Hello everyone,
I am a newbie to this forum looking for an answer to my question. I am a recent lap band owner (July 24, 2007). I have been doing well with the band without any complications during 3 phases of the diet change. (Lost over 25 pounds so far). I have just started experiancing some discomfort with what I assume is Gas pockets? I can eat as suppose too, but later I have a build-up of gas. I want to "belch" it out, but feel like it is stuck. At times I experiance sharp pains for a brief second or two until the urge to "belch" is gone. Is this normal with the Lap Band? I have tried taking Gas-x and Phayzine which has helped a little, but the problem has persisted now for 3-4 days. Any ideas or experiances similar to my symptoms?
Thank you in advance for any responses.:cry