Boy, did I struggle with this one! My kids are 13, 11 and 1. I know if I sat down and explained it too them it would be okay... But I chose not too for several reasons. 1) I didn't want them to think that surgery was the answer for losing weight... I don't think they are mature/old enough to understand how hard I have struggled over the years with dieting. and 2) I really only planned on sharing this with my family (mom, sisters, etc) not necessarily neighbors and casual friends. I think it is a lot to ask of a 11 keep a secret like this from her friends. What I did was to explain to them I was having surgery and when they asked why, I told them it was a female thing and kind of personal. But added that it was nothing major and I would be healthier when it was done. Just enough but not too much information. Then I explained the early eating/drinking as necessary to help my surgery heal. Now as I've moved on to mushies, I've told them that I'm healed but now I'm going to watch what I eat and eat better so I can be even healthier. I hope this helps.