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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Christi.85

  1. Christi.85

    December post ops

    It's hard to believe we've been able to lose so much so quickly. I still have another 90 to go. I started at 345. I'm at 245 now.
  2. Christi.85

    December post ops

    I have officially lost 100 pounds! Excited!
  3. Christi.85

    December post ops

    I'm on a 2 week stall... booooooo!
  4. Christi.85

    December post ops

    I noticed that I'm starting to eat more than I have been. I've got to watch it though because I don't seem to suffer from 'dumping'... I can eat pretty much anything now. I ate a cookie the other day and I admit sometimes I'll eat a couple of my kids french fries or 'try' some of their food. I've got to stop doing that. My hair has been falling out. It seems to have slowed some. I try not to think about it because it freaks me out a little. I don't blow dry my hair or use and kind of irons on it. I still haven't started exercising regularly. I REALLY need to get to it. I haven't weighed in over a week. I'm down 95 since Dec. 16. S of last week. I've been stalling and getting discouraged a bit. I struggle but I think I'm doing okay. How is everyone else doing? Anyone else struggling?
  5. Christi.85

    December post ops

    I can too. I just have to tell myself that's why I am the size I am. I find that if I just 'taste' something with sugar or lots of carbs I start craving it so I steer clear.
  6. Christi.85

    December post ops

    I haven't started walking or anything. I've got to get with it.
  7. Christi.85


    From the album: Christi.85

  8. Christi.85


    From the album: Christi.85

  9. Christi.85


    From the album: Christi.85

  10. Christi.85


    From the album: Christi.85

  11. Christi.85

    December post ops

    I've never thought about it like that but sheesh! That's a lot of potatoes! Congratulations to you too!
  12. Christi.85

    Friday Weigh-In!

    [ATTACH]43229[/ATTACH] Hw:370 Sw:345 Cw:255 I've lost 90 pounds since Dec 16th!
  13. Christi.85

    December post ops

    Down from 345 to 255 since December 16th!
  14. Christi.85

    December post ops

    I've had a stomach virus since yesterday. Haven't eaten anything. Trying to stay hydrated. Hoping to over this soon.
  15. Christi.85

    December post ops

    I still can't eat meat. I have to force myself to eat most days. Nothing sounds appealing. I'm tired of the same old things. I had blood work done at my 3 month check up. I'm not deficient in any vitamins so I guess what I am getting in its doing what it should but I do struggle daily.
  16. Christi.85

    December post ops

    Yay! I had mine on Dec. 16th and I'm 85 down. It's a great feeling. My hair is starting to fall out some. Not happy about that
  17. Christi.85

    December post ops

    Of I do my stomach bothers me. I can eat VERY little.
  18. Christi.85

    December post ops

    I went to the Doctor today for my 3 month follow up. I've lost 80 pounds altogether (60 since surgery on 12/16). She's concerned I'm losing too fast. She doesn't think I'm getting all my nutrition. I was telling her how I still don't tolerate meat. She said if that doesn't change in a couple weeks they will do an endoscopy to see if the opening from my stomach to my intestines needs to be opened a little to help me tolerate the meat. They did routine blood work. Next week I'll find out if I am deficient in anything. Hopefully not.
  19. Christi.85

    December post ops

    Thanks! I've been awake since 4 am with discomfort. I'm waiting on the nearby CVS to open (at 7) I'll pick up some AZO. Thanks for the suggestion.
  20. Christi.85

    December post ops

    I keep getting a UTI. This is my 4th one since surgery 12/16/14. I'm starting to think that the original UTI never completely went away. Maybe I'm not absorbing as much of the antibiotic as I need to for it to completely go away. I go to the bariatric Dr Monday. I guess I'll talk to him about it, but this really sucks
  21. Christi.85

    Friday Weigh-In!

    Hw 375 Sw 345 Cw 265 I had surgery on 12/16/13.
  22. Christi.85

    December post ops

    I still don't tolerate any meats well. I get a lot of my protein from Greek yougurt. I add granola for extra protein. I also bought some Hemp Hearts to sprinkle on my food. It's 10g of protein per 3 tbs. I add cheese to foods to boost protein. I eat a lot of Lentils too.
  23. Christi.85

    December post ops

    I feel awful every couple days. Dizzy and week. Think I need more protein. My 3 month appointment is Friday. They're going to do blood work and check my levels. Hopefully I'll figure out why I feel like crap. On a brighter note I'm down 75 pounds and down from a 28 to a 22! Whoot!
  24. Christi.85

    December post ops

    I can now cross my legs, down from a 28 to a 22 in pants, I can sit on the floor and cross my legs, and I can wash my butt with much more ease... lol

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