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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by lapbandliz

  1. Hi Sweetie!

    I KNOW exactly what you mean about ending up where the people you help out are!! LOL!! I had to get out... I graduated from college with a Sociology degree in 2002 and thought I could conquer the worlds crap! :) I worked in a methadone clinic for five long years... there some people that I think I might have helped, but for the most part it was an uphill battle.... it was incredibly stressful! I think that is one of the reasons I gained a lot of my weight... I would see other girls come in and they would be "normal" weight and within a year, they would be so much bigger... I saw that happen more than once... Just make sure to take care of yourself... I think that we as caregivers are pouring ourselves into others that we forget about ourselves... I'm so glad that you got the lapband... you did that for you... You go girl!! :0) It sounds like you do have a stressful job and I kind of know where you are coming from... if you ever need to vent... and I'm sure you do, you can always talk/write to me! Hugs!

  2. Hi! You know, I actually met with Dr. K too, but thankfully, my insurance paid for most of mine and he doesn't mess with insurance...he seemed nice enough, but I guess I just caught him on an "off" day... I am feeling a lot better today! The last few weeks have been rough, but it hasn't been awful- I had some complications... so I think I am a little different.... the hardest part at the hospital was having to go and do an Upper GI right after surgery... it was really difficult to get up out of bed and stand there and drink that nasty barrium! Plus, I am DEATHLY afraid of needles, so I was not happy about the IV or all the blood thinner injections... But you just have to keep telling yourself that it is totally worth it!! For the week prior, make sure that you get all the things you will need... like broths, clear liquids, Jell-O, Isopure is good, I liked the grape falvor, you can get at GNC or Vitamin Cottage... I'm not sure what Dr.K's program is, But Dr. Snyder's wants us to get at least 65g of protien/day, which is super hard the first week!! Isopure has 42g in a bottle and if you get whey protein, get Designer Whey... it doesn't taste bad... it's actually pretty decent! :) I know how you feel about just wanting the surgery to be done and over with... you are so ready to start your new life and it is soooo hard to wait!! But it will be here and gone before you know it! Keep me posted... if you have any questions at all, feel free to ask! :)

  3. I know what you mean about the never ending process... I waited a year... b/c of stupid insurance... but it is worth the wait!! I am in CO springs with my hubby... Denver is an hour drive away, but worth it for Dr. S... I would just call Dolly and talk with her A LOT. I'm assuming you are waiting on inurance/? .. that is how I got things to get done... she is awesome, I just think she has a lot of pts. she has to to deal with and you "bug" her, then she will remember you... LOL.. I sound awful, but it is true...did you have to go through the whole six month diet thing for insurance? I did... it's so crappy they make you do that, when you know what you have been through trying to loose weight in the past... Keep me updated on your slow progression to band land... it is frustrating having to wait... you just want it done and over with... but it is worth it!! I had my 2 week post op visit on Wed. and I've already lost 15lbs!! YAY!! :) hang in there!!

  4. Glad to hear that you've been doing great! :) Weren't those gas pain crazy!?? What the hec? By the way, I love your nun avatar! That is great!! LOL!

  5. Hey GG, I was just going through and saw that you work in social work! Before I worked with animals, I was a substance abuse counselor... I did that for 4 yrs and had to quit, b/c I got so burntout!What do you do exactly?? Just curious! :)I hope you are doing well!

  6. Hey girlie! Just follow your doc's instructions and you'll be fine... I got to move to mushies (yogurt, refried beans etc) at about a week... I'm doing great! Thanks for asking! Yeah, my port hurts a little bit still and this week I am 5 weeks out and have lost about 31 lbs!! Yay! Just take it easy and the port pain gets a lot better! :)

  7. Hey! How are you doing? When were you banded? Were banded by Dr. Snyder as well?? Where in CO do you live?? =) I know I've just asked you a bunch of questions! I hope you are doing great! I'd love to hear from another person in CO!

  8. Hey! I just saw that you are in the Springs as well! I was just banded two weeks ago! Where/ Who banded you? Just wanted to say "hi"! :)

  9. Hi! Thanks for the sweet message! :)My banding went well... except for the crazy nausea... other than that.. I can't believe it is done!! How did yours go? I was praying for you on Monday! We should definitely keep in touch.. were on the same road!

  10. I guess every insurance company is different... mine made me do a 6 month diet prior to being approved for surgery... you're one lucky girl! :) I hope you hear something soon! I think Dolly meant that you will hear something soon... just the fact you didn't have to do that diet... I bet you'll hear something asap! Hang in there! I hate waiting and waiting for news like that! :)

  11. I had my surgery at Rose... That is so crappy about you trying to show the insurance company that you are committed...and then the do that to you! Wow! aren't insurance companies evil!? :) The Designer whey is the protien milkshakes... they taste pretty good in comparison to the others, at least in my opinion! I've lost 15lbs already!!!! So happy! I can't really tell a difference yet b/c I have so much I need to lose... but I am glad for the starting point. What hospital is your surgery at? If I remember correctly, it is coming up very soon... Goodl luck! :)

  12. I just saw you are getting banded tomorrow! Good luck!! :)

  13. So glad that it is over for you! CONGRATS!! :) I'm doing "okay" I overloaded my band.. just got to solid foods and now my stomach is bruised... it really hurts!!

  14. So glad that it went so smoothly!! :)

  15. Thanks for the sweet comment! I've been checking out your vblog and you've inspired me to do one as well! Check mine out at: YouTube - ColoradoCrazy1's Channel

  16. Yeah, that gas is a bitch! LOL! I promise it will go away! Hang in there girlie! Hugs!

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