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Everything posted by hollyberries

  1. hollyberries

    Losing 100 in a year?

    Laura- I am with you! I was banded on 11/06/07 and have lost 97lbs. in 6 months. I have about 82lbs. more to lose but I have not really started to exercise consistently yet. I am really wanting to try Water aerobics because I hate to walk/run but want to find something to do so that I can firm up. By the way, great job with your weightloss. Cindy
  2. hollyberries

    What a journey...

    Kelly- Could you tell me what your typical day of eating entails. I have been really wanting to give up carbs but am not sure what to eat. I am stalling a bit and want to kick start the metabolism again. I am going to do the 5 Day Pouch Test to get things started but would be interested in your diet/menu. Thanks, Cindy
  3. hollyberries

    Hair Loss....OMG

    OK November Bandsters! I am needing some reassuring today. My hair is falling out at a rapid pace. I have noticed for the last month that my hair is noticeably thinning out. Now I do know that it is normal to lose some hair but at rate I am going I won't have much left. Everyday, when I take my shower I lose a drain full. I towel dry my hair and lose some more. I comb my hair and lose some more. OMG I am shedding. I read on the General board the hairloss thread but I want to know if you November Bandsters are experiencing hairloss. This is what I am doing to combat it but have not seen it work and started this over 2 weeks ago. Increase my Protein Take Biotin 2500mcg daily Shampoo/Condition with Nioxin (only sold in hair salons) What else do you recommend?
  4. Shalee, you have done great. Keep up the great job! By the way, I was doing a search recently for my store and was looking up primitive country curtains and happened on a site that had a screen name like yours. This particular person was posing a question about curtains. Funny part is I could have sworn it was you. I might be way off but thought that your screen name is rather unique but what are the odds. Cindy
  5. Foofy...if you tell me that you were married in October 1990 I will then have to think that we are soul sisters. I was married in 1990 on October 20th. This year Frank and I are celebrating our 18th wedding anniversary. Where has the time gone. I was chuckling just this week over the jeans. I was thinking about that movie the (forget the exact name) "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants". It made me think of you. See ya Soul Sister. Cindy
  6. hollyberries

    I suck....:(

    Sades- Have I told you lately what an inspiration you are. You are always positive even if you feel like you haven't lost a lot. You are a super star and the greatest cheerleader we Nymph's have. We luv ya! Cindy
  7. Welcome to the Club! You are now part of the "In-Crowd". Seriously, it happens to the best of us. Keep up the great work not the sliming though. LOL! Cindy
  8. Molly, First off! You need to cut yourself some slack. The band is nearly impossible to work if you stressed out way to much. Deal with your work issue and then concentrate on weightloss. One good thing about the band is that it won't let you overeat like you did in the past. If it does, than something is wrong with it. You are worth every bit of success this band has to offer you and in due time it will. Also, Molly support is key and that is why we are here...for each other. I could not have been as successful without my Nymphs. They keep me motivated and are truly inspirations every single one them whether they know it or not. I love you guys! Now, how have I been so successful. Well, I started off needing to lose 179lbs. That is a lot of weight. So I started off with a great amount to lose so that is part of the large weightloss to date. I also lost about 24lbs during my pre-op diet. So I started off really good. What is your exercise routine and frequency? Well, I must admit that I have not done much in the way of exercise up until recently and even at that I have only walked. Although, I bought a bathing suit tonight because I want to do water aerobics and they have it at the Y. Monday is the day I start. What do you eat? I am not as strict as some with my diet but I don't eat as much as I did. Today's menu was: Breakfast: 1 egg, 1 slice American Cheese, 2 Turkey Sausage and 1/4 cup of Jimmy Dean Country Gravy. I like bisquits and gravy but I can't do the bisquits. Lunch: 1/2 cup of taco meat, 1/4 cup of cheddar a dollop of sour cream and 1/4 cup of salsa. Snack: Nutrisystem soy chips and Ice Coffee with cream and equal from Dunkin Donuts. Snack: Nutrisystem Caramel popcorn at about 7:30 because I was grocery shopping on the way home from work and was starving. Dinner: 1 cup of Beef Hamburger Helper and 1/2 cup of Green Giants Nibblett corn Now the Nutrisystem stuff was left over from my previous attempts at losing weight. What I like about the snacks is that they contain high amounts of protein and help if I am hungry. How are you doing this? I do this by getting support from here and OH, going to my doctors every month to 6 weeks whether I need a fill or not. We discuss how things are going and we determine whether I need a fill or not. I have not hit the preverbial sweet spot yet but definately feel more restriction since my last fill. I have learned as it is getting more difficult to eat that I must take smaller bites and chew chew chew and chew some more. I now realize that to get the remainder of my weight off I must exercise. I weigh myself everyday to ensure that I can stay on top of a gain and rejoice on a loss. I think the scale keeps my accountable. I don't stress over what I eat or don't eat but I do try to make good choices more often. I also do not deprive myself of anything. If I go out to eat, I get what I want and eat only what I can. Normally I take home the leftovers and if my son doesn't get to them first I can get 1 or 2 more meals from it. I think if you deprive yourself to much you will keep wanting and then give and overeat. I try not to get myself overstuffed because I can't stand how I feel when I am super stuffed. I like you try not to eat after 8pm unless like tonight I must. I know I need a fill if I get hungry within 4 hours of my previous meal. Recently, I have been noticing a slow down in my weightloss. I will lose 1 or 2lbs and then plateau for a few weeks. This has been happening for the last month or so. However, this week I lost 3lbs. in two days so go figure. Lastly...don't try to figure out this band because it is finnicky and the minute you think you have it figured out it will throw you a curve ball. I love my band and would do this again in a heartbeat. You can do this...there is no secret potion to this but hard work and tenacity. You deserve the best and the band is. Best wishes and make sure that you stay active here because we are truly a family. Cindy
  9. Name..............Start...........Current..............Goal........ To Go Lizzie_07.........233...............228.....................220 .........8 Osangriared.....252...............247.3.....................232 .....15.3 Skinny_Jill.......180...............175.....................168....... ....7 Sades.............197...............197.....................185....... ..12 kandiceb..........187...............176.....................175....... ...1 shortgal............183..............175....................175....... ....1 TxArcher..........328..............315......................308....... ...7 Peaches11........217..............208.....................199......... 10 Momto1plus1.....223..............212.6..................210......... 2.6 zippykat...........173..............167.....................160....... ...7 Trixie...............219.5...........209.....................199...... ..10 wnt2lose..........219..............213.6.....................209...... ..4.6 plump_princess....215.............208.....................199.......9 Mariegabrieleee....250............250......................239...... 11 Foofy..............239.5............236.....................230....... ...6 Shalee04..........196..............189......................185....... ..4 Hollyberries......267...............257......................254...... ...3 CindyG............215...............211......................199...... .12 MollyBrown......258...............251.......................245....... .8 lindata............189?.............185.......................180..... ...5 I am only 3lbs away from hitting 100lbs. If I can do this by 5/6 than I will have lost 100lbs in 6 months. This was my first goal. After obtaining this goal. I want to weight my wedding weight which was 220lbs. So only 37lbs. until that goal. After that goal, I am looking to being under 200lbs. Which I never remember being ever. God, this is reality isn't it. 6 months ago I was looking at a mountain with having to lose 179lbs. now I only have 82 to go. It is mind boggling. Did I happen to mention that I love my Band....today! Cindy
  10. hollyberries

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    Kim- I have Dr. Lautz and had my surgery done at Brigham & Women's and it was the best thing that I have ever done for myself. This time last year I was just getting my first appt with Dr. Lautz for which I had to wait 3 months to see him. I saw him in Aug 07 and had surgery in Nov 07. I also had BC/BS of MA and had no problem with them. I also did not have the co-morbidities that most have. I was really healthy just friggin fat. LOL Dr. Lautz asked why I wanted to have the surgery and I was blunt enough to say "Look at me...I am friggin fat". He chuckled. He is a quiet man but very good at what he does. Best wishes for your surgery and keep coming here for support it has been key to success. Cindy
  11. hollyberries

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    Sherri First, don't beat yourself up. Sounds like you have not had much support and that is necessary to being successful with the Band. I can't go to Boston for my support but I am on Lapbandtalk.com everyday for support. If I did not have this I would be a complete failure because the people here genuinely care about your success. You can do this. You have a wonderful tool inside you just needs to be worked. Now, you cannot expect the tool work if you do not get the fills that are needed for the band to work properly. I am not going to sugar coat that it will be difficult at times to eat but if you follow the rules of eating Protein first, then veggies/fruits and carbs if still hungry. You must chew, chew, chew and chew some more. Always take small bites. This will ensure that you will be able to eat without discomfort but the band is finnicky sometimes and you will have times where doing that just won't help. You are not a failure just get that band working for you. And for goodness sake keep coming here for support. We will help you. Cindy
  12. hollyberries

    Soooooper Tiiiiiight

    A couple of things that may help with the tightness at first are: 1. Drink something warm to open the band a bit. 2. My least favorite when hungry is to talk tiny bites and chew the heck out of it. I think the hardest part with this band is remembering the simple rules we have been told especially when we are hungry and want to eat a cow. I do like the fact that the band won't let you do that even if you wanted to. I like that you aren't worried about things with the apt. right now because it is tough with the little ones. Just tell her to take it one day at a time and it will get done eventually. I remember those days. I had my first two boys 10 1/2 months apart. It was like having twins. I then had my last boy Brandon exactly 3 years later. What was I thinking? I wouldn't trade it for the world because now they are 14, 13 & 10 and so self sufficient. What kind of hunting do you plan to do in SC? If you are ever in Mass. come my way because I border a state forest and they stock the forest with fowl and turkey's. Take Care- Cindy
  13. hollyberries

    Soooooper Tiiiiiight

    Ah! What I would give to have your restriction. Here's hoping 5/14 will be the sweet spot. Seriously, be very careful...you don't want to remain super tight. Hopefully, it will ease on you a bit. Have you settled in South Carolina yet? Hope all is going well. Cindy
  14. hollyberries

    Nymphs Weight Loss To Date

    Name............Lbs Lost........% of wgt lost.......BMI Foofy..............37.5..................14%.................38 Sades.............31.5..................14%.................36 Shalee04.........61.....................24...................31.1 Bandpal...........66.8..................24%................36 Skinny_Jill....48.....................22%..................32.7 Stephanie.......60...................58%..................27.1 Hollyberries.....95....................27%.................38
  15. hollyberries

    Share your NSVs!

    Dang Girl! You're wearing a size 12...I don't think I will ever get there. I am so happy with my size 24's since I started by wearing a size 34. You know something. I don't think I ever wore a size 12. I almost got into a size 16 about 18 years ago but never have I ever seen size 12. I think because I am 5' 9" and large framed that size 16 might be a good goal. Right now the goal is to lose 100lbs. by May 6th. I don't think that it will happen but I can shoot for it. Keep up the great work...14lbs. is so close. Cindy
  16. hollyberries

    Where Oh Where have all the Nymphs Been?

    Cindy- I know it is hard to eat right now but you shouldn't be uncomfortable eating. May I make a suggestion that you really eat slowly and chew the heck out of the food. The gravies, sauces & mayo are not a problem as long as it is not to much. I find if I have roast beef for dinner I need about a 1/4 cup of gravy to make it not so dry. I also find that my fill is worst in the beginning and eases out over a few weeks later. I am learning that I can't eat when I am super hungry because I eat way to fast and big bites. Then I am miserable and can't eat until the next day. Let's make a pact to eat slowly and chew chew chew put the fork down in between bites and become aware of the food as it is swallowed. I like Bandpals idea of eating with a toothpick and making certain that the food is cut up like what we do for our children when they are toddlers trying solid food for the first time. We can do this...together we will conquer. Cindy
  17. hollyberries

    Where Oh Where have all the Nymphs Been?

    Hi Cindy- I have slowed down on the weightloss too! But this is my observation. I will lose 1 or 2lbs and then stall for 2 or 3 weeks and then lose 1 or 2lbs and stall etc. This has been the cycle I have been on in the last 2 months. However, I still seem to manage to lose about 8-10lbs a month. I like you find that I am most successful after my fills. Although, I still have yet to find the sweet spot that so many talk about. The earth will shake when that happens. I don't know all the technical jargon but I think that when we have lost at the clip that we have been our bodies need time to adjust. It sounds like you are eating enough calories but what are they. Are you eating enough Protein. Have you had any stuck/PB/Slime episodes and find that you are trying to eat things that will go down smoother. Since my last fill I have had to be very careful with chewing as I am in pain more often if I don't. The normal human reaction is to eat something that will go down easier. Case in point, I made homemade chili two weeks in a row for lunches because it was the only thing that I was comfortable eating. However, at dinner I still went for solid protein and veggies. Funny thing is I can't seem to eat a dang salad without getting stuck and not matter how I try to chew. I would relax about the stall...trust me your body will catch up to you with a great big surprise when you least expect it. Keep weighing everyday to hold yourself accountable to the scale and just don't allow yourself to gain and if you do don't stress because it will probably go away within a few days. Plateaus are normal. Do they suck...Yes but it is our body trying to adapt to losing our fat. Have a great day. Cindy
  18. Name..............Start...........Current..............Goal........ To Go Lizzie_07.........233...............228.....................220 .........8 Osangriared.....252...............247.3.....................232 .....15.3 Skinny_Jill.......180...............175.....................168....... ....7 Sades.............197...............197.....................185....... ..12 kandiceb..........187...............176.....................175....... ...1 shortgal............183..............175....................175....... ....1 TxArcher..........328..............315......................308....... ...7 Peaches11........217..............208.....................199......... 10 Momto1plus1.....223..............215.4..................210......... 5.4 zippykat...........173..............167.....................160....... ...7 Trixie...............219.5...........209.....................199...... ..10 wnt2lose..........219..............213.6.....................209...... ..4.6 plump_princess....215.............208.....................199.......9 Mariegabrieleee....250............250......................239...... 11 Foofy..............239.5............236.....................230....... ...6 Shalee04..........196..............189......................185....... ..4 Hollyberries......267...............260......................254...... ...6 CindyG............215...............212......................199...... .13 MollyBrown......258...............253.......................245....... .8 lindata............189?.............185.......................180..... ...5
  19. hollyberries

    GREAT new home for "the girls"

    I so have to check this bra out. I just had to return a bathing suit because the girls were playing peek a boo. After the pants falling down episode I really don't need to add flashing to a list of my life's most embarassing moments. Good to hear from you Foofy! Cindy
  20. hollyberries

    Hair Loss....OMG

    Foofy- I am so sorry to hear that your are experiencing this. I truly understand what you are going through. What is a hair hat? Cindy PS: I was wondering where you have been lately? The Nymphs have been very quiet lately.
  21. hollyberries

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Thanks JJ for your response. I am probably doing the same thing as you. I am still averaging between 8-10lbs. a month but stall for a few weeks at a time. I also go up and down by 1 or 2lbs but never higher than that. Case in point is this week. I haven't lost anything for 15 days and then boom today I drop 1lb. out of nowhere. I am not discouraged because I think that my weightloss is great and I am quite happy with my progress; however, I want to continue on the downward. I have tried calorie shifting as well. I think that I have to get more consistent with the exercise because it has been sporadic at most because of my schedule. Again, thanks for the words of wisdom and I can't wait until the day that I am rejoicing in this thread about 100lbs. gone for good. So close that I can taste it. LOL Cindy
  22. hollyberries

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Hey Guys! Congratulations on the over 100lbs. lost to you all! I am so very close to 100lbs. and have stalled/plateaued in the last month or so. Takes about two or three weeks to lose 1 or 2lbs. So....when you come this close how do you kick it into high gear to hit the mark. My goal is/was 100lbs by my 6 month Bandaversary. Any words of wisdom? Cindy
  23. hollyberries

    Hair Loss....OMG

    Thanks for checking in Jill. I am still losing my hair and more than I want to. However, I am dealing with it vigilantly. I am increasing my Protein, taking 5000 mcg of Biotin and using Nixoin. Hopefully it will help. Cindy
  24. Name..............Start...........Current.................Goal........ To Go Lizzie_07.........233...............228.5.....................220 ..........8.5 Osangriared.....252...............247.3.....................232 ..........15.3 Skinny_Jill.......180...............175.....................168....... .....7 Sades.............197...............197.....................185....... .....12 kandiceb..........187...............176.....................175....... ....1 shortgal............183..............177....................175....... .....2 TxArcher..........328..............318......................308....... ....10 Peaches11........217..............208.....................199......... .10 Momto1plus1.....223..............215.4..................210........... 5.4 zippykat...........173..............167.....................160....... ...7 Trixie...............219.5...........209.....................199...... ....10 wnt2lose..........219..............213.6.....................209...... ..4.6 plump_princess....215.............209.....................199........1 0 Mariegabrieleee....250............250......................239........ 11 Foofy..............239.5............237.5...................230....... .7.5 Shalee04..........196..............189......................185....... .4 Hollyberries......267...............261......................254...... .7 CindyG............215...............212......................199...... ..13 MollyBrown......258...............253.......................245....... ..8 lindata............189?.............185.......................180..... .....5 I finally broke my 15 day plateau. Holy Smokes it has taken 15 days to lose one friggin' pound. But! I am happy as a clam with my results and I ain't letting it get me down. Onward and downard! I still have the darn goal of losing 100lbs. by May 6th but I am thinking at this rate it won't happen but holding on to hope! Cheers Nymphs! Cindy
  25. Bandpal! You are doing fantastic. Isn't it amazing that all us November Nymphs are going through the same struggle with having to ensure that we eat smaller bites and chew chew chew! I am sitting here eating my Breakfast and concentrating on typing and chewing very difficult I might add. I love reading your posts because you are an awesome writer. I like you agree that this is the best thing to ever happen to me and try to tell my doctor during a 2 min fill the same thing and he just smiles and nods his head like you weren't the first one I've heard that from. As for the stopping when full...I am struggling with that issue myself. I am learning that I must just measure out the food and put it on my plate and stop after that. I have yet to really know when I am full until after I have eaten. Take last night for example, DH and I had no children last night and went out for dinner. I got baked scallops, with baked potato and butternut squash. I ate about half of everything and a roll but didn't feel totally full to the gills until I was driving home. I believe the hardest part of this journey is dealing with the head issues that you have lived with for so long. Everyday is a new day with a new obstacle but I am loving how my body is emerging from its cocoon. keep up the great work...you are inspiring. Cindy

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