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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by audefacere

  1. audefacere


    From the album: audefacere

  2. audefacere


    From the album: audefacere

  3. audefacere


    From the album: audefacere

  4. audefacere


    From the album: audefacere

  5. audefacere

    October Sleevers?

    My surgery is 10/27!!!! I'm soooo excited. The day I was approved was exciting but I did have one day where I had a bit of a freak out. I kind of let myself go to all the bad places. You know the what if's and worse case scenarios but only for one day and then the next day I was back to excited and happy and grateful. I think it's healthy to understand the seriousness of the surgery but also realize that there are sooo many people who go in to surgeries. Also I wouldn't have been approved if I wasn't healthy enough for the surgery. I'm currently on day 9 of my 14 day pre-op diet. It's been a hard 9 days but I've already lost almost 7 lbs! I wish you well! Friend me so we can stay in contact!!!
  6. I'm on day 5 of my pre-op diet which consists of 800 calorie / 1200 calorie blended diet rotation. Protein intake is 28-56 grams a day. 3 meals and 3 glasses of skim milk for my Snacks. I've been feeling really great the last 4 days. Maybe a little tired here and there but that was to be expected. I've been working out everyday for 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer. I try to go first thing in the morning as soon as I finish my Breakfast. Today it hit me like a ton of bricks. I feel exhausted and just generally crappy. I'm going to take a rest from the gym tomorrow. My question is: If I'm only eating 800 calories and then burning 500 calories at the gym, should I eat another extra 500 calories to make up for the work out? I've tried to call my nutritionist but she had left for the day and it's friday. Any help would be appreciated?
  7. audefacere


    I start my pre-op on Oct 13th and I've been thinking the same way. I am giving into a few cravings here and there though. I'm making up for the extra calories by upping my exercise regiment. I had been craving pizza, ice cream, and BBQ since I've been on a strict 1300 calorie diet for the program I'm in. So I've given into those craving but in moderation. Thin crust pizza and only 2 slices, 1 scoop of ice cream, and I'm planning on going out for some BBQ on Friday (that's going to be a big splurge but I'm going to hit the gym for a solid 1 hr workout). Also, I have been meal planning for the next two weeks for my pre-op diet so there is no room for error or failure!!! Shakes are really great!!! Good luck on your pre-op diet!!!
  8. audefacere

    October 2014

    My surgery date is October 27th!!! I can't wait! I'm hoping to find other october sleevers to share my experience with.
  9. My insurance came through in record time and I've been approved after 'only' 12 agonizing days of waiting. Ever since I got the email this afternoon, I've been anxious. I guess it comes with the territory. It's a major surgery and my life is definitely going to change. It's not just this idea or thing that may or may not happen after I jump through several dozen hoops. The hoops have been cleared and I AM getting the surgery. It's the only thing I've thought about for the last year. So why am I freaking out? It ridiculous really. I know this is what I want and what I need but now that it's set in stone (not exactly - I still don't have a date) I'm just terrified. It comes in waves of excitement and then terror and then elation followed by doubt. I'm not getting cold feet - that's not what this is about. It's just me working out in my head that I'm getting a really drastic surgery that I'm excited but realistically cautious about. You kind of have to go into one of this kind of surgery with the idea that something bad could happen, right? Did anyone else feel this way?
  10. I've love to chat to some locals going through the same process.
  11. audefacere

    Meet up?

    Would anyone be interested in a meetup? I think it would nice to meet locals who are going through the same thing. Krystle
  12. Hi! I'm getting my surgery through UIHC. I had my last appointment with my nutritionist and nurse and we've submitted to insurance. The waiting game starts!
  13. audefacere

    Psych eval

    I'm thinking of meeting with a therapist throughout the process (this is in addition to my psych eval). Since it is the biggest life change in my life, I think it would be good to work through my relationship with food with a professional so that not only my body changes but also my mentality. Has anyone else done this as well?

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