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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by patticNJ

  1. Sorry, but why on earth would you have to crush your thyroid pill? It is so darn small. Even with the MOST fill the opening of the stoma would be about the size of a dime (straw at least). Now, I know that my thyroid pills (Synthroid) will fit through a straw, I tried it. Not because of the band, but I dropped it in a can of sprite once and sucked it through a straw to get it out. The other pills, you will probably be able to take, I know that my Sarafem will go through, it is small enough, not sure if it is similar in size to Wellbutrin. Anything else, you could ask for in liquid form if you are uncomfortable. My surgeon said if you put it next to a dime in any direction and it fits, you should be ok. So, I'm taking his word on that one.
  2. patticNJ

    Victorious Valentines Debut!!!!

    HI all, Ok i thought I was the only UNlucky one to catch a nasty cold 8 days before surgery. I feel like Crap. The Dr told me to take Sudafed, but my throat hurts today, and the post nasal drip is so gross. We had a funeral over the weekend, and I bet I caught it from someone there. Well, I have my pre-admit testing tomorrow so we will see what they say. The only problem I'm having is that I am so cold I cannot drink any Water, and I was told by the nutritionist to try to start drinking the water and stop the diet coke. AND I HATE WATER!!!!! Ok I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better, and going through this journey with you.
  3. patticNJ

    It Is Official

    Actually, I only have to do liquids the day before. I was told not to gain or lose any more weight before the big day. Which I might say is pretty hard. I'm so excited rught now, I can't see straight.
  4. patticNJ

    It Is Official

    I just wanted to pop in and share the GREAT news. I just got the call from the surgeons office, that I was APPROVED. I'm soo happy, and scared I am shaking. It was so quick, no 6 month diet, no waiting, less than a week. I cannot believe it. I'm sitting here at work trying to pay attention to a conference call, but I want to run out and scream for joy. I have 9 DAYS LEFT!!!!!!! :tongue::eek::smile::eek: OH MY! OK back to work!:eek:
  5. patticNJ

    Who had Dr Abkin?

    So, i'm scheduled for Feb 5th with Dr abkin, who had their surgery done with hom? I go for my 3 hours class tomorrow, just wondering what to expect? Did Dr. Abkin require a pre-op diet? When I went in for my initial consult he told me that as long as I didn't gain any weight, I would have to do a liquid, just the day before. I'm just nervous, this is as close as Ive come to actually getting this done, last time I tried, I got pregnant with twins. Ok, need to get to listening to this call for work. Be back later. Patti
  6. patticNJ

    HI Joining you all

    HI, I posted under the Feb bandsters thread, but I'll also post here. My name is Patti, I'm 36, the mom of 3. I live in NJ. I have a 6 y/o son, and 1 y/o twin girls. I'm scheduled to be banded on Feb 5th, providing the insurance approves, which we don't see any problems. My DH and my mom are pretty much the only 2 who really know. My MIL knows that I'm having something done, but not really what. (we need her to babysit) I'm not ashamed or embarrassed, and after it is done I will shout it from the rooftops, but I am just not ready to hear the lectures. I've been hearing them my whole life. YOu shouldn't eat that, you should go for a walk, maybe only one beer, really 2 pieces of cake. I've heard it all, and this is MY decision and MY body, and I told the people that I know will support me without the lectures. Of course, I had to drag my mom to the seminar witout telling her so she would get the info first hand. She is all for it. My DH is also supportive, and is even considering getting one if I don't have too hard of a time with it. So, I look forward to getting to know all of you in our journey to Bandland and Skinnydom and Healtydom. Oh, and since I work full time as a Project Manager, it is very hard for me to get on to here often, so I may be popping in and out less often then I would like. thanks.
  7. Hey there, my name is Patti, I'm from NJ. I'm set to have surgery on the 5th of Feb providing that the insurance says ok, which we think they will. I am a proud mom of 3, I have a 6 year old son, and 1 year old twin girls. I also work full time as a Project Manager. I am currently 215, but when I re-started this process I was 227, I am 5'2". My goal is to be around 135, but I'll be happy at a NORMAL BMI. As I said re-started this process, this is my second time doing this. The first time, I did the pre-op supervised diet required by my insurance, and I lost 25 lbs, and got pregnant with the twins. So, here I go again. Hopefully this time won't lead to triplets. Can't wait to get to know you all on our journey together.
  8. patticNJ

    stretching my pouch?

    Linzer, Do you have the new Realize Band? I am going to Dr Abkin as well and will be banded on Feb 5th. I am getting the Realize band. How was your surgery? Right now, I am trying to eat like I have a band, and it seems to be working ok, although my work is so busy that I really do not have time to do much more than pick here and there. Patti
  9. patticNJ

    New Band Update (REALIZE)

    I am scheduled to have my Realize Band placed on Feb 5th. My doctor is also a proctor. He pretty much agrees with you Dr Watkins, they are very similar, there are slight differences in the placement, and the only thing that i will notice is the very cool website. He did say that they loo different on X-ray, but hey how would I know what I'm looking at. And really do I want to look at it, as long as it is working the way it is supposed to work, I'll be a happy camper. The website has a tracker, a journal with photo feature, a forum that other Realize patients can chat, you can set goals, link to your Dr and all kinds of good stuff. OK, I'm done. :cool: Patti
  10. I was with 1 Dr for 2 years and had to do the 6 month supervised diet and exercise, (2005) then I got pregnant with twins. Fast forward to October 2007, started the 6 months again. January 2008, new insurance, NEW DR, no 6 month pre anything, and no pre-op diet, he wants me to stay the way I am, I have so far since Oct. lost 20 lbs. this is about when I got pregnant the last time, it was between 20 and 30 pounds on the pre diet. I'm on the schedule for Feb 5th.
  11. I was just told not to gain or lose any weight. NOW how hard is that. I am having a terrible time not gaining, I keep losing. This is terrible.
  12. patticNJ

    United Healthcare

    OK all of you AT&T folks, are giving me HOPE!!!!! I was just switched on the 1st of January, I had Aetna, and that is no longer offered here in NJ so i pretty much had no choice. Come to find out that the Dr that I have been working with for 2 years (got pregers with twins on the first pre-op diet) is not in the UHC network. So, the rider or whatever they call it, that AT&T has with UHC states that it will NOT cover any DR or hospital that is out of network. They told me to find a new DR. Even if I have to go out of state, or 500 miles away they will cover 90% in network, but not a dime out. UGH!!! Then, as I sat here crying my eyes out cause I am just about done with my 6 month pre-op supervised diet and doing good and not getting pregers again, I cannot find a DR anywhere near me, and the darn website is NO help. But I did find Dr Fielding at NYU that is in network so I am going to call there to see what can be done, and if I can use my exisiting work or if I have to start all over again. Please tell me that AT&T isn't this MEAN and that it will be OK!!!!! thanks, Patti
  13. Ok so this is a GREAT topic. I'm on the banding schedule for February. should have been done last year, but 2 beautiful girls had something to say about that. Anyway, a year ago this Sunday I went through a pretty traumatic C-Section and gave birth to twins at 31 weeks. They pretty much ripped me open (sorry TMI), I'm assuming the pain couldn't be much worse than that, and after a few days of percs I was fine. Now the protien drinks, do they sell and unflavored one, like the Benefiber stuff that you can put in anything. I really cannot tollerate those drinks, they make me puke. I tried them all. Thanks for all of the great info and looking for to more great advice. Patti in NJ.
  14. patticNJ

    Alcohol After Surgery ???

    So, I'm guessing that after being banded, I cannot have my ice cold beer as I float in my pool! that is sad, but I guess I can drink something else, that is still refreshing but not carbonated. Patti
  15. patticNJ

    Dr. Andrei in NJ

    HHM that is a good question, I'll have to write that down for Friday. thanks.
  16. Has anyone used this Dr.? I have an appointment with him on Friday, and wanted some feedback. I have looked him up on the net, but everything i found was way old. His office is in Livingston. Oh yeah, I'm pretty new to posting here. Been reading for a while, trying to decide if this is for me. I have Aetna, and Dr. Andrei's office called me and said that Aetna is now covering the band, so back I go. I hope this is the right decision for me, I've been following WW and lost 15 lbs since January. thanks for any info. Patti
  17. patticNJ

    6 months and counting

    I have Aetna and started my 6 month diet last week. My PCP sent me to a nutritionist that is on the Aetna plan. Will that still count? I know I won't lose any weight, I've been on WW ans following it to a T and only lost 6 pounds in 24 weeks. My only grip is that the nutritionist cost is $30 co-pay, do I have to pay that every week. I sure hope not, cause that will just go out hte window and I will get RNY which is already approved, but the band needs 6 mo supervised diet. UGH I hate waiting. Patti Newbie.

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