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Everything posted by MozzaWehsha

  1. Never thought I'd be one of those people who would lose 100 lbs. Yet, its not about the number, I have abandoned the scale a while back, I am focused on how my life changed, because I was no longer worried about how others viewed me. My victory is not how much I have lost, or the size I now wear --I'm starting to fit into size 14-- It's about how much I have changed as person, it is like my weight and body image have been chaining my real personality. Something I never thought was true. So here is to everyone starting this journey, it will be worth every tough day, I promise
  2. MozzaWehsha

    Weight lost- Help

    Try incorporating dates - soft medjool ones- they are very dense nutritionally. I had to remove them from my diet because more than 2 a day dramatically slowed down my weight loss. Maybe eat one every 3 or 4 hours ud be amazed at how great they are health-wise and taste wise.
  3. MozzaWehsha

    Is this a bad food choice?

    One of the main things you'll notice is that your taste buds not only change after your operation, for some reason they will keep changing for the first few months. At first I had to have everything super salty, one month in I needed to cut out salt from everything to tolerate it. So you may end up being surprised that you can't tolerate sausages, and ur fine with eggs
  4. MozzaWehsha

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    As winter is just about to begin where I live, I got out my winter clothes from storage,and a tight jacket is now a coat...not even exaggerating cant wait to wear it, also so many things that haven't fitted for a couple of years are now a perfect fit! I have a new wardrobe without even shopping
  5. I am 6 months post-op, my hair has been falling at the same rate since month 3. For you when did hair falling stop? or begin to significantly slow down? I take hair Vitamins and Biotin, but I want to dye my hair..I am afraid its going to increase the hair fall rate.
  6. 19 lbs to go to hit the 100 lbs loss mark! Can't believe I am one of those people I hear about on TV :D

    1. Candygyrl


      Congrats. That's amazing!! I can't wait to get there either!!!

    2. Sai



  7. Thanks all for your comments, they are helping. Eventhough I know very well that all of us are on the same boat, it helps to know that there is an eventual slowdown to the hair fall. My hair fall is definitely not as bad as month 5, however, it is still significant, Especially for month 7 post-op. A tip I thought I'd share. I take Biotin and butt load of Vitamins, they promoted hair growth but I did not slowdown hair fall at all. So I dramatically increased my intake of veggies and fruits, I have a salad bowl in front of me and every half hour or so I take a few bites until I finish it, I also juice fresh smoothies at home. It's been about a week, and suddenly my hair fall rate got dramatically better. I think by another week things will be much better for me. I really recommend trying that.
  8. Thank you all for your comments. For those who are wondering,yup dying your hair increases its hair fall rate. I am not sure how to slow or end the hair fall process? I always had very thick rich hair, and my Protein intake is of that of a healthy person, bordering on that of an Atkins person. Biotin, hair Vitamins, Multivitamins...what can I take to slow down the hair fall process?
  9. HI, I am considering an MGB. What is the prep diet? please share your pre-op preparation journeys with me.
  10. A friend of mine has a RNY yesterday, today she vomits blood every time she tries to drink any fluids. The Drs. assistant says its okay. But I do not think it is. Has any of you encountered this?
  11. MozzaWehsha

    Not very limited

    Can I know why most of you don't think I stretched my pouch? I was scheduled for a scan I am so scared to find out that my pouch is stretched I postponed it.
  12. MozzaWehsha

    Not very limited

    I am not sure if this is a common thing or not, but I am 5 months out, and for the past month it has proven relatively easy to eat actual average meals in size. Have I stretched my pouch?
  13. 71 lbs down. I am actually one of those people who talk about losing big numbers!

  14. MozzaWehsha

    Not very limited

    Thank you for your replies. I do eat more slowly, so a meal spreads over an hour, more if I am eating rice. I do drink with meals, which I guess is making it easy tto eat more based on one of the answers.
  15. MozzaWehsha

    Hunger has been insane since last night

    This happens to me when I eat mostly fruit, having rice or oats usually stuffs. Think back there has to be a type of food that fills you up and stays in you tummy longer than other food. These types of foods are both evil and a blessing.
  16. MozzaWehsha

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    I began fitting into clothes I used to wear over five years ago yupeee!
  17. 4 Months Out, 59 Lbs.

  18. Hello all, So I am 3 months out, Protein, fruit and vegetables are about 70% of total intake. My hair was perfect, but it started falling 2 weeks ago and a fast rate. Any help? Have you passed through this? How did you deal with it?
  19. MozzaWehsha

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    It is an indescribable feeling to simply go into a department store and choose your size from any design you want. I could barely find my size anywhere before
  20. Today is my 3 month anniversary, how I imagined this moment before my surgery! 49 Lbs and counting :)

    1. ProudGrammy


      happy surgiversary!! you are doing great - down 49 lbs and counting - keep up the good work - kathy

    2. MozzaWehsha


      Thank you :))))

    3. Jolene-journey


      Awesome JOB!


  21. MozzaWehsha

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    Something small, but I never realized it until today. Now when I rest my hands on my face I feel my jawline the moment I touch my face...I never noticed that I could only feel my jawline before by slightly pressing my fingers against it. Something small, but I never realized it until today. Now when I rest my hands on my face I feel my jawline the moment I touch my face...I never noticed that I could only feel my jawline before by slightly pressing my fingers against it.
  22. MozzaWehsha

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    So I went shopping for a new blouse, I was size 24 two months ago at the time of the operation, I thought why not try the 20 and see. It fit very well, so I thought maybe just in case try the 18, if it is a little snug I will get it and it will fit properly by the end of the month. Not only did the 18 fit perfectly, it may actually get too wide in a months time! I walked out of the store with such a huge smile May we all continue to experience these little victories
  23. I am size 18! Down from 24 :) It happened :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Daisee68


      Woohoo!! Congrats!

    3. MozzaWehsha


      Thank youuu! :D

    4. Jolene-journey


      hey that's awesome and I am the exact same went from 24 to 18's!

  24. I was never one of those women that compare themselves to every other woman around. Recently, I keep looking at every woman that my eyes can find, compare how thin she is and how she looks with me...and as someone who is still at the beginning of her journey I do not look good in these comparisons...which is affecting my emotional state and self confidence. Has any1 passed through this? and what do you do?
  25. You said something so right! How we view ourselves has changed. It is very true I never considered myself eligible for comparison to begin with...but I guess now I see where I want ro be becoming a reality and then noticing that I am very far away ...even though I am well on my way...thanks dear Sent from my GT-N7100 using the BariatricPal App

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