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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About mamaruss5

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/15/1957

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    LPN in long term care facility
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  1. I am at 10 months now and have reached what will be my goal weight. I have lost 70 # and feel great! If I lost more I would look bad so I am done. I have had a relatively easy time through this process. I still find myself trying to figure out if I should drink or eat! If you haven't had surgery yet you will find out you can't o th at a meal. Everything that the Dr. told me was true including this. Other things I have learned include: pasta is the devil! I can't digest it. If you really want it, soak it for a day then cook as norrmal. Eat snacks frquently, SMALL snacks. It keeps your energy up. Eat slow and when you feel full, YOU ARE! Don't chug your drinks no matter how thirsty or hot you are. You will suffer for it. I still can't seem to eat saurkraut, it won't digest. If they give you a card to be able to order off the childrens menu at a restaurant, use it! I wasted so much money and so much food before I got up the nerve to use mine. If they don't offer you a card, ask for one. I only had 1 restaurant not let me use it. She said my name wasn't on it so I asked her if she wanted to see my scars! Still didn't work :)I'm still learning to fit into my new boby, but loving it every day and so happy I took the jump.

    1. punkinvine


      Wonderfully happy for you! Each year will present new blessings and challenges. Small plates and dishes have helped me adjust to looking at very small portions as just right for me . It took time to see it this way. The clothes shopping was my oh wow how fun. To look nice in everything practically was such a treat. I have trouble with almonds digesting! We are all different but similar I think. Keep up your pattern.. seems like it is working well. STAY focused and you will be so healthy for it. Congrats and keep it up!

      PS: I could lose a few more pounds but looking like someone let the air out of the balloon is not very pleasant so I am good where I am too . I hear you!

  2. mamaruss5

    Salad's How Long ? !

    Was sleeved June 17 and did try a salad last week and didn't seem to have much difficulty. Couldn't tell if I felt fuller faster or not. No stomach upset after. I really haven't pushed the issue yet.
  3. mamaruss5

    Time Off Work

    I am on day 12 and feel like I could probably go back soon. I took 3 weeks off because I am a nurse and am on my feet a lot.
  4. mamaruss5

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    I had mine 1 week before my visit with Dr. Posner and was scheduled for surgery 1 month later.
  5. I had my sleeve on June 17 also and I, too, am having a hard time trying to get in the protein. I tried a couple different shakes and have stuck with the choc. powder from Walmart. Some of them have an awful aftertaste. I just had a sugar-free popsicle today and love it! I don't feel hungrey at all, either. I just know I am to keep hydrated so work at it all day.I have not had any problems since surgery. I am trying to not pick at the plastic that I was closed with. I see my surgeon, (also fantastic), Thursday. Can't wait to progress a little to pureed. I only took pain med for the first 3 days, just didn't need it. Don't need a new problem! You should probably say something to your MD about your BP being so low.
  6. mamaruss5

    T minus 9 hours

    Was in your shoes 1 week ago tonight. Just do what they say, follow all the directions and you will do well. I feel pretty damn good. I had no nausea or severe pain in hospital. Had ice packs for top of stomach area and left shoulder. I think they helped. Use the pain meds they offer you when you are able to have them so you get lots of good rest. I catruthfully say I have not felt hungry all week. Hopefully your doctor has you using protein shakes after. A friend of mine was sent home on just fluids with no protein. He couldn't understand why he was feeling hungry. I am sooooo happy I did this!
  7. mamaruss5

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    I can't tell if my posts cross over at all but wanted to update. I love Dr. Posner and I absolutely love Buffalo General Hospital Can't say enough about the wonderful care there. Never waited more than a minute when I put on my light. Otherwise surgery went very well. I had it in my head I would be nauseated and in a lot of pain. Neither happened. The pain was very manageable and never had nausea, just a little gas. Used a Gas-x strip I took with me and worked well. Didn't need a drain, guess I had very little blood loss at all. Had no trouble with the sips of water and ice chips. Kept hydrated enough. Went down the next morning for the UGI and passed. The drinks for the test weren't bad either. I had thought they would taste bad but were not at all. It was just sips before each view they did. The doctor came in a short time later and said I could go home and within 3 hours I was gone. I ended up with 5 small incisions. I did keep up on my pain med so I was comfortable and since home have napped a lot just because I can (and need to). On full liquids till I see him net week, 1 ounce every 15 minutes morning till night with 60-80 gm protein. My husband feels bad when he eats in front of me but I keep telling him it's alright, I choose to do this so it doesn't bother me.
  8. mamaruss5

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    I went to Buffalo General and even though I was in a semi-private room the stay was excellent. They ere right there when I rang my bell for anything and everyone was very nice. I almost felt like I was at a spa at times. I can't say enough good about them.
  9. 3 Days post surgery and I feel really good. I had no nausea at all and pain was very managable both in and out of hospital. I have used the gas-x strips with good effect and actually had a BM (even though it was tiny) without needing to take anything. I have kept up pretty well on having the 1 ounce of fluids every 15 minutes. Napping about 3 times a day. I have to say if you are lucky enough to be having your surgery at Buffalo General Hospital , they are the BEST! I put my call light on and they were there in 1 minute or less. Everyone was so nice and everything went very smooth. Loved it.

    1. Chelly


      That's wonderful to hear that you're doing fine.

      Welcome to the other side and to a new healthier you.


    2. Zoey716


      So glad to hear BGH was SO good to you! I had a great experience at ECMC (even with my follow up care from a few complications!).

    3. BeagleLover


      So good to hear that you're not having major pain and difficulties! Congrats on getting to the other side.

  10. mamaruss5

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Surgery in the am @ Buffalo General. Very excited! Dr. Posner doing surgery. Love this site. So informative.
  11. Only 12 hours and 40 minutes till surgery!! I'm ready and so excited. I am so glad I found this site so I can be prepared mentally. I know I will feel like crap and want to die for a couple days so I will deal with it! I have chosen to do this.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Colleen C

      Colleen C

      You are so close! I am on Friday. Soon to be in the bandster family for us!

    3. mamaruss5


      So I was sleeved yesterday at 7:30am and got home from the hospital taday at around 3. I was at Buffalo Medical Campus( Buffalo General Hospital) and can't even say enough good stuff about that hospital. When you ring your call ball they are there within a minute! I never waited for anything. And they were all sooooo nice. The surgery went very well and I was up walking around within a few hours. Take your little pillow, I found it very helpful and comforting. I have 5 little incisions and the only tender ones are the center 2. The liquid lortab is pretty yuckymbut watered down it is tolerable. The UGI this morning to check for leakage wasn't bed. I had heard the drink tasted bad but I didn't think so. They let me watch the screen but it was greek to me!So now back to sleep, something I've done a lot of today. It's my poor hubby's Birthday and this is what he gets to do....take care of me!

    4. BeagleLover


      Congrats on gittin' 'er done! That's OK, you can pay him back later.

  12. Mine was fairly easy even though I am on the low end. There was an application the MD made me fill out and I had to list all previous failed diets. My primary also wrote them on his referral letter to the bariatric doctor and all of this went to the ins. co. I really didn't have to prove anything. They went on my word.
  13. GOT INSURANCE APPROVAL! Had last visit before surgery today and got all my info for surgery. Can't believe it is really going to happen! Will be a new, smaller me soon!

    1. titasback14


      Happy for you !

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