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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by amc2014

  1. amc2014

    June 2014 Dates!?

    ewww thanks. i'm going to try it tomorrow. I got the unflavored too but not sure what i'm going to try it with.
  2. amc2014

    June 2014 Dates!?

    i got some samples from injury from my nut. i want to try the chicken broth. what happens when you make it too hot?
  3. amc2014

    June 2014 Dates!?

    So exciting to have your time already !! We won't know ours until 24-48 hours before Mine is at 7:30 am. i'm not a morning person but at least i'm first and won't be delayed.
  4. amc2014

    June 2014 Dates!?

    i'm having such a hard time motivating myself. When I went in for surgery on March 17th, I did great on the 2 week liver diet and I was excited about the surgery. Now i start my 2 week liver diet again this Wednesday (two more days) and I' worried about it and i'm not excited this time. Maybe in the back of my mind I'm just thinking that something will go wrong and It won't happen again. ugh
  5. amc2014

    My Fitness Pal

    added you
  6. amc2014

    June 2014 Dates!?

    Stacy are you June 4th too?
  7. amc2014

    June 2014 Dates!?

    Same day as me.
  8. amc2014

    June 2014 Dates!?

    i'm having my gallbladder out at the same time too.
  9. amc2014

    June 2014 Dates!?

    Our weight loss center puts everyone on Ursodiol to help prevent formation of gallstones. Mine did a scan while doing all my testing and found my gallbladder packed with stones. Do your centers give you the option to have a scan preop?
  10. amc2014

    June 2014 Dates!?

    This time I will have alot done. my bypass, my gallbladder removed (as it's full of stones), a small hernia on my side repaired. and a procedure to remove and clean up scarred tissue because of so many surgeries. i can't remember the name of that last one. i gotta ask them at my presurgical visit so i can google it of course lol
  11. amc2014

    June 2014 Dates!?

    If you don't mind me asking, what happened the first time you tried to have the surgery? I'm sorry if am butting into your business, I am curious about everything about every aspect of this surgery. no problem at all. as i explained when i first joined the group, i went in on March 17th for my bybass but because they found a huge hernia they couldn't do it. they had to do the hernia repair instead. i had to heal and now i'm 3.5 weeks from going in again. absolutely nothing wrong with my surgery. One good thing that I got to know all of the staff in the hospital's WLS unit. and they are all expecting me back
  12. amc2014

    June 2014 Dates!?

    well since the day of my surgery two months ago didn't go as we expected. I get to do all the food funerals and 2 week liver shrink diet over again. i got all worked up about it the first time but then it wasn't anywhere as hard as i thought it would be. So i got another week and a 1/2 to go nuts lol
  13. amc2014

    June 2014 Dates!?

    click on the pic on the post of the person that you want to add. their page will open, then go to the right and it says add me as a friend.
  14. amc2014

    June 2014 Dates!?

    I'm June 4th
  15. amc2014

    June 2014 Dates!?

    Hi Consuela, we are surgery buddies
  16. amc2014

    June 2014 Dates!?

    Hi everyone, Well this is my second time setting a date. I went in originally on March 17th, got all set up, all 6 small incisions made and then they found a huge hernia that they needed to repair with open surgery so they couldn't do my bypass. I was bummed when I woke up because I thought I was done. Today I went to see my surgeon and my new date is June 4th. He wanted me to do it next week but I'm not prepared and needed to get things in order at work again. It's funny because up until the day of surgery i was a wreck but the morning of surgery I was soooooooo calm. How is everyone doing?
  17. amc2014

    March 2014 Surgery!

    I second that. They asked me if I wanted to stay and I said no.
  18. amc2014

    feeling anxious

    I had bmi 44... sleep apnea and pediatric. And I was same day approved. I believe you'll be fine.
  19. I can't do it from here but go to the March surgery group page. When your there go to the top and copy the url then come back here and paste it.
  20. amc2014

    March 2014 Surgery!

    Where us your peircing? I have a nose studd. I was worried beau last time I had surgery it did close so I had to repierce it. Monday after surgery I put it right back in.
  21. amc2014

    March 2014 Surgery!

    I'm pretty upset. My hernia is the size of a football. I had it repaired in 2008. But the mesh is torn and no longer stapled... it was all pushed to the side. so since its torn they had to repair that. I need to come back in three months for my bypass. Ugh
  22. amc2014

    March 2014 Surgery!

    Surgeon has emergency surgery. I'm probably not going in until about 3:00 3:30.
  23. amc2014

    March 2014 Surgery!

    All checked in and just waiting

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
