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Everything posted by hollyberries

  1. hollyberries

    November Nymphs Lets Talk Weight Loss!

    Cag- You make me laugh! Not as bad as me not knowing what I was putting on my signature line. I am so niave. Think that's why my husband married me. He gets a good laugh every now then when things come out of my mouth. Cindy
  2. hollyberries


    I feel for you. I am six weeks post op and I just starting to feel more hungry since surgery. I know that it is time for a fill but I am not scheduled until 1/3/08. I can't wait and hopefully it will help even just a little. I know it is hard because I am having to diet through this phase until I am at restriction but it is worth it and I am still losing very consistently. Hang in their guys and don't beat yourselves up. Just jump back on the wagon as soon as you fall off. Remember this is a lifestyle change and forever so you bound to not make great choices all the time. It is how you handle it. Keep your chins up!
  3. hollyberries

    First Fill

    Hey Cag- Did you weigh in today? How did you do? Left you a message in the "A November Nymph is 50lbs Lighter" thread but didn't hear from you. How is the new baby doing and your family? Are you getting any sleep? I hope so. Your family is so beautiful, you are blessed. I have 3 boys, 14, 13 and 10. They keep me very busy. Also, what happened to your boys on Sunday. I guess Romo can't have any girls at the game to distract him. Keep in touch! Cindy
  4. hollyberries

    First Fill

    Ok...guys I am so jealous. I have to wait 2 more weeks before my first fill. I am definately getting more hungry. I was able to eat breakfast and not get hungry before lunchtime but now I am needing a snack between breakfast and lunch and lunch and dinner to stave off my hunger. However, I am still losing. Lost 3 lbs last week and total of 10lbs in two weeks but it is through working the diet. I know I can make it especially coming on LBT for support.
  5. hollyberries

    weight challenge - Thanksgiving to New Years Eve

    UPDATE Name...........Chall. Start Wt........Current......Chall. Goal...........To Go Hollyberries............317....................301 .............299..................3
  6. hollyberries

    Second Fill...

    I am with you Wendy, my first fill is not scheduled until 1/3. I had lost kind of quickly; so at my postop appt my doc didn't schedule me until January. I am starting to get hungrier especially this week. I am having to diet through until the first fill. Kandi I think that sometimes it takes multiple fills to feel restriction. Also, sometimes the fill doesn't kick in for a few days/weeks. Good luck...it will happen.
  7. hollyberries

    Share your NSVs!

    Congrats Cagstorm! You must feel so excited. I have been putting off buying new clothes because I want to lose a little more prior to buying some new things. I really need some new tops because I am losing weight from the waist up at this point or least it feels that way. Here's to having to buy new clothes!
  8. hollyberries

    A November Nymph is 50lbs lighter!

    Hey Cagstorm- You getting any sleep? How's the new baby and your wife? Hope all is well. Now, I can't update my signature because the batteries died in my scale and I and my hubby keep forgetting to get batteries. It is really killing me to know. We did get them today so tomorrow morning I will update. Things have been slowing down for me and I am getting a little more hungry than I had been; so I guess it is time for a fill. I am scheduled for 1/3/08 so I hope that I can do well until then. My goal is to lose another 5lbs by New Years Day. I hope that I can do it because this will be a very big milestone for me. Under 300 for the first time since my 3rd son being born so about 10 years or so. I have three boys 14, 13 & 10 so you are well on your way to keeping up with me with regard to boys. Funny thing is none of them plays football. They decided that they like the Patriots so much that they did not want to miss the games on Sundays if they played. They are baseball players. I have got to admit that I do not care for baseball as much as football. Congratulations on the Cowboys 11 player Pro-Bowl picks! The Pats had about 5 or so. My boy Brady, Moss, Mankins, Vrabel, Wilfork & Light. What happened to your boys on Sunday? Cindy (aka Hollie) PS: Hollyberries is the name of the Country Store that my husband and I own in MA.
  9. Hey Everyone! I just wanted to share that I hit a big milestone today. I have lost exactly 50lbs. I am so elated, I cannot even explain. I know that things will slow down and I am expecting it. I am not sure what I am doing but I can say that I must have some restriction because I feel satisfied after I eat and I am not really hungry between meals. I eat between 1000 and 1200 calories per day and try to ensure that my Protein intake is between 50-70 grams. I haven't hit "Bandster Hell" yet and am waiting for it to come any day but until then I will be happy with my results. Thanks for letting my shine for a few minutes.
  10. hollyberries

    November Nymphs Lets Talk Weight Loss!

    <br /> Ok...Ok....Ok...I am a very niave Nymph....But very funny remark with the Nympho...gotta admit I wasn't sure about the Nymph thing even when I added it to my signature....Anyways, you are part of the November Family regardless.
  11. hollyberries

    November Nymphs Lets Talk Weight Loss!

    You are doing great. Keep up the great attitude! Here is to keeping on plan with diet and exercise.
  12. hollyberries

    Share Recipes Here

    That sounds good, too!
  13. hollyberries

    5 Month Progress Picture Collage

    Woo Hoo! You look fantastic!
  14. hollyberries

    For Unto me a child was born!

    Your boys are really cute. You and your wife make beautiful children. Again, congratulations.
  15. hollyberries

    For Unto me a child was born!

    Congrats Cagstorm! Now you have a new boy in your life. Best wishes to you and your wife on the new bundle of joy. Boy life could not get better for you, Huh!
  16. hollyberries

    November Nymphs Lets Talk Weight Loss!

    Great Job Kristin. I am with you. Not sure about my first fill because it isn't until 1/3/08 but we will see. Keep up the great work and keep up that great attitude. That will keep you going during the tough times.
  17. hollyberries

    November Nymphs Lets Talk Weight Loss!

    Nice Job! Keep it up. I like the new name; can someone explain what a Nymph is? LOL Should have asked before I took on the name. I digress! Great job and before you know you will shrinking into a whole new body.
  18. hollyberries

    November Nymphs Lets Talk Weight Loss!

    Great weightloss! What I like about this Band is that I can eat whatever I want; however, like you I am making better choices (except for last night: holiday party at my house). I eat much smaller portions which I never thought would happen. I love my "Band". Keep up the great work. You are doing remarkable.
  19. hollyberries

    November Nymphs Lets Talk Weight Loss!

    WOW! Nice job! You can do it. You can do it.
  20. hollyberries

    November Nymphs Lets Talk Weight Loss!

    You should be very proud of yourself. Doesn't it feel great!
  21. hollyberries

    November Nymphs Lets Talk Weight Loss!

    Nice Job! Keep it up!
  22. hollyberries

    November Nymphs Lets Talk Weight Loss!

    Holy Smoke! Great job! No looking back. Keep up the great work and before you know it you will be down another 20lbs.
  23. hollyberries

    November Nymphs Lets Talk Weight Loss!

    Good job! Just keep your chin up with the hunger and stay on plan. Staying on plan during the holidays is too much to ask but you can do it. 25lbs. gone forever...Yeah!
  24. hollyberries

    November Nymphs Lets Talk Weight Loss!

    16lbs. you are well on your way. Keep it up!
  25. hollyberries

    November Nymphs Lets Talk Weight Loss!

    Longhorn- Doesn't TOM suck! Same issue for me this week. The stupid scale needs batteries; so I could weigh in this morning. None the less, you are doing super and keep up the great work.

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