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Patricia Tate Johnson

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Patricia Tate Johnson

  1. I'm scheduled for August 4th with Dr. Alejandro Lopez and looking for anyone else going during the same time frame.
  2. Patricia Tate Johnson

    1 Year Post Op & 136 Pounds Lost (with pics)

    Thanks for sharing your journey; very motivating and encouraging!!!
  3. NSV: Used my lunch break to take a 40 minute walk:-)

    1. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      I see you're walking up Awesome St, now are'nt you ? Way to go ! Keep it up !

  4. @@Melanieada I was sleeved on July 29th and have felt great since the day after surgery. I have not had any complications, there have been times when I either ate too much or didn't chew thoroughly enough and my sleeve definitely let me know. I have been astounded by just how well I feel. Just remember our sleeve is a tool and we have to make good choices. Wishing you continued success!
  5. Patricia Tate Johnson

    August Surgery in Puerto Vallarta

    @@Freebird14 I did take guaze pads (adhesive kind) and chicken broth packets. The packets were a Godsend on the airplane. I did not take any crystal light or water; I went to the local Walmart (a taxi ride away) and brought some flavored zero calorie Water. They had a geat variety to chose from and some GREAT flavors we don't have here in the US. I didn't met any other patients; in fact, I was the only patient in the hospital during my stay. Dr. Leo picked me from the hotel about 8:00 to take me to rhe hospital, which was about a 15-20 drive. I had to complete some paperwork and then was taken to my room. I was taken back to the OR about 10; D Lopez and Dr. Edgar came to the room about 9:00 to discuss the surgery and answer any questions.
  6. Patricia Tate Johnson

    August Surgery in Puerto Vallarta

    Freebird14--the Marriot is great; seems to be a hub of people and activity, but it is beautiful.
  7. Patricia Tate Johnson

    August Surgery in Puerto Vallarta

    Hi all! My surgery date was moved up to 29 July, so I'm 5 days post op and I'm feeling great. My surgery was at Hospital Medica Ebor and the care I received was outstanding. I have nothing but good words for Dr. Lopez and his staff.
  8. Patricia Tate Johnson

    Long flight~ concerns abt deep vein thrombosis?

    I leave from Anchorage on Friday, July 26th headed to Puerta Vallerta, I'll let you know how it goes for me. My routing is Anchorage-LA-PV; i think each flight is about 5 hours.
  9. Patricia Tate Johnson

    10 Months Post Op Pic & Feeling Pretty Fabulous

    What an inspiration!
  10. Patricia Tate Johnson

    August 2014 sleevers!

    Pre-surgery visit hotel accomdations paid for, plane ticket purchased, balance of surgery cost paid; I.AM.READY. Exactly 30 days from today I am on the plane to Puerto Vallareta
  11. Patricia Tate Johnson

    100LB Photoshoot

    FABULOUS and creative idea! Thanks for sharing your success:-)
  12. My date is August 4th; I am sooooooooo ready!
  13. Patricia Tate Johnson

    August 2014 sleevers!

    I'm scheduled for August 4th in Puerto Vallarta; so excited and ready for change.
  14. One word--INSPIRATION!!! Thanks for sharing your journey; I get sleeved August 4th and I am so ready to begin this journey. Again, thank you for shining a light to the pathway for an active, healthy lifestyle!
  15. Patricia Tate Johnson

    August 2014 sleevers? Let's chat!

    I'm getting sleeved August 4th in Puerto Vallarta. My weight battle has spanned 14 years and I decided that I no longer wanted to fight the battle. I have been rather open with folks, and have received some interesting comments, but having done my research, I am comfortable with my choice. Some have questioned my choice of location rather than the surgery itself, while a coworker discussed MY surgery with HER doctor--that was interesting; the doctor told her that I would need support and asked if the coworker would be there to help me. Funny, I don't remember asking my coworker for support. I know the sleeve is a tool, and that I still have to "do the work" as I did when I was dieting and exercising, but this tool works and will allow me to acheive the healthy lifestyle that has thus far evaded me.
  16. Patricia Tate Johnson

    Anyone SLEEVED by Dr. Armando Joya

    Good Luck! I travel to Puerto Vallarta on July 30th for sugery on August 4 with Dr. Lopez and have been looking for others going to the same location. I would love to compare notes after we're done.
  17. Patricia Tate Johnson

    3-Month Follow-Up Results

    Congratulations on your success! It's encouraging for me to hear as my surgery is scheduled for 8/4/14 and I'm about the same weight. I think you're right not to focus on the anxiety, but also think you should try to figure out why and where it comes from so you can address and slay it once and for all. The greater focus though I'm sure, is how good you feel and the confidence you've gained. I Celebrate you and say "me, next please."
  18. Patricia Tate Johnson

    4 months and 1 day

    Thank you so much for your post today!!! I love your statement "make this sleeve work for me and not let it work me!!!! I think you just gave me my new mantra Congratulations on your success and thanks again for the inspiration.
  19. Patricia Tate Johnson

    Baby Food Pouches

    Great question! I'm scheduled for a VSG on August 4th and was thinking of using them. I look forward to hearing some reviews.
  20. Patricia Tate Johnson

    Hola! Orale! Seems Mexico is my option

    Depending on which organization you chose to work with, a coordinator is not necessary. I went through Mexico Bariatric Center and selected Dr. alejandro lopez. MBC is a "third party" coordinator, but Dr. Lopez has also opened his own practice, Specialized Bariatrics, and can be contacted directly. My coordinator has been responsive, prompt to reply and accessible; I spoke with her via telephone just this afternoon. I scheduled in February and was required to make a $750 deposit; I will pay the balance about a week before my surgery date. My consent form detailed potential additional costs such as: hernia repair/morphine pump/blood transfusion/additional night in the hospital, etc. I was also informed the hotel would require a credit card with at least $100 available for 'incidentals." Since making my choice, I have continued to research Sourcis (the company behind MBC), the doctor and the hospital where the surgery will take place. I have only grown more comfortable with my decision and wish I could go tomorrow
  21. Patricia Tate Johnson

    Don't tell me i didn't try!

    It's easier to list what I haven't tried..........weight loss surgery It's been 16 years and thousands of dollars (I'm sure I could have paid for a double digit number of surgeries in Mexico) that have led me to this point. August 4 is my new beginning.
  22. Patricia Tate Johnson

    im sleeved! , 8 hours post op

    YEA!!!!! Two thumbs up for the positive experience; congratulations and good wishes for the remainder of the journey,
  23. Patricia Tate Johnson

    Surgery tomorrow

    I think it's natural to have a bit of anxiety prior to a life changing event; focus on the life after and the future you envision once the process is compelte. Tonight do something special for yourself--bubble bath by candle light, quiet reading (if you like to read) or anything you like to do that is soothing and calming. I will be sending you happy, healing thoughts. When you feel up to it, let us know how you are doing.
  24. Patricia Tate Johnson

    Friend said she's disappointed

    I think you handled if PERFECTLY! My surgery is scheduled for 4 August and for those that have expressed a less than positive sentiment, I tell me that this something I need to do for my health and quality of life and "kinda of a been there, done that" with diet & exercise and I am still at an unhealthy weight. I am really interested in seeing what their post surgery comments are.
  25. Patricia Tate Johnson

    6 days post op sleeve

    Thanks for sharing and I'm glad to hear that you are doing well! My surgery is scheduled for 4 August and I am so READY.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
