I am 8 days post surgery today. I had my first post op visit. I completely feel your pain.
Today I was allowed to start my second stage of liquids. I can now include clear broth from stage one as well as creamed Soups (no chunks of course) sugar-free pudding, sugar-free Jell-O, certain yogurts, coffee diluted with milk, tea, Crystal light drinks, diluted apple juice, sugar-free applesauce, sugar free hot chocolate and my Protein shakes.
Sounds like a lot, right? To bad I am still craving my old food. I'd love to have penne a la vodka and at least just suck on the Pasta with sauce but not eat the pasta. I craved a piece of turkey bacon when my fiancé cooked it the other day and licked a piece instead of eating it. I feel like I'm alone on this.
I was told that eventually I can get back to eating things that I would like but will realize that I don't really need that food anymore. I know with my presurgical diet I did really well without the sugars and carbs. I was allowed to eat that stuff but it was 100% frowned upon. Very high-protein, low-carb, no sugar. I survived and felt great. It's just knowing that I literally cannot eat that food right now is what's killing me. I know that it will rip my stomach apart, probably has a very hard time swallowing and the aftermath could be severe. That's what is keeping me going.
Just remember that we did not get where we are because we were salad lovers. I am here and although you will feel alone, you're not.