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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by rian2010

  1. only 8 lbs to go!!! I CAN DO IT!

    1. Zoey716


      You are doing SO GREAT!! You've got this!!!!

  2. rian2010

    NY - Buffalo

    Did we figure out if we have a leader or co leader yet?
  3. Made it to my 3rd goal!!!! 75 LBS LOST!!!!

    1. Dragonsmate


      awesome! congrats!

    2. jenny13


      Yay!!! Congrats!

    3. rian2010


      Thank you!!! Means a lot!


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. chasingadream


      Thats awesome…congrats to you! Enjoy every pound of it!


    3. Chelly


      That's awesome and congratulations......

    4. relief57


      congrats. Just figured out what that meant. Hope to join you in the not too distant future

  5. rian2010

    NY - Buffalo

    Ooohhhh great idea!!! Id love to go meet up with a group.
  6. I MADE IT 1/2 WAY!!!! 51 more pounds to go!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Wow ! Great job ! Congrats on your hard work !

    3. Imlosing big
    4. joatsaint


      Congrats, Keep Pimpin' that Sleeve!

  7. rian2010

    how is everyone feeling?

    I found the more calories, protein and water I can get in the more weight I lose LOL.... your body goes into starvation made when you are working off more than you take in. So If you started working out or you are more active now you should try and get more in. Now that I work out more I am finding myself stalling because I can't get the extra calories in. But I really don't wanna be flabby...... I am so paranoid over flabby skin
  8. Has anyone already had surgery? If so how are you managing.....
  9. rian2010

    Chew and Spit

    I have done this only 2 or 3 times. It was with tough meat I knew I couldnt digest. But it was more of a i didnt know the meat wasnt tender enough so i spit it out. But Again i know how nice it is to chew your foods. what helped me in the beginning was soups with super soft veggies in it and it made me think i was "eating" instead of drinking. But like everyone else said it isnt a good habit to get into.... it is an eating disorder if it becomes a daily thing. But I def chewed gum in the beginning like someone else mentioned. It REALLY helped me.... it was like my teeth ached to get used LOL
  10. 15 lbs to onederland!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JillC878


      Good for you! Keep up the good work and you will be there before you know it. Must feel great!


    3. chasingadream


      Congrats…it will be here soon…and it IS an AMAZING feeling! :)

    4. rian2010


      Thank you so much guys!!! It means the world to me!!!

  11. 18 lbs until my half way point!!!! I cannot believe it!!

  12. rian2010

    how is everyone feeling?

    Question... How is every ones incisions feeling? I was fine for awhile but now the "major" one is starting to hurt again. Like bending over and turning when I sleep. Its almost getting as bad as when it was first done. I think Ill call the dr monday if i am still in pain. I was thinking maybe I formed a hernia but I dont feel anything when pushing down. Its kinda hard around the site but thats normal....
  13. rian2010

    how is everyone feeling?

    UMMMMMM recipe share PLEASE!!! LOL
  14. rian2010

    how is everyone feeling?

    http://www.care2.com/greenliving/9-healthy-high-calorie-foods.htm This site has some good ideas for high calorie foods such as Peanut Butter, avocados, and almonds. It says the site doesnt work :-(
  15. 75 more lbs to go !!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sandy17051


      woohoo!!! they'll be gone before you know it! :)

    3. rian2010


      Thanks ladies!!! It was nice to finally see some weight loss.... The secret for me is getting enough calories for more than 2 days.... my body keeps going into starvation mode and then im in a stall

    4. Mikee57
  16. rian2010

    how is everyone feeling?

    Yea my most ive gotten was like 850. But i have about an average of about 600. Ive been ok at work but I am afraid of my 8 hr saturday. I am going to have to figure out a lunch or where to get some decent soup LOL
  17. rian2010

    March 2014 Losers

    So excited for you!! I swear by Jello and sugar free Popsicles. they got me though that first week!! and strained chicken broth from Soups is WAY better than plain chicken broth from a can (like swanson) LOL Keep us posted!!!
  18. rian2010

    how is everyone feeling?

    I was back to work today also.... ugh I am draggin... I have only been able to do 450-600 a day. I havent lost a lb in like 5 days. And I know its because I am not getting enough calories. What are people eating to get these calories.... i feel like the soups and cheeses are all so low.
  19. rian2010

    March 2014 Losers

    anyone have good stage 3 foods? im getting worn out on soup and cheese!!! i need some ideas!!
  20. rian2010

    how is everyone feeling?

    NO MORE GREEK YOGURT!!!!! I swear if i have to look at another container of it ill be sick! BLAH. I cannot keep up with calories! I feel like I am eating all the time and if I am not eating im drinking.... but my dr said if i dont maintain at least 800 calories my body will go into starvation mode and I wont lose any weight. And I have notice this!!! Its so frustrating!!! Please Ladies and Gents give me some good healthy high calorie Ideas..... I am getting very tired of cheese and soup.
  21. rian2010

    how is everyone feeling?

    I have been trying to try more and more foods but I feel like most of them are getting stuck..... I feel like i have pain all the time because im always "seeing" if i can eat this or that. So far I tried to eat some tuna salad and it was good the first few bites and then it hurt. I think this whole relearning how to pace and eat is harder than it sounded. I need like a shock collar..... BIZZ your eating too fast.... BIZZ you didnt chew that well enough..... BIZZ too big of a gulp of drink.... LOL im sorry i just needed to vent.... old habits die hard....
  22. rian2010

    how is everyone feeling?

    Oh man that stinks!!! Well congrats on being about to get it and taking that leap!! yea I finally just got to soft foods. Well if you need to vent feel free!! being away from home has to be hard,
  23. rian2010

    how is everyone feeling?

    LOL i did just notice that!!! look at us go.... except i gained a pound back. I have no idea how .... LOL doesnt seem possible with the amount of food im NOT eating
  24. rian2010

    how is everyone feeling?

    yea I am having trouble getting all the fluids and proteins in. When we can start eating solid foods and exercise things will get so much better!!!
  25. 22 lbs down.... 80 to go!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rian2010


      thank you !!!!

    3. Mikee57


      Congrats...29 lbs down for me and 113 more to go...so you are way ahead!!! Keep up the good work.

    4. rian2010


      Thanks!!! you too Mikees57

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