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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Status Updates posted by MozzaWehsha

  1. 19 lbs to go to hit the 100 lbs loss mark! Can't believe I am one of those people I hear about on TV :D

    1. Candygyrl


      Congrats. That's amazing!! I can't wait to get there either!!!

    2. Sai



  2. 71 lbs down. I am actually one of those people who talk about losing big numbers!

  3. 4 Months Out, 59 Lbs.

  4. Today is my 3 month anniversary, how I imagined this moment before my surgery! 49 Lbs and counting :)

    1. ProudGrammy


      happy surgiversary!! you are doing great - down 49 lbs and counting - keep up the good work - kathy

    2. MozzaWehsha


      Thank you :))))

    3. Jolene-journey


      Awesome JOB!


  5. I am size 18! Down from 24 :) It happened :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Daisee68


      Woohoo!! Congrats!

    3. MozzaWehsha


      Thank youuu! :D

    4. Jolene-journey


      hey that's awesome and I am the exact same went from 24 to 18's!

  6. I am officially thinner than I have been in over 5 years :) By 2 lbs :D

    1. jane13
    2. Christinamo7


      isn't it a wonderful feeling!


    3. MozzaWehsha


      It is a wonderful feeling :D thank u :))

  7. Officially under 300 lbs! And I am wearing something that hasn't fitted in months!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Daisee68


      Congrats! What a marvelous feeling and accomplishment!


    3. Jolene-journey
    4. MozzaWehsha


      Thank youuu and good luck to all of you :))

  8. My Surgery was 29/2...Today I am 1 month out and standing at 29 Lbs loss :D I officially love this number :D

  9. 20 Pounds off and 1 size down! :))

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Valentina


      you are in the roll, now, my friend. Are you back on track?


    3. MozzaWehsha


      Thanks all :) I am very happy I am starting to see significant result. @Valentina no I am comfortable with my choice, it is the reason I am managing to advance comfortably this way. Thanks for your caring.

    4. Valentina
  10. Officially down 15 lbs!

    1. jane13
    2. Montana Gal

      Montana Gal

      Way to go! That's 15 boxes of butter....that's how I like to think about it visually:-)

  11. 10 Lbs down people! I feel amazing :)

  12. 3rd day post-op!

    1. Cervidae


      woohoo! How are you feeling? :) Getting in all your water I hope!


  13. Day 2 post op :) officially making progress

    1. jane13


      Keep working the plan given to you by your medical team - YOU got this!

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