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LAP-BAND Patients
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About rena

  • Rank
    band hopeful
  • Birthday 01/28/1971

About Me

  • Biography
    not banded yet
  • Interests
    kids football, reading, making jewelry
  • Occupation
    trauma nurse
  • City
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  1. Happy 42nd Birthday rena!

  2. Happy 41st Birthday rena!

  3. rena


    Thanks Jayme! I need to hear that. I am sure I will need the support. Just like an alcoholic, we must take one day at a time!
  4. rena


    I don't have the dreaded apnea. thank god, I think I would have pummeled the poor sleep tech if he had come near me with a mask once I finally fell asleep. I won't get the results back (meaning the dr. office wont' get the results back for 10 days). then they can send in all the info for final approval. I was thinking about the weight loss and how easy it was to take off when I knew there was a end in sight, and thought about "just changing my life style" to lose weight. Then I got into the rice krispy treats and fresh Cookies someone brought into work, then it was all downhill from there. I realize the band is only an addition to changing your life style, but god, something has got to stop me from binging on all the freakin food at one time. I can't wait to have the surgery now, I think I am ready. I was not ready even a few weeks ago. I was scared at the loss of a good friend (food). I have now come to realize over the past week, that I am in fact a food addict, and that in combination with the band and some OA I might change my life for the best. I am looking forward to it and found this website with all the support and great stories the most beneficial pre-op and can't wait to share my successes with all of you as I begin my journey to a new healthier me. Thanks to you all!
  5. rena


    Had the sleep study last night. My final step before insurance approval. What a nightmare that was, how do they expect anyone to sleep with all of those wires stuck to your head and everywhere else? I started my "own" pre-op diet, I have to lose 14 pounds before surgery (there diet didn't seem all that appealing). I have worked out everyday except yesterday (worked 13 hours then went to the sleep lab), so far I have lost 9 pounds. If only it were this easy to lose weight all the time. hmmm. something to ponder.
  6. rena

    Can't Wait

    I am in the final step to get insurance approval. i have my sleep study tonight, then as soon as they get my results from that, then they send the info to insurance company, then I go see the surgeon. I can't wait. I have to lose 14 pounds before surgery, I had lost 5 this week already, but gained 2 last night. Was thinking maybe I didn't need surgery, then I realized that I am a compulsive binge eater. Ate 2 rice krispy treats, then 2 grandma's choc chip Cookies. didn't work out and gained 2 pounds. aaggghhhh!!! Can't wait to hear how your surgery goes. Keep us all posted.
  7. rena

    I can't wait to....

    I can't wait to buy clothes and not just shoes. Fat girls love their shoes, don't they? I've got more clogs than Nordstroms carries. It's ridiculous! I can totally relate to the haircut dilemma. The year I became a nurse 1995, I got a really short cute haircut. My mom told me I looked like a linebacker on a football team. I never did that again!
  8. Heather, That is awesome! You should be able to find a great house in Hillsboro with all that cash. Just to warn you, the traffic sucks out that way, I suppose living in San Diego it won't seem so bad here, nevermind! Let me know when you get up here, we should find a lap band group to go to. I asked at the dr. office today and they said that they have a group that meets once a month, I will get more info when I go in for my pre-op class, hopefully that will be soon. I have my sleep study done Saturday night, then it takes 2 weeks for the idiots to read the study and dictate... (ridiculous!) then when the office finally gets the results they will sign my up for the pre-op class and refer my over to the surgeons office to meet and make my surgery date. I am really hoping to do this in early June. Will keep you posted. Worked out today to burn my minimum 300 calories a day, they said I have to lose 14 pounds before surgery or they won't do it. I suppose I should serious about the watching what I eat... sucks. Oh well, gotta do what you gotta do. Rena
  9. I am in the pre-op phase, I just finished all of the work-up today except my sleep study, which I do on Saturday night. Woo-hoo! I was told today to lose 5% of my weight before surgery, I was also told work out and burn 300 calories a day. Sooooo, I pigged out today, then I went to 24 hr fitness (yes, I have a membership that I never use) and burned 350 calories on the eliptical. The dietician gave me a simple diet plan to follow to lose weight, shrink the liver, and informed me that they will NOT do surgery if I haven't lost 14 pounds by surgery date and we are shooting for the first of June!!! Cross your fingers, I have a bachelorette party for my best friend in Vegas at the end of July, so I want to be feeling good by then! I am in her wedding September 4th, I am hoping for some serious adjustments to be made in the bridemaid dress come August. The dietician gave me a name of some protein drink that you can order off the internet, but I can't find the piece of paper now, 4 hour appt. today, I seem to have forgotten everything except "lose 14 pounds and work out everyday." Typical of a fat person, only hear the worst! Good luck with the liquids. Let me know if you find a good a good drink, I will need them soon! Rena
  10. rena

    I can't wait to....

    My favorite is when the neighbor kid says as I am riding a bike down the road, "Rena, it looks like the tires are going to blow!" Restaurant tables: I thought they were making the tables bigger, I didn't realize until just know that I am fatter and that is why I have a hard time sliding into a booth. I wondered why everyone else has room between them and the table and my boobs were sitting on the table! Now I get it. The fatty shoe laces: I go out of my way to only wear clogs!!!!
  11. rena


    aileenaI can't wait to get rid of my fat clothes! I hope to have the surgery sooner rather than later. Maybe I will know more after todays appt. thanks, Rena
  12. rena

    Happy Birthday Kathy (The best me)

    What does pb mean? I keep seeing it in various places.
  13. rena

    I can't wait to....

    you so just cracked me up!!!! I am envisioning the scuba gear and the horrified look from onlookers. Its fantastic, like me in hawaii last june in a fricken bakini!!! Tan fat looks better than white fat, thats always been my motto! Rena
  14. rena

    I can't wait to....

    alatinaOMG! you are so right, that was said so perfect. You know that skinny hand with the veins you can see, that is what I am looking forward to seeing. Crossing the legs would be great too. I am also excited to not be afraid to ride a ride at Disney land for fear it will break and I will die and take one of my kids with me!!! Rena
  15. rena


    I am going to see if I have the ticker right?

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