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Posts posted by MozzaWehsha

  1. Hi, and what a strange question! I would think anybody that would still feel a need to play around with this process has a reduced chance of making it long term but it takes all types, plus I realize that this is what makes us human: we simply HAVE to push against boundaries... I've been doing that my whole life. Personally, at this juncture, I am determined enough and frankly frightened by the whole process enough as to be uncharacteristically obedient and very careful and diligent. You crack me up....!!

    PS: I take this post to be confessional...

    I guess I'd ask myself why would you have the surgery if you are considering or have already gone against what they tell you? You can split your little pouch open and have a much bigger mess on your hands, and as I recall even death if you don't take care of yourself ...or you could not lose any weight.

    These questions are tough to hear for me, because I took so much time to get my head right before this surgery.

    My program required 1 psychology session that lasted an hour. That will NEVER be enough for people with food addiction issues imo.

    I took a year, and worked on food addiction issues with a therapist twice a month, before I even had surgery. I still, 9.5 months out have no real hunger to speak of. Neither should anyone. According to my surgeon. Any hunger you are feeling is head hunger and that's something you need to work out with yourself, and a therapist.

    Of course, just my opinion, but you asked, we will all answer, honestly, I assume.

    That you're worried is a VERY good sign, it means you can still get therapy to make sure this surgery works for you.

    I have to ask, though I realize you probably don't really know the real answer, but why in the hell would you do that?

    You've got a whole buncha people on here shaking their heads, wondering the same thing.

    This is a scary disease that got us here, people are people, they get easily startled.

    I'm 100% with you on this one. @@pedro Valle-Iclan.

    People can say we are browbeating, but going along with someone and saying "It's ok" is why so many of us ended up like we did in the first place. Be accountable!

    I spent basically my entire life thinking the way to comfort myself was food. When I was a little girl, I would come home from school crying, because the kids were making fun of me because I was fat. Know what my mom did? She gave me oreo Cookies to comfort me, or a donut, or a twinkie, or a piece of cake.

    I don't give a hoot if I'm considered popular or not here, I'm so over the popularity contest here. If you ask a question you're going to get an honest answer and opinion. That's all it is though....MY opinion, entitled to it, just as everyone else is to their own.

    Why have the surgery if you start cheating after losing what...18 lbs? Makes no sense to me at all. You have a hell of a long way to go. I'd get into therapy immediately, especially before you rip that tiny stomach open.

    *still shaking my head*

    P.S. I got set straight by a regular, that this is NOT a support group, when I first started coming here. I don't treat it as such since that time.

    You find one thread out of many hundreds unacceptable and you dismiss the entire site? Well, ok then, but that fact and your shaming of everyone sort of exposes your own intolerance.

    The sleeve is whole different deal, you don't have a NEW stomach created , so why not? I was scared to death to cause any damage to the new healing stomach.

    Whoa!! No, I misunderstood the surgery!! I thought sleeve was just a plastic sleeve "slid" over the stomach, like a more sophisticated band... oops..

    He doesn't perform sleeve so it wasn't really discussed. I had a RNY

    I have read and re-read this thread several times in hope of reading something, --anything positive posted from the above posters that I am responding to. Instead, all I have read is ridicule, sarcasm, and defamation---oh, and ignorance.

    BP IS a support group. We are here to support one another, and hopefully advice through our own bumps in the road.

    Can you not read the call for help from the original poster? She is asking for help, not for your venom, and that is all I am feeling--venom being spewed onto a questioning, stunned victim.

    If you are ignorant about the different WLS, please, do NOT post as if you do. That does more harm than good.--and speaking so, makes you appear arrogant and quite "stupid".

    Leave the advice giving to those who have knowledge and heart to speak of such things.

    Please,Please: "If you can't improve upon the silence--don't"

    To the original poster:

    Please, do not judge this group by the two posters that I am responding to. BP as a whole is a marvelous group of caring people who want nothing more than to help you to succeed in your journey. You may need some "turn about" guidance, but even then it will be done in a caring and heartfelt way.

    Try reposting your question in a few days, maybe rephrasing it a wee bit. --Don't give the "negative nuggies" any ammo to fire at you. :)

    In the meantime, call your surgeon's office or your NUT and ask their advice. They will be able to guide you and get you back on the correct path .

    Prayers going up for you.

    Thanks for your post! I really appreciate it. Believe it or not on another question of mine about chocolate this guy made fun of my question...called it silly when Pedro Valle decided to intervene there as well and ask him to elaborate! And when I explained that raw cacao is actually good for us and vegan chocolate is healtht he insinuated that I am too fat in comparison to him to advise him on what is healthy calling me silly again!!! People are just vile and angry on this forum to be honest! And exceptionally judgemental of each other.

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using the BariatricPal App

  2. Steve, are you kidding? Do you mean success in losing or getting to be 378 in the first place?

    Do you mean now as a treat, reward type thing? please explain, thanks, p

    OK Pedro, I'm just kidding, the truth is I find that a thread like this in a forum like this is just plain silly. I know you agree. chocolate should be considered poison to ALL OF US BARIATRIC PATIENTS.
    Raw cacao is very beneficial to us, buying a mars bar is what is wrong. Assuming that a question is silly based on ur own definition is very limited in my opinion...and does not match the role of this forum by any means!

    Just a helpful hint there are many ways to enjoy chocolate made with healthy ingredients like fruits, natural sweetners like agave and healthy oils like coconut.

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using the BariatricPal App

  3. Probably this is digested food matter left behind from before surgery, and you're just getting cleaned right out.That's exactly how I was for the first few days. Now it's pretty normal with the occasional unavoidable Constipation (those Protein shakes can really do a number on you). I wouldn't worry about it unless it continues for a long time or it's making it hard for you to stay hydrated. :)

    You were incredibly spot on! :D and I am now constipatee ...so how do you deal with constipation? I am too early post op to risk taking meds

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using the BariatricPal App

  4. Hi, and what a strange question! I would think anybody that would still feel a need to play around with this process has a reduced chance of making it long term but it takes all types, plus I realize that this is what makes us human: we simply HAVE to push against boundaries... I've been doing that my whole life. Personally, at this juncture, I am determined enough and frankly frightened by the whole process enough as to be uncharacteristically obedient and very careful and diligent. You crack me up....!!

    PS: I take this post to be confessional...

    Oh it is confessional ;) the thing is I feel fine and I am as careful as I can be pushing such phase but worried at the same time

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using the BariatricPal App

  5. @@gpmed I just began the mashed phase bu not fully on it as I should still be on heavy liquids. You are right about Protein, I ate today Beans, and cravings disappear right after I eat protein; however, I still crave food often, at least 50% of my day my head is thinking of different foods it is missing.

    I have an event that I am looking forward to looking much thinner in, and hopefully will fit into a certain outfit...thinking of this helps me ignore my cravings.

  6. I am still preop right now but I plan on making a list of things I enjoy (non food related) to reward myself. Maybe like shopping, a massage, take a trip, etc...

    Sent from my XT1080 using the BariatricPal App

    Good luck :) Please keep me updated with your list! My list is very short in comparison to the long Journey I plan on making :D I am looking forward to air yoga but that happens about 50 pounds from now :D Right now I would literally tear down the wall

  7. Right now I see nothing but my goals. I know this will eventually slow down as weeks and months pass, so my plan is too keep myself determined by setting rewards for myself for every milestone I hit.

    I am 4 days post-op now and down 10 lbs already, in another 10 lbs I will officially drop a size and I plan on clearing out my closet of everything that doesn't fit me and treat myself to 1 new item.

    After a following 10 lbs I plan on changing my hair color, and so on...

    What have you rewarded yourself ith for reaching your milestones?

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