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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by patticNJ

  1. patticNJ

    What are you eating?

    yes, i'm on full liquids until my 2 week follow up and then mushies for 2 weeks, then i can start working in solids. I tell you what, I really don't miss 'food' but i do miss chewing. it was funny, last night while the family was eating and I was dining on a protien shake, which was fab by the way, I was chewing it. My 6 y/o, says, 'mom, your chewing your drink, are you nuts?' we all just starting laughing so hard it hurt so bad.
  2. patticNJ

    I'm now officially a Bandolero!

    Congrats on being a Bandie! and a NON smoker!!!!! It only gets easier from here!!!!!
  3. patticNJ

    Full Liquid Stage Recipies

    I made the best protien shake for dinner last night, and then again for Breakfast. 1 packet protien poweder (choc or van) 1 banana 1 tbsp Peanut Butter skim milk and ff/sf ice cream 2 scoop blend until liquid, not thick OH MY, keeps the hunger away for hours.
  4. patticNJ

    Full Liquid Stage Recipies

    amanda, i made another post for mushies, and we'll keep this one for liquids...for most of us that is 2 different stages, your recipies are KILLING me!!!!!!!!
  5. patticNJ

    What are you eating?

    OK here is a typical day for me I'm 8 days out today: 8oz water when I wake up with meds. 8oz coffee 8oz protien drink 10g (with extra scoop 10g) water water water 6 - 7 oz soup or yogurt for lunch (with extra protien powder) water water water pudding or applesauce water water water 6 - 7 oz soup for dinner (with exrta protien powder) Maybe a sf ice pop or apple juice
  6. patticNJ

    Full Liquid Stage Recipies

    Amy, I'm doing good. I feel great, having a hard time drinking all this Water, it is too darn cold. I move to mushies after my 2 week post op on the 21st, until then it is full liquids. But that includes yogurt, pudding, blended cottage cheese and anything that goes through a funnel. How are things on your end of the country?
  7. patticNJ

    Full Liquid Stage Recipies

    OK here is a great soup that I had last night. Campbell's Golden Select (in the box) Southwestern Corn IN the Magic Bullet with 1 scoop Protien poweder (unflavored) then strained to get the corn skins out. OH MY! It has a little kick, and oh so good. While my family was enjoying Stew Beef with Noodles and gravy, I didn't even care. Tonight is Tomatoe and Parmasean.
  8. patticNJ

    Full Liquid Stage Recipies

    Ok amanda that is a softy recipie do we need a seperate thread for that, I CAN'T HAVE THAT YET!!!!!!!!!
  9. patticNJ

    I survived! Haha

    YEAH, have a safe trip home, and take it easy, every day gets better!!! Welcome to the banded side of life!!! it is great to be here!
  10. Jess, I had Aetna, and went through a bunch of crap. On Jan 1st my company switched to UHC and on Jan 10th I went to a new Dr that was IN network, I had my approval on Jan 28, got my band on Feb 5th and couldn't be happier. Good luck to you.
  11. patticNJ


    Amanda, glad you are doing so much better. And that you attitude is so positive. You are the poster child. Let's see i would skip the cottage cheese and go for the riccota with some cinnamin, blend it up with a little skim milk if it is too thik. YUMMO! Karen, glad to see you are doing good as well. LOVE those protien shakes... YUCK!
  12. WHOO HOO Staci you will do great! See you on the banded side of life!!!! Write when you feel up to it.
  13. patticNJ

    Good luck next week: Feb 11 - 15th

    Good luck, it really isn't as bad as it feels like it will be. Just remember to WALK it off! that is the best thing I did. The pain is REALLY manageable, if you are female and had a child, it is nothing compared to birth. See you on the banded side.
  14. patticNJ

    Full Liquid Stage Recipies

    thanks susan, but i figured since we are all in the same stages right now, it would be easier for us to share here. But i will certainly look there for goodies as well.
  15. patticNJ

    Mushy Stage Recipies

    thanks susan, but i figured since we are all in the same stages right now, it would be easier for us to share here.
  16. patticNJ

    Last day.....to surgery I go!

    I would like that garlic soup recipie, please. Maybe it will make the terrible breath go away, can't hurt right. Is anyone else having terrible breath? UGH it is so bad. I'm going ot stop on the way home from work tonight to pick up some other full liquid things and see what I can come up with. I'm tired of yogurt and pudding already and i have another whole week and a half of this stage. this is going to be tough. I'm going to start a recipe thread for the stages for us sounds like a plan. Patti
  17. Kat, I absolutely LOVE your analolgy. That is the best way that I have heard the band explained in plain english ever. I am going to use that to explain it to my family from now on. I use all the technical terms and they just get confused and walk away. Cake icing they will understand, since I am a cake decorator, wannabe. :cursing: Thanks patti
  18. patticNJ

    Welcome HOME Double V's!

    hi all, was banded on the 5th, was sent in at 11 am and was home at 6. had some serious burping, like gagging and puking, but that has stopped. other than that, i'm doing ok, no real pain, just took 2 percocets since i've been home, and some tylenol, for the inflamation. It really isn't half as bad as I thought it was going to be. I'm having some gatorade g2 and water and ice pops. tomorrow i'm on full liquids. ok going to take a nap before the kiddo gets home from school.
  19. patticNJ

    Mardis Gras Week Surgeries!!!

    That is the best "FAT Tuesday". It will be our LAST Fat Tuesday ever. And that is it, I am going to stick to my Lenten promise this year, there is no way that I will not, my band will make sure of it. I always slip up at the end. The only thing I am wondering is how on earth are we supposed to get our protien in when we are not supposed to eat meat on Fridays (I do not eat fish)? Guess I'll be eating lots of refried FF Beans :eek: :frown: Good luck tomorrow. I'm so nervous today, trying to get some Water in, and eating my jell-o and broth, I'm not even hungry, but I know I should eat something.
  20. patticNJ

    Last day.....to surgery I go!

    4jin, Hope your surgery goes well. :eek: See you on the banded side of life. Good luck to everyone else who is getting banded today!!!
  21. patticNJ

    The Official Surgery Date Thread

    TachaBaby505.................Natacha.......................9 January 2008 crystalcml...................Crystal..........................28 January 2008 DxMOM........................Jennifer.........................1 Febuary 2008 CynthiaMcC ..................Cynthia....................... 1 February 2008 Sadie........................Sarah..............................2 February 2008 4jin02.......................Janis...............................4 February 2008 Neenco.......................Dineen...........................4 February 2008 Kittenquite..................Ko.................................4 February 2008 slbindc......................Susanne...........................4 February 2008 patticNJ....................Patti................................5 February 2008 petergriffin.................Russ................................5 February 2008 Big marathoner...............Amy.............................5 February 2008 Michelle9003.................michelle.........................5 February 2008 Beachbum0519.................Alisa...........................5 February 2008 girlsmack....................Shannon..........................6 February 2008 Peabody......................Amanda..........................6 February 2008 JaxBandster..................Karen............................7 February 2008 EnchantedRuby................Ruby..........................7 February 2008 Shinyhappymommy.........Melissa.........................8 February 2008 TinaBobina...................Tina.............................11 February 2008 LilMissBand-Aid..............Irene...........................11 February 2008 Angie4b1g....................Angie...........................12 February 2008 aveamora.....................Staci...........................12 February 2008 sharon160....................Sharon.........................12 February 2008 Mac the Knife................Mac............................13 February 2008 travel_anna..................Anna...........................13 February 2008 Princess21...................Kimberly.......................13 February 2008 Viridescence.................Viri............................14 February 2008 Nikki2001....................Nicole..........................14 February 2008 taismommy....................Tamika......................14 February 2008 voxwatt......................Cristina.......................14 February 2008 Glynda.......................Glynda.........................15 February 2008 St Louis Gal.................Pat.............................15 February 2008 Bluelion........................O..............................18 February 2008 Valvinnek....................Alyssa.........................25 February 2008 Gibson........................Christy....................... 25 February 2008 Amieru.......................Amie............................26 February 2008 Dana-k.......................Dana...........................26 February 2008 hijabigirl1973...............Stephanie.....................26 February 2008 Mel119.......................Melinda....................... 27 February 2008 Coolcrystal..................Crystal........................27 February 2008 fireleo.........................Jess...........................29 February 2008
  22. patticNJ

    Is anyone kinda sad?

    Thanks, I'm feeling much better today. I guess it is just the nerves. I know that I will be able to eat 'real' food just less of it. I just am going through this thing. I'm not even going to miss food so much, I just want to get it over with already and start my new life. UGH!!!
  23. patticNJ

    24 hours and Counting

    Cynthia, I hope you are Happy in Bandland by now. Waiting to hear how it went. Here's to a speedy recovery. :smile::tongue::eek:
  24. patticNJ

    24 hours and Counting

    Good luck Cynthia, let us know how you do. bigmarathoner - I'm with you on the 5th. We are band sisters. Are you nervous? I am getting there. Wish I could have a beer and some wings during the big game, I can have the wings, but the beer I don't know. I'm on Clear liquids Monday.
  25. patticNJ

    Is anyone kinda sad?

    I'm right here with you. One minute, I'm dancing on air, the next, I'm crying. Not sure how to feel. It's not that I'm going to 'miss' food per se, I've been taking this medicine to prevent migraines for about 3 months now, and I have no appetite, I just know that when I stop (it cannot be used long term) that 'LION' will be back with a vengence. I also started in 2005, and had twins, then started again, insurnce change and the whole approval thing took less than a week. :frown: So, I'm going Tuesday, scared to bejeezes, not of surgery, had plenty of those, voluntary and not voluntary, but of what life will be like afterward. Not stopping at McD's on the way to Grandma's, well for the kids ya, but not me. What about when we go on vacation, what will I eat when everyone else is chowing on Turkey legs? I didn't think of all this before, but i'm having nightmares about it now. It is totally consuming my days since she called and said I was approved. Will I walk around Disney sipping on a water bottle and be 'happy', will I want that Mickey ice cream head? That is what is scaring me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
