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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Angelica

  1. Okay, so heres the deal on me Angelica, of books, and totally a nerd. I live with my roommate, and her two children, they are 5 and 11, and they have big mouths, but I guess they are sort of awesome. I dont have any of my own children. I have been fat since I was about 6 years old. I was banded on Oct 23, 2007, which, funny as it is, is my older brothers birthday. I was dating some guy, but he turned out to be stupid, so I got rid of him, and I am currently interviewing prospects. I have one little shit tzu, (that was a play on words :eyebrows:), we call him Baby, hes deaf, and blind in one eye, hes about 14 years old now. He lives with my mother because his health is a little iffy, and she loves the shit out of him. He barks non stop, but it sounds more like a thud because I guess hes never had the opprotunity to hear other dogs bark. I work right now soley for a paycheck. I like the people I work with, but I can't say that I am changing the world or anything. I work for an Insurance company (dont shoot!!) I'm a Senior Business Analyst, all I do is review data. Eventually, i would like to do something more worthwhile, so I am considering a career in health sciences, I have always secretly wanted to be an RN. We will see how that works out. This is me, looking rather goofy. Feel free to check out the myspizzle: MySpace.com - www.myspace.com/39604379
  2. Angelica

    On my way

    You know, I got up this morning at 3:30, packed my little bag full of stuff I thought I would need, and followed all the prep instructions from the hospital... I really thought I'd be more nervous, YESTERDAY, I was about to have a fit, but today, eh, not so much. Everyone, please think a good thought for me, surgery starts at 7:30 -A:whoo:
  3. Angelica

    On my way

    Okay, I am home! It was alot easier and painless that I expected. I am having port pain, and I have a little dent where the port was placed. I have a new AP band, and everything is alright, I have been walking, and sipping Water. I really expected to feel more pain than this, but really only one area of my stomach hurts. I am so excited -A
  4. Wowza, this happened fast. My insurance was approved (finally) on Wednesday, Friday I am in for a consult, and Tuesday, I will be banded. The Dr. seemed a little hesitant, until I displayed the knowledge that I had reguarding the band, after that, he felt a little better, I could see it in his face. I quit smoking, I havent been overeating. I requested the AP band, which I will be getting. I have the best laproscopic surgeon in West Texas.... I am nervous as hell. All of this of course, is being made into a bigger deal in my mind because I managed to beat the insurance company out of the 6 month diet plan, which I refused to participate in, and found my way around. So I am happy about the insurance approval, nervous about the surgery, and my labs were completed yesterday. This is gonna be awesome.
  5. Angelica

    Tuesday, the 23, 2007

    <p>Thank you very much <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/happy.gif" border="0" alt="" title="" smilieid="60" class="inlineimg" /></p> <p> </p> <p>I am just trying to beat down the nervousness. All the sudden, I had to impose these strict rules on myself, when I thought I would at least have a week to prepare. </p> <p> </p> <p>My roommate believes in the Law of Attraction, so she and I would sit and visualize my surgery, being thin, being able to live a normal life (as far as my weight goes). Seems like it worked, because I am well on my way <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Wink" smilieid="5" class="inlineimg" /></p> <p> </p> <p>-A</p>
  6. :help:I need help!! I recieved information yesterday from my provider that my pre determination was approved, but my pre certification isnt? What does that mean? I am totally confused. I called the Pre certification department within Horizon BCBS, and they told me that the nurse was working on it as we spoke. hrm. I dont exactly know what this means. Why would they give me an approval number if the surgery wasnt approved. I work for an insurance company, and pre certs and pre dets are considered the same thing. Can someone give me some information on this? -A
  7. Angelica

    Approved with BC/BS of New Jersey!!!

    Actually, I sort of went in a round about way. I had my paperwork submitted, and got returned for 6 months of a diet program, 5 years of documented obesity, and information on my center of excellence and support groups. So, I decided I would just try a work around, I had several migiating factors. One, I was perscribed tenuate (which is a diet pill that made me basically nuts, way to hyper, and anxious) which I had to stop taking because of medication interaction. In addition, i had several injuries I had to see the doctor about, including muscle strain, and torn ligaments due to exercise in the last year. Further, I was unable to provide 5 years of documented obesity. So, I basically wrote a mean little letter, my benefits connect coordinator contacted her person at BCBC of NJ, and the contact asked for my medical records to be resubmitted. I also took it upon myself to fax my letter detailing all of this to this contact. I also inclided that I had been on the phone with the supervisor of their call center who was rude and unprofessional, and called me stupid. (this is true!! okay, maybe I was throwing a fit to get her to help me, or refer me to the next higher up, but she should have known the game we were playing.) It was submitted on friday of last week. I called every single day this week asking for a result, and I got one yesterday So excited. I guess where there is a will, there is always a way. I have worked in the insurance business for the last 2 years, and the call center business for 6 years before that. So I put together this experience to basically give them hell until they gave in. Lucky me, its approved, and I can hardly even believe it. -A
  8. I am so excited, I almost dont believe I was just approved. I have been calling the insurance company every single day checking on paperwork, and finally, today, the customer service rep said it like it was no big deal, 'yeah, you've been approved' She has no idea how this is going to change my life :eek::) :whoo:
  9. Okay, I have a second question tonight, as I cant sleep and my stomach is tied up in knots thinking about the prospect of having to lose another 6 months of my 20's on a diet that more than likely wont work. Has anyone gone out and purchased an insurance plan outside of their employer to have the procedure approved? Is anyone aware of how I can find information about these programs, and the estimated costs of them? Can anyone provide any suggestions as to what insurance company would be the best so that I can avoid this 6 month merry go round? Thanks again. -A:help:
  10. Angelica

    NJ September Chat

    Hey guys Listen, I know this isnt really along the lines of your support group, and I hope you wont be offended that i am sort of interjecting here, but I have a question about BC/BS of NJ, and I know that since you all are from Jersey, theres a chance that you might have the same insurance plan I do. I live in texas, but I have bcbs of Jersey, and my question was this, (and I have already posted this question in the insurance forum, I just thought maybe someone here could give me extra insight), if you had BCBS, did you have to participate in the 6 month medically supervised diet program? I'd really appreciate the response, and again, I am sorry for intruding on your conversation! Thanks! -A
  11. Hey guys :eek: I got notification today that I needed to undergo a 6 month diet program before I could have my surgery. This is a little diseheartening to me, as everyone else I have spoken too who my insurance hasnt had to fill this requirement. My question is this, if you have BC/BS of New Jersey, have you had to undergo this diet program? Please let me know! I plan on calling the insurance company on Monday, and rasing a stink to holy heck. I dont know if this will make much of a difference, however, I figure its at least worth a try. Thanks in advance! -A:help:
  12. Angelica

    Calling anyone with BCBS of New Jersey!

    Alexandra, Thank you for the information, the tricky part about my insurance is that its from NJ, but, I live in Texas, do you know how that affects the situation?
  13. Angelica

    Sometimes you just have to SCREAM...

    wowza, I have BCBS of NJ too, my paperwork should be submitted to them sometime this week, thanks for the tip :confused: I dont mind screaming my head off if it saves my life.
  14. Hey Guys :confused: Just a short intro, then I will tell you all why I want to pull my hair out. My name is Angelica - 25, live in El Paso, TX. I have been on just about any diet you can name, but thats besides the point, I dont really need to validate my decsion to you all, because I know you understand where I am coming from. I am currently at 295.9 pounds, and I'm 5'7''. I have an awesome job, an awesome boyfriend, an awesome family, and a whole buncha awesome friends. I'm the girl who picks on herself before anyone else can. I have decided, for the most part that I will not be telling alot of people besides the ones in my close circle about my surgery unless completely necessary. I'm just kind of fed up with having to explain away why I am fat, and why I need the surgery to random people, who tell me how bad it can be for my health (btw, I have heard this about nearly every diet I have been on too, 'Oh, you shouldnt do THAT, that is BAD for you') I started this whole process on August 24, 07. Okay - so it hasnt been so long. I had to fill out a whole lotta paper work, then I had my appointment with a nutrionist, then one with the counselor, and tomorrow, I will be attending a seminar that my surgeon gives monthly, i guess its informational. Here is the issue, everytime I show up to the baractrics center locally (this is at sierra providence, if anyone is familiar with el paso) I ask where I am in the process, whats next, what requirement do I need to fill out, how is my insurance paperwork coming, whats going on, basically. No one can seem to give me a straight answer, its just mostly, wait for a phone call. The most recent information I got was wait for the surgeon to call you... I havent even met with my surgeon yet, but I know his name. I guess what I am wondering is, am I asking the office staff the right questions? I feel like I am just getting a bunch of ambigious answers from them, and it sort of bugs me that I cant get ahold of any real solid information. Has anyone else dealt with this? -A

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