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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lapbandliz

  1. lapbandliz

    Loving My Wii Fit

    Anybody else have a Wii Fit? I love mine! I just got mine about 2 weeks ago... what are the other games you have that you recommend getting a good workout on it?
  2. lapbandliz

    Yet another pregnant bander

    Hey Kris, I just found out yesterday that I am pregnant too. Geez it is so werid to type that! I took four pregnancy tests and ALL were positive! It was a TOTAL surprise. We weren't trying at all, but we must have done something right! :thumbup: I noticed that you were banded within days of when I was banded... funny isn't it? People should be extra careful when they've been banded for about six months! LOL! I have a lot of mixed emotions. Honestly, I'm not happy (yet) I hope to be soon. I just really wanted to loose this weight and you know during the first year is when you can really knock it out! It gave me hope to see that your doc said that you didn't have to have an unfill. I see my doc next week. Am I horrible for not being overjoyed and happy? I mean, sometimes I get excited and happy about it, but then I'm frustrated and scared! I'm on a total roller coaster ride! Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I'm here if you ever need to talk! Congrats to you! :tt2:
  3. Hello Fellow September Samurai! :thumbup: It is so funny that I would come across your post and you are a fellow S.S! I too, am having a hard time and feel myself backsliding as well. I actually went in for a fill today and talked with the nurse about this b/c I don't want to go down. I told her I feel like the "honeymoon" is over and she said it was and that the hard work now has to start. She told me today to think about why I had surgery in the first place. She told me to think about my goals (specific goals) and to think about it and not forget the reasons we had surgery. I know we can do it! We can! Hang in there! :biggrin:
  4. These are so true!! OMG!!!!! The two things I really WON'T miss will be 1. Sweating and feeling hot, when everyone else is shivering cold (yeah that one screams... "I have layers of fat on me and I'm burning up" Now you all know the real reason i moved from TN to CO! 2. Lane Bryant taking advantage of us fat chics b/c they have the only "cute" clothes... and jack their prices up! I'm NEVER shopping there again girls!!!! Can I hear an amen!! :smile2:
  5. lapbandliz

    losin weight without a fill?

    I've been losing weight as well without a fill in... I believe that the band still causes some restriction... I don't know about you, but I am still trying to eat a lot of protien, stay away from carbs and am exercising... I'm down about 30 lbs!! Woooohooo!! :smile2:
  6. Okay, So I was browsing on youtube and I found something about this girl doing the "chew and spit". I'm not really craving "bad" food right now, but I know as I get further away from my surgery date, I could see myself do this... I'm not saying that I will do it, but I can see some bad and some good with this... of course it seems that it is a negative thing, that it is an eating disorder, but on the other hand if you did this every once in awhile, would it be horrible?? Anyway, I was just wondering what other people's thoughts were and if you do it yourself? Please give positive or negative feedback... Just curious about it! Thanks!
  7. lapbandliz

    New Whey "Test Tubes"

    That sounds like a great idea! I'm trying it! :regular_smile:
  8. lapbandliz

    New Whey "Test Tubes"

    Okay, so I got a lot of these test tube things... they have 42g of protien in each one... but they taste like the worst thing in the entire world!! :cursing: So... I've made them into Protien Jell-O! :crying: Just make sure the flavors match... I have orange and grape. Just make the jello according to the directions and add the "test tube" to the cold water you add to the jello... it is actually not bad! :eek: I haven't tried the grape yet.. it is chilling in the fridge right now, but the orange... Pretty good! Good luck all!! :thumbdown:
  9. lapbandliz

    My Story

    Thanks for sharing your story! I bet that it was hard growing up with such a skinny mom who didn't understand! :biggrin: Good luck with your surgery on Thursday! :thumbup:
  10. lapbandliz

    Loving My Wii Fit

    yeah, you really feel like you are playing! I'm better at the Wii Sports than just "real" sports! It is really fun and it keeps track of your weight, bmi and your progress! I love it! SO FUN! :thumbup:
  11. lapbandliz

    Zucchini "lasagna"

    sounds yummy! thanks for sharing! :eek:
  12. Hey girlie! Just follow your doc's instructions and you'll be fine... I got to move to mushies (yogurt, refried beans etc) at about a week... I'm doing great! Thanks for asking! Yeah, my port hurts a little bit still and this week I am 5 weeks out and have lost about 31 lbs!! Yay! Just take it easy and the port pain gets a lot better! :)

  13. lapbandliz

    Sept. Samurai Surgery Check-in

    I am so sorry that you are having a hard time... and I was also wondering... is it strange or stressful to be stuck where you work? You are an icu nurse, and are staying at the hospital you work in? I'm crazy.. I think about things like that! :thumbup: I really hope you don't loose your band and that you start feeling better ASAP! We are all praying for you JWRN! Much love! :tt2:
  14. Yeah, that gas is a bitch! LOL! I promise it will go away! Hang in there girlie! Hugs!

  15. lapbandliz


    Goals I Have Accomplished Move To Colorado, Work in a Veterinarian Clinic, See Scotland, Get Married and be crazy in love, See Delicate Arch (Arches National Park, Utah), See Yellowstone, Get My Bachelor's Degree, Practice Counseling, Play a Musical Instrument, Take Voice Lessons, Sing in Different Languages, Sing in a great choir, See New York City, See San Francisco, Go to Napa Valley and drink wine, See the West Coast, Ride scary roller coasters, Become CPR/First Aid Certified, Took Ballet, Learn to Drive (!), See Montana, Ride Horses, Gone Skinny Dipping, Learn Basic Spanish and French, Do mission work in other countries, To see Phantom of the Opera in NYC on Broadway, See Christmas lights in NYC, See the Empire State Building, See the CN Tower in Toranto, observed the Olympics, Travel on Route 66, Walked across the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Milked a cow, rode an elephant and camel, Took a cruise to the Bahamas (twice) Goals Still to Acomplish Travel to the Following places: Italy, England, Ireland, Spain, Germany, Egypt, France (See Paris), Fiji, Swizerland, Austria, Greece, Israel, Alaska, Hawaii, India, Yosemite, Austrailia, New Zealand, Russia, Japan, Be a great example to younger people, lead people to Christ, grow in my faith, Go horseback riding on the beach, Do a cattledrive, Possibly, maybe have a baby, drive on the Audubon, Get my nose pierced, get a small tattoo, Buy a house, go skiing, get skinny, fly a plance, be in a movie, pay off all debt, go whale watching, have multiple cats, Hike to the Hollywood Sign, hire a housekeeper, Try Parasailing, learn to really paint, Try Surfing, See the Northern Lights, See the Kremlin and Red Square, Go to the Cherry Blossom Fesival in Japan, Stay in one of those bungalow huts over the ocean water, See the Pyramids of Giza, See the Eiffel Tower, See the Grand Canyon, Think more before I speak, Take a course in Wine, Float on the Dead Sea and read a magazine, Visit where Anne Frank hid out, Have a small farm with ducks, chickens, horses, 1 cow, and 1 pig, lots of dogs and cats, own a rabbitt, own an African Gray parrott, grow my own herb and vegetable garden, Walk accross the zebra crossing at Abby Road, Walk in the steps of Jesus and the disciples in the Holy Land, Drive a snowmobile, ride an elephant in India, Ride a camel in Egypt, See the Taj Mahal, Learn Sign Language, Walk on a glacier, to not be scared of snakes and spiders, Ride in a hot air balloon, Take a cruise around the world, Go to Prince Edward Island, See Lucy Maud Montgomery's home, Take Ballet again, try Ballroom dancing,
  16. lapbandliz


    Goals I Have Accomplished Move To Colorado, Work in a Veterinarian Clinic, See Scotland, Get Married and be crazy in love, See Delicate Arch (Arches National Park, Utah), See Yellowstone, Get My Bachelor's Degree, Practice Counseling, Play a Musical Instrument, Take Voice Lessons, Sing in Different Languages, Sing in a great choir, See New York City, See San Francisco, Go to Napa Valley and drink wine, See the West Coast, Ride scary roller coasters, Become CPR/First Aid Certified, Took Ballet, Learn to Drive (!), See Montana, Ride Horses, Gone Skinny Dipping, Learn Basic Spanish and French, Do mission work in other countries, To see Phantom of the Opera in NYC on Broadway, See Christmas lights in NYC, See the Empire State Building, See the CN Tower in Toranto, observed the Olympics, Travel on Route 66, Walked across the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Milked a cow, rode an elephant and camel, Took a cruise to the Bahamas (twice) Goals Still to Acomplish Travel to the Following places: Italy, England, Ireland, Spain, Germany, Egypt, France (See Paris), Fiji, Swizerland, Austria, Greece, Israel, Alaska, Hawaii, India, Yosemite, Austrailia, New Zealand, Russia, Japan, Be a great example to younger people, lead people to Christ, grow in my faith, Go horseback riding on the beach, Do a cattledrive, Possibly, maybe have a baby, drive on the Audubon, Get my nose pierced, get a small tattoo, Buy a house, go skiing, get skinny, fly a plance, be in a movie, pay off all debt, go whale watching, have multiple cats, Hike to the Hollywood Sign, hire a housekeeper, Try Parasailing, learn to really paint, Try Surfing, See the Northern Lights, See the Kremlin and Red Square, Go to the Cherry Blossom Fesival in Japan, Stay in one of those bungalow huts over the ocean water, See the Pyramids of Giza, See the Eiffel Tower, See the Grand Canyon, Think more before I speak, Take a course in Wine, Float on the Dead Sea and read a magazine, Visit where Anne Frank hid out, Have a small farm with ducks, chickens, horses, 1 cow, and 1 pig, lots of dogs and cats, own a rabbitt, own an African Gray parrott, grow my own herb and vegetable garden, Walk accross the zebra crossing at Abby Road, Walk in the steps of Jesus and the disciples in the Holy Land, Drive a snowmobile, ride an elephant in India, Ride a camel in Egypt, See the Taj Mahal, Learn Sign Language, Walk on a glacier, to not be scared of snakes and spiders, Ride in a hot air balloon, Take a cruise around the world, Go to Prince Edward Island, See Lucy Maud Montgomery's home, Take Ballet again, try Ballroom dancing,
  17. lapbandliz

    Dreams and Aspirations

    You know I have OFTEN thought about this and I've actually made a huge list of everything I want to do and have done... So I'll copy/paste from my blog:(I know it is really long) :crying: Goals I Have Accomplished Move To Colorado, Work in a Veterinarian Clinic, See Scotland, Get Married and be crazy in love, See Delicate Arch (Arches National Park, Utah), See Yellowstone, Get My Bachelor's Degree, Practice Counseling, Play a Musical Instrument, Take Voice Lessons, Sing in Different Languages, Sing in a great choir, See New York City, See San Francisco, Go to Napa Valley and drink wine, See the West Coast, Ride scary roller coasters, Become CPR/First Aid Certified, Took Ballet, Learn to Drive (!), See Montana, Ride Horses, Gone Skinny Dipping, Learn Basic Spanish and French, Do mission work in other countries, To see Phantom of the Opera in NYC on Broadway, See Christmas lights in NYC, See the Empire State Building, See the CN Tower in Toranto, observed the Olympics, Travel on Route 66, Walked across the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Milked a cow, rode an elephant and camel, Took a cruise to the Bahamas (twice), have multiple cats, get lap band surgery Goals Still to Acomplish Travel to the Following places: Italy, England, Ireland, Spain, Germany, Egypt, France (See Paris), Fiji, Swizerland, Austria, Greece, Israel, Alaska, Hawaii, India, Yosemite, Austrailia, New Zealand, Russia, Japan, Be a great example to younger people, lead people to Christ, grow in my faith, Go horseback riding on the beach, Do a cattledrive, Possibly, maybe have a baby, drive on the Audubon, Get my nose pierced, get a small tattoo, Buy a house, go skiing, get healthy, wear a size 8, fly a plane, be in a movie, pay off all debt, go whale watching , Hike to the Hollywood Sign, hire a housekeeper, Try Parasailing, learn to really paint, Try Surfing, See the Northern Lights, See the Kremlin and Red Square, Go to the Cherry Blossom Fesival in Japan, Stay in one of those bungalow huts over the ocean water, See the Pyramids of Giza, See the Eiffel Tower, See the Grand Canyon, Think more before I speak, Take a course in Wine, Float on the Dead Sea and read a magazine, Visit where Anne Frank hid out, Have a small farm with ducks, chickens, horses, 1 cow, and 1 pig, lots of dogs and cats, own a rabbitt, own an African Gray parrott, grow my own herb and vegetable garden, Walk accross the zebra crossing at Abby Road, Walk in the steps of Jesus and the disciples in the Holy Land, Drive a snowmobile, ride an elephant in India, Ride a camel in Egypt, See the Taj Mahal, Learn Sign Language, Walk on a glacier, to not be scared of snakes and spiders, Ride in a hot air balloon, Take a cruise around the world, Go to Prince Edward Island, See Lucy Maud Montgomery's home, Take Ballet again, try Ballroom dancing,
  18. So glad that it is over for you! CONGRATS!! :) I'm doing "okay" I overloaded my band.. just got to solid foods and now my stomach is bruised... it really hurts!!

  19. lapbandliz

    banded yesterday

    Sounds like you are doing all you can... are you getting your sips of Water and protien in? You will feel better soon! Congrats on the surgery! :cool2:
  20. lapbandliz

    Sept. Samurai Surgery Check-in

    It was always my dream to live in Colorado, so we (my hubby) and I made it happen!
  21. lapbandliz

    I am getting bummed out!!

    Hi! I had my surgery the same day as you! I'm down 20lbs and I think that 17- 20 lbs is GREAT!! It sounds like you are doing everything that you should be! Keep up the good work... and remember, you could be loosing inches instead of weight... or maybe both!
  22. lapbandliz

    Sept. Samurai Surgery Check-in

    Slim in TN, I'm from Chattavegas! i've lived in CO for a year... what part of town do you live in..? I used to live in St. Elmo, near downtown... I miss the leaves turning this time of year... sigh... we would always go to Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge to go see the leaves and the mountains! So pretty right now i bet!
  23. lapbandliz

    Saying Goodbye to Old Friends...

    Kiz, you better be saying good bye "Forever" to those clothes, because this time next year, you will be a skinny lady!! Wooohoooo!!!
  24. I wouldn't call being a "bitchy diva" a good thing... that should show you what kind of character you really are... I feel sorry for you... I'm not sure why I want to even justify myself, but my doc did in fact prescribe anti-nausea meds even before surgery... I had them, but it wasn't enough, so I had to call him... maybe you should get your WHOLE story straight instead of forming nasty little thoughts before you know what you thinking... And as far as never replying to your previous posts... why would I? What is the point? Even when I tried to "defend" myself with telling you to try calling him, you yourself said "why would you care enough to do it". So why would I care enough to waste my time on you... this is the last time I will be wasting on you... you are a poison... All you are is completely negative! Isn't there enough crap in the world? What is the point now? You are so narrow minded and rude that you have formed your own nasty opinions that are totally and utterly stupid. I have received emails from other users on this site that think you are a complete and utterly horrible person... they can't figure out why you are so "snobby" and that you are "vultures"... that should tell you a little something "sweetie". Like I said before, Grow up. Or maybe you are still in middle school...? Something bad must have happend to you and like I said. I feel very sorry for you and I hope that your life becomes a little bit more happier b/c obviously you have had problems to make you so negative towards complete strangers! wow...good luck with your life! :teeth_smile:
  25. yeah, so my doc did give me his cell phone number... we actually had to call him the night of my surgery, b/c I was vomitting and he called something in to the pharmacy.... you think that is so funny and laughed your "arse" off...if you don't believe me... I'll give it to you and You can call him to see for yourself! Yeah... and you are a tad bit "bitchy"

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