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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Abry

  1. Isopure has a ready made protien drink and they are tropical flavors and count for your water intake to they are really good and not thick at all they are just like flavored water and it has 40gms protien and no carbs
  2. Thank you. We DO deserve this. I'm glad you mentioned thinking "how could I let myself get this way." That's another thought that I've been thinking a lot lately. I've pretty much avoided anyone that I went to high school with because I don't want them to think that I just really let myself go. That's one thing I've really got to stop doing is caring about what anyone thinks. Have you told anyone besides close family and friends? I didn't plan on telling anyone, but I am not good at keeping things short and sweet. I pretty much tell everyone I love my choice and dont care what other people say!!!!! I am doing this for me not them and unless you have delt with the struggle of being obese then you have no idea and most people that dont agree with it are small in size!!! I am the one who is taken my life in my own hands and I will get back to being healthy and happy....Oh and SEXY!!!! Just nervous about surgery!!!! it is a very scarey thing
  3. Im from a small town in texas to my surgery date is 4/2 and I also am looking for some one here to talk to and join in the battle
  4. yes I just started freaking out and getting really nervous and my date is 4/2/14 it is just days away...I am also very happy and excited I have been thinking of doing this for the last two years but always wanted to try one more diet and usally was really successfull but always gained it all back and then some I just need help and I know this tool can and will provide it as long as I do my part!!!! I have just started getting emotional.....How could I let myself get this way I was an athlete all trought school crosscountry, basketball softball volleyball I did it all and loved to be on the go!!!! IT is time to get my life.....at the end you just remember WE DESERVE THIS!!!!!
  5. I'm April 2nd to pm me I need someone to talk to
  6. Congrats to all of you getting sleeved tomorrow!!! Cant wait to join ya'll on the other side.. My surgery is one week from today on the 2nd and I cant wait to be a loser with ya'll...Good luck yall will do GREAT!!!!!! KICK .....BUTT.......
  7. Abry

    HELP ME!

    I have to go back for my cpap mechine tomorrow and my sergury is next week I wounder why you have to wait so long>>> I would be upset to . Yesturday they try to tell me I would have to ait until may to have my surgery and I told them no way!!! They fixed it and now its back on!!!!!
  8. Abry

    April 2014 sleevers

    Just got my date It is April 2nd OMG!!!!!! SO EXCITED AND NERVOUS
  9. Hey their this My name is Abry I started my pre op monday and will be sleeved on the 2nd...I am also looking for a buddy.. I am a single mom of two my daughter Ariah is 7 and my son logan is 5 I am 26 an looking foward to a long healthy life with big adventures.
  10. How do I cut out all of what I like in a few short weeks!!!! I have just started my pre op diet and just found out that I also have to quite smoking,, does anyone have any tips I have done good on the diet but not smoking....I went from a pack or more a day to just 3 or 4 but is that good enough... My nut never told me to quite but I read it in my packet... what are the risks?!!!!!
  11. Abry

    T - One Week

    I know how you feel I have mine either the last week in march or the first week in april and I am SOOOO nervous...and like you have been thinking about doing this for two years....wish I would of just done it back then..lol.. but have the couple of co-workers who always have to ask why I just dont do it naturaly and eat right and work out...WELLLL I DID THAT AND GAIND ALL MY WIEGHT PLUS 30LBS....I am ready for the new me.... we deserve this!!!!
  12. Yeah my doctor packet said 3 to 4 weeks before surgery ...but I have had plenty of surgerys and no one ever said anything about smoking why is it this way with wieght loss surgery
  13. Abry

    Todays the day!

    Prayer going up>>> you'll do great
  14. Abry

    six days post op

    msfitn2014 my surgery will be the first week in april and I find out friday the exact date!!!!! what doctor are you using?? Glad to have someone close and on the same stage!!!
  15. Abry

    six days post op

    Oh Im sorry just relized your post op hows it going on the recovery end...
  16. Abry

    six days post op

    how long have you been doing all liquids... I started my pre op diet today
  17. I havent had my surgery yet but I know that this is a life time change and that you have to be prepared to go all the way!!!! You can gain your wieght back but...WHO wants to go through so much and make it to where you have always wanted to be to give it all up on a soda and junk food... Foood is fuel and we should all use it as that.... It is ok to taste the foods you used to love and not go over board or do it everyday or every week it should be on rare occasions...you make your own choices!!!!! I know what I am going to do... I AM TAKING MY LIFE BACK!!!!!
  18. Abry


    I decided to pay cash becuase I didnt want a long wait... I went to see if I had a hiatial hurnia and did that cut the price of the surgery from 11500 to 4500 and I was able to pay cash!!!! but if you dont have it there ar places that finance!!!
  19. Abry

    Any April 1st sleevers?

    Oh and I start my pre op diet monday how about you when do you have to start the pre op diet
  20. Abry

    Any April 1st sleevers?

    My date it either april 1 2 or 3 I have yet to set it in stone but my nut said it will be between those 3 days..... Cant wait I know its only 3 weeks but now seems so far... I am excited and nervous...WE GOT THIS....Ready for the journey up ahead
  21. Abry

    Any April Sleevers

    Just found out that I will be having My surgery the first week of April!!! I start my pre-op diet on Monday....So excited and nervous!!!! When they told me my surgery is only 3 weeks away I cried happy tears!!!! So ready for this and to get back to being the me I love!!!
  22. I just scheduled mine for the same date I am also now nervous but cried happy tears when they told me it would be that soon...keep us posted on the journey
  23. Abry

    Pre op diet

    Like to see all the Dallas people I am going to my nut in the am to see what my surgery date is using Dr frenzel
  24. Sunday evenings are my prep days. Here is what I have done and it is working for me. I bought 4 cases of mason jelly jars. On Sunday, I go to the store and get my ingredients and make a huge batch of whatever and put them into the jars. As I walk out the door to work, I grab a jar. It sits on my desk and by lunch, it is ready to go into the microwave. I have been doing this for awhile, so I have a nice variety in my garage freezer. If you have a garage freezer, great, but just clean out your kitchen freezer and you will have plenty of room. So, what do I have in there? Turkey Chili - Ground turkey, Beans, onions, carrots, tomatoes, chilli spice. Takes me about 20 minutes to prepare, I let it simmer for an hour and jar it. chicken Veggie soup - I bought a rotisserie chicken, put it in the fridge to cool. It is easier to pull apart that way, too. Bought a few bags of frozen veggies I like with some chicken broth. Again, about 20 minutes to prepare and simmer for about 30 minutes. Jar it. Lasagne - Trader Joes has Italian chicken sausage that I take out of its casings and simmer with ground turkey. I added some spaghetti sauce and some extra Italian seasonings. No Pasta, but when I jar it, I add a teaspoon of low fat parmesan cheese. 20 minute prep and simmer for 20 minutes. German cabbage and ground turkey - This is probably my favorite. Red cabbage with vinegar, spices and veggies simmered with ground turkey. Mahi Veggie Quinoa - I know you don't like fish, but this is to die for. Baked Mahi, quinoa, tomatoes and veggies with lot of garlic and lemon. Smells a little with you microwave it so be sure nobody is in the office or just save it for home. Fish dish in a mason jar? Yup. 20 minutes. Shredded pork - On sale at QFC for $1.77 last weekend. Put in crockpot for 10 hours with onions. Pour off liquids after and add your favorite BBQ sauce. 10 minutes. Yankee Pot Roast - They had them on sale last weekend at QFC BOGO. In the crockpot for 10 hours with onions, carrots and potatoes. 30 minutes because I also make a gravy to pour into the jars. Having this for lunch today. Like I said, I've been doing this for awhile, so I have a large variety, but you are worth taking the next two Sundays to prepare 6 different dishes that can be stored in the jars. These jars are re-usable and will be with you forever. And also let me add, this is darn cheap eating. Everyone around me is going out to lunch to the tune of $7 a day while I have great, nutritious meals for around 50 cents a serving ... sometimes less. You can do this. Not just the OP, but everyone reading this. It really isn't that hard. Don't make it be. Make meals, not excuses .. Thank you for this I just printed it out and am going use this.
  25. Abry


    I decided to pay cash because of the long wait 6 months jeesh. ..but because I have a haitial hernia it's only 3500 better than 15k

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
