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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by snowkitten

  1. snowkitten

    Hunger+Capacity+Menstral cycle?

    Aleena: Wow, good for you! Have you always done that much exercise or did you start at a certain point? I've been horrible on the exercise front. Every time i go to the gym I get sick and since i have an immune deficiency i get sick for a LONG time. And of course once i stop exercising its hard to get back into a rhythm. Lulah: I completly know the feeling (sick). How are you doing now?
  2. snowkitten

    Hunger+Capacity+Menstral cycle?

    Lulah: yeah I gain alot of water weight during my time too. So annoying. Woah! 43 lbs in 2 months?! We're u extremely strict with the diet and exercise? Congrats for being close to goal
  3. snowkitten

    Hunger+Capacity+Menstral cycle?

    Aleena: wow 135lbs is awesome! Did you do much exercising?
  4. snowkitten

    Hunger+Capacity+Menstral cycle?

    Countrygrrl: I know what u mean. I had chocolate too. I was totally beating myself up about it untill my mom figuratively smacked me upside the head & reminded me that I've always had a ravenous craving for chocolate when pmsing. Just because I got a surgery didn't mean I stopped being a woman. So I forgave myself. Aleena: thanks, I hope it stays normal too! I heard that people keep losing up to 18mo to 2 years. If you dont mind me asking, how much did you lose a month? Was there a certain month that the weight loss seriously slowed or did you pretty much stay consistant? How many calories do u eat? Shizwiz- oh I so hope you don't end up having to deal with this. It's really tough. I went batty at first not sure if it was my hormones, or gastritis, my surgery failed or what. Turned out it was both hormones and gastritis. Talk about a double whammy lol. Try warning your bf that the next couple weeks you will be very hormonal. It helps to let them know that u understand that your gonna be wacko. My hubby was really good about it.
  5. snowkitten

    Hunger+Capacity+Menstral cycle?

    Oh thank god, its very nice to know im not alone. This has been driving me nuts and i hadn't seen anyone else mention it so thought i would put it out there. Lulah: Im 5 months out. I listen to my sleeve when its full so thats why i've been able to find a trend. Aleena: Oh wow, i've had crazy irregular periods too. Some times every other week, some times every 3 weeks or once a month. The past 2 month have been pretty normal. I'm hoping it stays that way. How long did it take for you to normalize? Did either of you find that you lost less or slower because of this?
  6. snowkitten

    Eating pizza after VSG

    Just eat the toppings and tell anyone who asks that your cutting out carbs
  7. snowkitten

    Tummy symptoms

    Thanks for your response bittersweet! I did start a prescription strength ppl (omeprozole). That's what was so weird. I no longer have the knawing hunger pains. BUT I had discomfort pain everytime I ate or drank. The past couple days have been better so I'm thinking I had a stomach bug.... again. I have had intermittent right to back pain still tho so I'm thinking you may be right with the gallbladded. I'm hoping not tho!
  8. snowkitten

    Tummy symptoms

    Warning, this is a little long. I want to start by saying that I am already working with drs so im not trying to get you all to diagnose me. I’ve come here because lets face it, many dr’s are clueless and/or too busy to really care. I learned a long time ago that if I wanted to get anywhere with my medical I needed to do my own research first. I’m 3 ½ months out. Immediately after surgery was awesome, no hunger at all, had to force myself to eat/drink etc.. Had some nausea and discomfort in my stomach but nothing too bad. About 3 weeks later that all changed and hunger hit with full force (I also had some burning sensations in my tummy). At the suggestion of this site, I bought some over the counter acid reducer and told my surgeon. He advanced me to soft foods a week early but things continued. 3 weeks ago I had intermittent nausea/vomiting/dizziness that lasted about 2 weeks. A few other people around the office had the same symptoms so I chalked it up to a stomach flu. At my 3 mo apt I told my surgeon that i was still having an acidy tummy so he told me to take twice the dose of the over the counter medication. This never worked. Then last week my stomach nausea came back along with stomach discomfort when I ate. Then I got stomach pains that went to my back. I went in to see my pcp who gave me a ppi, and ordered an ultrasound (im also having an un-related EGD that is now dual purpouse) to check my gallbladder. So been on the PPI for 4 days now and I feel a lot like I did my first 3 weeks post op. Im no longer hungry, Im nauseous with smells and eating. I have to force myself to eat and get in my fluids (due to discomfort and lack of wanting) and I have the discomfort when eating or drinking (not like the pain from acid but more like the irritation pain). So my question is what the heck am I feeling now? Do you think it’s a A). The PPI is doing its job and im back to feeling how I SHOULD post op? . Ive gotten the stomach flu again (my mom now has it) C). Symptoms of gallbladder disease All opinions and experiences welcome
  9. snowkitten

    Do you notice how much others eat?

    I don't really notice how MUCH someone eats so much as I notice HOW they eat. It amazes me how so many people shovel the food into their mouths, barely chew, and shovel more in before right away. I wanna just scream "enjoy it!!" Lol
  10. snowkitten

    Immunity Changes?

    I can say for sure that yes, weight loss has increased my immunity. I have an immune deficiency and one of the reasons I got the surgery was because obesity impedes the immune system and my numbers weren't coming up. My immunoglobulin g (the part of your immune system responsible for protection against bacterial infections and the memory cells) wouldn't go above 300. My immunologist wanted me in the 900 range. 3 weeks after surgery and about 20 lbs down my level went up to 600!!! So YES, weight loss absolutly helps your immunity
  11. I ate really well on thanksgiving but I think that was a mix of 2 days cooking (never wanna eat when I cook alot) and having the flu. Now AFTER thanksgiving was a different story. I got my appetite back so I grazed all day. Still didn't eat as much as I would pre surgery on a normal day tho so I'm very happy
  12. For 2-3 weeks after surgery I had no hunger, but after that it returned with full force. Hopefully u will be one of the lucky ones
  13. I had horroble diarrhea in the begining. Sometimes 6 times a day.It wasnt till I was 1.5 moths out before I started having normal bowel movements
  14. snowkitten

    How fast do you drink your liquids?

    Good question, and I'd love to know what the experienced have to say. Ive been able to drink pretty fast. I can't chug an entire bottle of water at once like I could before, but I have no issues drinking 1/4 a bottle at a time. No sipping for me!
  15. Just wanted to share a cute little picture that I thought was all too relevant for us WLS patients. Have a great holiday!
  16. snowkitten

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    I had the SAME issue. Stuck at the same weight for 3-4 weeks, then ate some not so healthy foods (mainly crackers and sweet tea) and I dropped 3 pounds! WTF is that???
  17. Caffiene is a diuretic so it's possible that it's advised against because wls patients have a harder time getting in needed water intake and thus could become dehydrated easier. I still drink tea, but I make sure to get over my required water intake too.
  18. I just got all my preop testing done and the way my health care is set up I'm able to view my lab test results online. I'm concerned the surgeon will deny me because a few of them. The two I'm most concerned about is the hpylori and ptt (blood clotting) test. My hpylori is positive and my ptt came back low (just barely). Has anyone had experience with either of these results and were u still able to get the sleeve?
  19. snowkitten

    5 months out...tortoise or the hare?

    Love this thread. It makes me feel so much better not to be alone. I'm a slow loser as well. I think what bothers me the most is that I read so many people saying the bigger you are the more you will lose at first. Well starting at 344 I didn't expect to only lose 35 lbs by my 3mo mark. The stall I'm currently in makes it that much more frustrating!
  20. snowkitten

    Diet Cheating!

    You mentioned that you think u just needed the crunch. My surgeon's office suggested cherios. It has the crunch but it melts in your mouth. They now have protein cherios on the market. The honey ones are great. Just don't eat the granola that's mixed in.
  21. snowkitten

    Diet Cheating!

  22. snowkitten

    "Surprise" charges

    Im going down to talk to the surgeons office today. Im hoping this can be resolved.
  23. snowkitten

    "Surprise" charges

    Ok im freaking out right now!! I got all my bills (or so i thought) after surgery and the total of what i owed was $350. I have the wonderful Federal BCBS basic insurance that pays 100% for participating providers. Then just today i got a bill for the assistant surgeon and I have to pay $2500!!!! Because he's a NON-participating provider. Well i specifically asked the surgeons office if he was a BCBS participating provider beforehand and was told yes he was. What do i do now??
  24. So I was just curious, what was your SW, CW and about how much did you lost monthly?? I've heard that as time goes on you start to lose less. At about what month did you notice a drop in lbs lost monthly and by how much? I'm just trying to prepare myself for what to expect. I'm 2 mo post op and SW was 344, CW is 313 so about 15.5 lbs per month loss.
  25. snowkitten

    You know you lost weight when

    My husband and I were shopping and he had to run to the bathroom. When he came back 15 mins later he said that he literally walked past me 3 times and didn't realize it was me. He did recognize me !! Lol

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