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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by crysclev

  1. Finally broke my stall today!! 188 lbs...I will take it! Started drinking two Premier Protein shakes (30g protein each) everyday and eating more veggies. Before I was only drinking one shake and was logging the other protein from my normal food intake. Apparently I wasn't absorbing enough protein from the foods I was eating. So now I am getting 60 grams of protein from my shakes plus trying to get another 20-40 per day from the food. It is working! Phew...I was about to throw in the towel and say well I guess this is all I'm going to lose...so glad I didn't!
  2. crysclev

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    Broke my 3 month stall today! @188...I'll take it! ????
  3. crysclev

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    Stuck...been at 190-194 for about 3 months now...
  4. thanks @@kimba6999! I will try to get more workout time in and see if that helps any. I work a full time job and do college/prep coursework online at home, have 3 kids etc so my schedule is really spread thin. I will try to up it more and see if that breaks my stall. Congrats on your loss so far!
  5. crysclev

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    Here's my most recent pic!
  6. crysclev

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    Checking in...haven't lost near as much as most of you but I am still happy with where I am. Haven't weighed in over a week but last weigh in I was at 195 down from 246 before preop diet and 262 HW, surgery date was 02/27/14. I have been doing a brutal boot camp workout and am sooo very pleased with the results I am seeing in my flappy wing arms. Keep up the good work fellow sleevers!
  7. crysclev

    Mystery symptoms

    @@Jen35 Yes the Carafate has done wonders. I had an EGD on Tuesday and my surgeon said my stomach looked fine but was still red and a bit irritated. I think that whatever was going on got better with the Carafate during the week I took it prior to the EGD. How are you feeling now?
  8. crysclev

    Mystery symptoms

    @@Jen35 - I too am having similar symptoms. I saw my surgeon yesterday and he prescribed me Carafate also. I have not picked it up yet so I don't know if it will provide immediate relief. He thinks either gallbladder or ulcer. My pain has not radiated through to my back but is more isolated to just my stomach area and is accompanied by nausea and occasional heartburn/reflux. I am scheduled to go for an EGD on Tuesday and they are also sending me for an ultrasound in the next few days. I hope they find your problem and get it fixed! Keep me posted please and I will do the same! Good luck!
  9. crysclev

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    15 weeks post op - down 48 lbs and finally broke into Onederland last week!! Had my 3 month check up a few weeks ago and I was so proud I have to share. Dr said they have only seen one other patient have blood work look as good as mine in the last year. I was off the charts on my protein levels and was above or right where I needed to be on everything. I have a friend who has dealt with serious malabsorption issues since surgery and is on twice the supplements as usual so I have been taking mine religiously and without fail. And...it paid off! I am experiencing some hair loss but thankfully it hasn't affected the overall look of my hair...hoping it stop soon! So proud of you all and am excited to see everyone at your goal weights, healthy and happy!
  10. crysclev

    11 Weeks Post Op

    11 Weeks post op down, 40 lbs. and TONS of inches! Went from size 20/22 to size 14/16. Working out 3 times a week with a personal trainer and doing my own workouts 1-2 days per week. Feeling stronger and better than ever!
  11. crysclev

    11 Weeks post Op

    From the album: 11 Weeks Post Op

  12. I am so frustrated. I follow my plan to the T! I am getting in all of my protein, eating only what I am supposed to, working out regularly etc. The only thing I could do better on is fluid consumption. But I am 9 weeks post op and have only lost 38 lbs. I want more!!! :/

    1. skinnygirlwithin


      Agreed with both above... You are doing great... a little over 4lbs a week is something to be EXCITED about!!! Dont beat yourself up - you got this!!!


    2. Carlotta1


      Be happy with your weight loss. And grateful that u are in your way to a healthier , more energetic life. 4 pounds average per week Is great. Just don't focus on the number of pounds lost. Focus on new found energy,, new eating habits that will help you keep your any excess weight off.., etc etc.

    3. crysclev


      Thank you all....I am more frustrated I guess that I feel stuck in a rut. I have not lost a lb in almost 3 weeks now. I hired a personal trainer who kills me 3 days/week but have still not seen the scale budget. I know TMI, but my bowels don't work much anymore so I am trying to figure out something that will make them start working again. I think that may be why I am not really losing because I can still tell that my clothing is getting loser almost daily.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  13. Just hired a personal trainer today. He starts next week, I am SOOO EXCITED!!!

    1. enjoythetime


      That's very exciting! I've thought about that so keep us posted on the outcome! Thanks!


    2. Carlotta1


      Oh just wait..you will have wonderful workouts. :)


  14. crysclev

    Spicy food

    I'm with you too @@Tubbynomo ...I loved spicy foods preop and now even something mildly spicy makes my sleeve burn and uncomfortable and I am not far from 2 months post op. I miss it and am very disappointed in not being able to have it. The misery just isn't worth it to me now. </3
  15. I have only told my husband, close family and co-workers. I may tell others or make some grand Facebook announcement one day but for now, I just want to take this journey in peace. I have some extended family and friends that are fitness freaks (even trainers) and while I intend on one day being one as well, I do not welcome their certain criticism that I chose surgery to deal with my weight. I feel the same as others on here in that, they have not walked a mile in my rather stretched out skin and do not know what my personal demons are and have been. So until some "Ghost" type stuff starts going on and they have lived some time as me, they have no right to judge the choice I have made. Again, I may change my mind in the future and decide to shout it from the mountain tops, but for now, I choose to keep it quite and only share with those I know are supportive. I didn't even tell my best friend until a day or two before surgery because I knew she would not be supportive about the decision. And, she actually REALLY hurt my feelings and our friendship may be over due to some of her negative comments. So, if you know some people won't be receptive/supportive, don't tell them at all or at least until you are ready to. This is not an easy road and we need encouragement and NOT discouragement!
  16. crysclev

    photo 1

  17. crysclev

    6 Week Post Op

    here's a little before and after 6 week comparison
  18. crysclev


    From the album: 6 Week Post Op

  19. crysclev

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    SW = 246 lbs (Highest ever 262) Surgery Date 02/27/14 = 234 lbs Current Weight = 215 lbs Down a total of 31 lbs @ 6 weeks post op. Was in size 18-20 (5' 6 1/2") and now in some 14's-lose 16's! I cannot wait to get below the 200 lb mark! That is my first goal I have set for myself! I actually weighed 215 fully clothed yesterday and my dr office takes off 3 lbs for clothing so they charted me at 212. It's working! Just have to try a little harder on getting in more fluids. I am feeling all of your pain/struggle when it comes to slow bowels. I'm definitely going to try the V8 Splash I saw someone mention. I'm not a fan of Milk of Mag etc I don't care for the whole ex-lax feeling of going uncontrollably and horrible stomach cramps. Good luck to you all! Everyone is doing great!
  20. I am 4 weeks and 5 days post op. I had the normal incision itchiness that went away about 2 weeks post op. But I also am itching almost everywhere else. The tops and bottoms of my feet, my legs, arms, and even "other" areas. My skin just itches sooo bad that I have actually scratched myself bloody in places. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm wondering if it has to do with any of the Vitamins, B-12 or Protein? I never had this problem pre-op so it has to be either something new I am taking or my body reacting to the surgery? Help!?
  21. crysclev

    My EVERYTHING itches!

    It seems to be better today...I took Benadryl before bed time...slept like a baby and feel much less itchy this morning
  22. crysclev

    photo 2

    From the album: 4 Weeks Post Op

  23. crysclev

    Before 3

    From the album: Before

    My husband and I

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
