least once a week for our sakes as well as for others' sakes. We make a good team and I for one could not have gone through this without the added support from my november nymphs! :biggrin:

    I am here for you..I think that we should start a weekly check in thread...just to see how everyone is doing during the week. I'll start it...I need the support to keep motivated.


  21. Ok...I am at 2.25cc's in a 4cc Band. I haven't had a fill since May...I am still a little tight from that fill. Not sure if I am going to get another this month or not. I am finding that because I do have some difficulty eating some meals not all that I revert to slider foods which I shouldn't. It is just sometimes I get tired of having to chew the heck out of the food and feeling the pain when it goes down.

  22. Name............Start........Current........Goal.......To Go






    Good luck everyone!


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