Hello! My name is Debra and tomorrow, February 26th my band will be 5 years old. I started this journey at 349 pounds. At one point during my journey I had lost 114, right now I'm at 65 lost. Sadly I've gained almost 50 pounds back Some of the reason is I've had 3 surgeries since my lap-band was put in place. Therefore all Fluid is removed for recovery. I've also flown to Germany and back with most fluid removed since the middle of December. I am such a food-aholic that I simply go nuts when I know I have no restrictions from food!! I made it through the holidays without gaining but latey OH BOY....I'm like a shark - always searching for food. My next fill is in March. Now the gain has not all been since Christmas either. I've put a little on after each surgery. I acutally lost almost 30 pounds due to a hernia blocking all food (even ice) from passing through my band. The fluid loss alone I was told would be a major hurdle to overcome! I just can't seem to find the motivation I had when I first had my band!! I was so good to stay on track and mind my doctor...not drinking with meals, using my little pre-portioned plate even! I've had several friends that had the surgery due to the success I had had with my band and now I'm just a disappointment to them all! Please someone help me to get on track and find my motivation again!!!!