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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by MozzaWehsha

  1. I live on a military base and when I look around I notice EVERYONE'S weight. Not just my own. I put people into categories now, and I didn't do that before my surgery. Needless to say, I'm bigger than lots of these girls walking around here - and I've lost 45 pounds. I'm embarrassed to walk around outside or go to the grocery store. Before surgery, these things didn't bother me. I think I just never really realized how big I was. I look in the mirror now and I honestly don't notice my weight loss at all. If I compare pics I can tell, but that's about it. So, unfortunately, my body image hasn't improved. I wonder if I'll always feel like this, or I'll get used to being smaller eventually.


    Thanks for sharing :) I appreciate it :) Anf congrats on the amazing transformation

  2. I read about people who say can't eat chocolate after RNY, and some why eat chocolate.< /p>

    Chocolate is important to me, can I after I get used to solid food, eat small quantities of chocolate or not?

    I've always been a chocolate lover, but I can tell you, as I'm in the pureed foods stage, you're going to hate chocolate after a while! Pretty much all you can "eat" during this phase is fake chocolate crap. I'm so sick of dessert like foods being my only source of nutrition, I'm never going to want chocolate again! I can hardly wait until I can eat actual meat and savory foods!

    Don't worry, you'll get burned out on chocolate soon enough. Or maybe not!

    Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App

    I would like that! What's fake chocolate crap are you eating now? :D

  3. I felt similarly in the beginning. I'm in the bdsm scene, and a big girl with a pretty face and a dominant personality was like... the trifecta of awesome for many in the scene. I actually liked myself, visually, before I had surgery. I did it purely for health reasons.

    Now at almost 6 months out, I'm 115 pounds down from my first consultation with the surgeon, and I'm experiencing feeling bad about my body for the first time. I'm shaped much like every other woman in my family: short little stubby legs and a round upper body. I feel like I look like an egg with legs, and only when my stomach is completely flat will I actually like the way I look again... and deep down I sort of don't really believe that's ever going to happen, even though it's a real possibility.

    Body image is a weird and fragile thing. Since it fluctuates so much, I try to focus on the health aspect. There's no denying that I am a LOT healthier now, and only getting better every day. :)

    Thank you for sharing, you have no idea how much I relate to you. I was never really think so I don't know how I look like, but I remember liking how I looked about 100 Lbs ago. I dipped into size 14 and spiked back up again. Let's wait and see!

    Something else that is new, and probably related to the above, There are emotions coming out I don't know from where. For example I keep telling people off about things that bother me, the same things I use to not address before...Did you experience something similar?

  4. I 100% had this same feeling. Unlike a lot of people who have had this surgery, I didn't hate myself and I never thought I was "gross" or "ugly". Once I started the process of WLS though, I definitely went through a long phase of feeling hideous and not wanting to go out or see anyone because they would see how fat I am. Of course, I looked the same as I always did, but I think once I realized that being as overweight as I was/am was not an option to live a healthy life and my blinders had been removed, I could no longer pretend or ignore that I had to get healthy and I had to do something about it.

    The further away from surgery I get, the more I exercise and eat healthy, the better I feel about myself. Losing weight is a bonus. The feeling will pass but yes, I totally understand what you're feeling.

    Thank you! you made me feel so much better. This is exactly how I feel like some sort of blindness has been removed, and the same thing about going out...I have barely gone out this month at all! I keep thinking I don't want any1 to see how hideous I look. :) Thanks again

  5. I have always had a positive mentality towards how my body looks. Literally if society was more accommodating towards fat people, and great clothes were available in larger sizes I wouldn't mind remaining as fat as I am for the rest of my life.

    However, since the moment the Dr. gave me my surgery date how I see my body completely changed. I am suddenly very aware of how fat I am, and I became very self conscious. i can't wait to change this body. Overnight it stopped feeling like my body, and more like some buildup that will eventually heal and go back to normal.

    Did any1 else pass through this? does any1 feel this way now?

    Thanks :)

  6. I think (though correct me if I'm wrong) the bypass with MGB is longer than with RNY therefore I don't feel it is necessarily a good indicator of what her experience would be. My bypass is almost 9' which is why I have this side effect. There is a MGB group on FB that is very helpful and has so much support and information. Perhaps ask to join and post this there as well.

    I think it is shorter, I am not 100% sure. But what I know is that absorption of food is higher with MGB.

    Will check the group thanks :)

  7. First, not everyone is the same and I have talked with a few people who have trouble going and deal with a lot of Constipation. Then there are others like me as well. In the beginning (once I was off liquids) I would literally go sometimes 10-12x per day !! I have to still be very careful what I eat because some things still set me off without much notice ! I have times it is literally emergency situation and I'm driving 70 mph in panic mode trying to make it the 7 miles home from my office and that was as recent as Wednesday. I'm 8 months post op, I have more less trained my body to go in the evening and overnight and first thing in the morning and I eat to accommodate that schedule. If I didn't have access to a bathroom for 10 hours I wouldn't eat a thing ! I would be scared to death ! Again just my experience and not all have this wonderful side effect that I have. Also TMI but it's like nothing Iv ever experienced, I used to sneak across to a bathroom in a gas station when I needed to go because I work in a small not very private office and after 2-3x they closed their bathroom to outsiders ! Yeah, because of me :(

    Thank you, this was both helpful and very entertaining to read :) I also avoid eating or drinking if I am on traveling :D

    Can you please tell me how did you train your body? I mean examples.

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