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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Angelica

  1. Angelica

    Holy Cow!!!

    Oh, I went into surgery during my TOM. It was terrible, I was so nervous and worried that I was going to bleed all over everybody. Surprisingly, they let me continue to use a tampon, and when I got out of surgery, and was able to move around and walk, I was able to handle it like normal. Congrats on the surgery! Let us know how youre doing.
  2. Angelica

    Someone Cancelled!

    Be brave, the full is totally worth it. My doctor says, 'just a little pinch', little pinch my ass, it HURTS. Good luck sugar, youre going to be just fine.
  3. Angelica

    Patiently waiting

    3 years! Wowza, thats one helluva fight. Congrats!
  4. Angelica

    Something very strange is happening to me

    Okay, so this morning, I woke up, and (I know, TMI) I am in the middle of a raging peroid. Normally, during my monthly, I'll eat just about anything I can cram into my face, but this morning, I woke up and thought, God, a nice salad with some chicken would be delicious right now. What in the hell. I have read things in the past that note that your body craves what you put into it. Am I getting there? Am I finally at the point that I am starting to LOVE the foods that I am eating? This is totally awesome. I started thinking about oranges, and how delicious they are, and about grapefruit, and avacados, and all the stuff that is GOOD for you. I was so excited. On another note, this pissed me off. I got into a semi arguement with a full blow retard who happened to think that I was attacking her, which I wasnt. Maybe my words were a little harsh, but grow the fuck up, your sn is GEEZER SUE. I am posting my response to her here, because I didnt want a full on flame in the forums, because thats sort of stupid. Shes in italics, I'm not. I read your blog. What else do you have to do? And, since you are so capable of changing your life and overdoing on exercising...why the hell have ANY surgery? Overdoing it? You mean, working out an hour a day, ONE HOUR, outside of the other TWENTY THREE that are available is overdoing it? You mean the rush I get after exercising, the way it makes my mood better all day long, thats a BAD thing? You live on YOUR side of 200 pounds and YOUR side of band experience and YOUR side of 30 years old...and somehow think you know more than I do. Maybe, someday, you'll know half as much. I never ever ever mentioned ONCE that I knew more than anyone else, but obviously, I THINK more than you do. Yes, I am over 200 pounds, YES, I am younger than 30. Great, fantastic. I'm going to hit my goal and have a LONG LIFE enjoying MY ACOMPLISHMENT. I had surgery in October with the UNDERSTANDING that it would be a process to lose this weight, and it wasnt a magical overnight pill. And I don't have charcoal panties...I have VS undies on right now. Maybe someday you''ll be there, too. Oh Sue, I doubt that you dont have to wear charcoal underwear, I doubt that you dont need spring drops in the toilet after you drop a bomb. What I did want to say is that not only will I be able to wear VS underwear soon, but men will actually WANT TO LOOK AT ME IN THEM. If you want to use age as a catalyst, then lets use age. If you want to be rude and mean, then lets be rude and mean, my GRANDMOTHER is your age. Sue Sue, you get the big tugboat for BOOORRRINNNGGG. In either case, my food intake is good, protein is strong. I am drinking a helluva lot of water. I am using the turbo jam workout tapes, still havent made it to the point where I dont feel self concious at the gym, but its coming, I can feel it. Down 2 pant sizes. I am excited to be alive today =) -A :biggrin:
  5. Angelica

    All you people do is complain...

    Oh, see, we're lucky, here, we have a sunbeam bread factory. On a good day, in the middle of summer, you can smell it all over the city, a buttery bready, nice smell.
  6. Angelica

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Thank you She Smiles, I wasnt going to continue going back and forth with someone who obviously was bitter, angry and looking for a fight, but you made the point that I would have.
  7. Angelica

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    tee hee SUE ANGRY. You know, the whole, fighting on the internet thing, its kinda retarded, but I will say this, Sue, I am so glad you lost the weight you needed too. I'm sorry that youre angry over your 3 years with the Lapband. I'll make my goal weight, I dont need you to have faith in me, I have faith in myself. I dont need to be over 30 to understand what is BEST FOR ME. Oh, by the way, thanks for reading my journal, its full of my own insights, that again, I dont need your approval or anyone elses on. Good Luck, God Bless!! Hearts (but no farts) -A
  8. Angelica

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Oh dont get your charcoal panties in a twist. Everything is fine, Lapband patients made one choice, and DS patients made another. If what you read is offensive, stop reading it. Please, save the whole 'how dare you' diatribe for a group of people that are more apt to listen. We have ALL struggled with various negatives from ALL of our surgeries. Nothing is perfect, and everyone has their own preferences. Myself, I prefer the fact that I am turning into a health nut. I prefer the fact that I now get up and exercise everyday. In fact, if I DID happen to lose my band, I have SOLACE that I would be able to maintain, and continue losing weight because my LIFESTYLE has changed.
  9. Angelica

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Okay, I swear, this is the last link I am posting, I just really needed something to chuckle at whist at work today. This has really lifted my spirit and reminded me why I chose a band, and what hard work is worth. My Secret Identity Was Almost Exposed At Wal-Mart Last Night
  10. Angelica

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    I guess I just cant get over the fact that they'd be willing to deal with all this emotional strain over bullsh*t food. They are writing like they have found the holy grail, and the rest of us are all ignorant fools who just dont understand their need to eat entire boxes of girl scout Cookies, and 3 double cheese bugers at a time. I cant follow the thought process, but I am ordering some charcoal underwear to give to my bestfriend as a gag gift. HA.
  11. Angelica

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Oh holy Sh*t, this woman got WRITTEN UP AT WORK for her GAS. question for those who had/have gas And yes, I have had horrid gas. Was even written up at work because of it, and had co-workers make rude comments and accusations. I don't work there any more. But no one told me, early on, how Probiotics would help, nor how carbs affect the issue. Once I got that going things settled quite abit. Also, if you Google charcoal underwear, the first thing that comes up, those help a LOT. wtf is charcol underwear, are you KIDDING me? That is BEYOND HILARIOUS. excessive intestinal gas relief problem flatulence remedy prevention cure treatment filter fart absorb gas be gone gasbgon ultratech Underez gas odour liner remedies Oh Sweet Jesus, check THAT out.
  12. Angelica

    Surgery date 3/28/08

    The first time I was able to tie my shoes without my face getting all red, and losing me breath, I thought it was a miracle from God :biggrin: I hope your surgery goes well, let me know how youre doing!
  13. Angelica

    6 days after surgery Easter 2008

    Keep going sugar. Keep plugging along, you will adjust, and as you start to lose weight, you will feel awesome.
  14. Angelica

    Scared? Nervous? Excited?

    let me try to answer some of your questions: I've had the band for about 6 months now, Sugery on Oct 23, 07. LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT. if you wanna talk, hit me up. I am by no means a PERFECT bandster, and I am learning along the way.
  15. Angelica


    Honey, the band is more effective, in my situation, that a regular diet because it FORCES a lifestyle change. I have been yo yo dieting for so long, and I realised just the other day, when I tried to eat like I had eaten before (briskett burritto, I love them), and I had to make a MAD dash to the bathroom at work to avoid projectile vomitting on my coworkers. My band is FORCING my habits to change. Once you've PB'ed like that once, believe me, you'll want to avoid the experience for the rest of your life. Its sort of like negative reinforcement when that happens. I have been able to cut out all bread, why? because it HURTS when I try to eat it, and most of the time it comes back up. Its like reeducating yourself completely on food. So think it over, I'm sure you will make the decision that is BEST FOR YOU.
  16. Angelica

    Preparing for surgery

    I hope your surgery is going well, just stumbled across your blog, and I said a little prayer for you. As for the laxative, believe me, I know, I hated the cleaning agent they make you use before sugery, it dried my skin out so badly. Let us know how youre doing!
  17. Angelica

    Fat, Fat and still Fat!

    Congrats on your sugery date! I know its a little difficult to think about going under the knife, esp. with the kids, but I am sure you will be just fine. On an added note, maybe your boyfriend just really wants you to be healthy, and to be able to take a more active role in life? Stay on the positive side, if you can, dear, it makes the whole experience so much easier.
  18. Angelica

    New to blogging

    Welcome to the blogging section of LBT then! I'm so glad youre here, its nice to see an experienced bandster.
  19. Angelica

    Visited PCP for support letter

    I also, have been taking cymbalta for almost a year and a half, and had no issues at all. I'm sure you should be fine. Just keep plugging away!
  20. Angelica

    Hey guys! I HAD MY SURGERY!!

    Congrats!! You know, my port pain went away about 3 weeks after the surgery, came BACK about 2 months out, and then went away again 2 weeks later. Youre going to be just fine, remember to keep taking those pain meds, you dont want to hurt something else trying to adjust your body for the port pain. -A:thumbup:
  21. Angelica

    Ahh! How geen was my fan club?

    hahaha, those are kinda funny, right? Jealous simpletons, why would they even take the time out of their day to say something like that. Shows their level of evolution.
  22. Angelica


    I am not quite as mental, and I feel alot better. Didnt over eat, didnt drink last night. I am headed in the right direction. Addiction, at least for me, is about instant gratification. How do you work weight loss into instant gratification, how do I become addicted to being a health nut? This is going to be my new task. Called a therapist, have an appointment on Friday. Its gonna be good. Today, the road seems so much clearer. -A :biggrin:
  23. Angelica


    I am not quite as mental, and I feel alot better. Didnt over eat, didnt drink last night. I am headed in the right direction. Addiction, at least for me, is about instant gratification. How do you work weight loss into instant gratification, how do I become addicted to being a health nut? This is going to be my new task. Called a therapist, have an appointment on Friday. Its gonna be good. Today, the road seems so much clearer. -A :biggrin:
  24. Angelica

    Help me out, Please.

    Issues, Issues, Issues. Food, I hate food, I love food. Food is the worst abusive boyfriend I have ever had. Albeit the longest boyfriend I have ever had. My band is tight, I have GOOD RESTRICTION. I can’t stop myself from eating until the food is gone, or until I am uncomfortable. If it’s in front of me, I have to eat it. I have resolved that I should get the food away from my face whist I am trying to make this change. In order to do that, I do a variety of things. If I am eating at my desk at work, and there’s more food than I should eat, I pour water or tea over the remaining food, and throw it away (don’t ask, yes, I have to ruin it before I throw it away). When I first had my band, I didn’t have these issues, I wasn’t tight enough to have them, I could eat however I liked, and I didn’t lose a lot of weight. I still haven’t lost a lot of weight, but I am trying my hardest to make the best choices when it comes to food. Since the tightening of the band, (I am now at 5.7 CC in a 10 CC AP band) I have started drinking. A lot. Like, every night, and if I don’t drink every night, I am thinking about drinking every night. Drinking has caused me to make some very stupid mistakes, and hurt myself even further. I don’t understand, is it not knowing your self worth that makes you want to hurt yourself, why do we sabotage ourselves? I just want to be free of all these addictions, and be able to breathe again. I can’t quit smoking, I can’t quit eating, I can’t quit any of it. Sometimes, I wish I could just go on disability and live in a nut house for a few weeks to help myself center again. I feel an emotional distance from God, from my family, from my friends. I make incredibly stupid choices sometimes. I feel out of control. Its strange, to honestly consider joining one of these programs to get your life straight. Having said that, I do have a good job with good insurance and an understanding boss. I have all of those things. If I feel like its necessary, why don’t I JUST DO IT. Mostly because of the social stigma, maybe it’s that it will make me feel like a failure. I don’t want to drink anymore. Sometimes, I think, okay, maybe I just need some talk therapy, sometimes, I think, okay, maybe I should detox my body and go on a 30 day juice fast to connect with God. Sometimes I think I just lack will power and I need to knuckle up and deal with it. The fact is that I NEED help, and that’s the most important thing. I guess today I will be making an appointment with a talk therapist. Maybe I just need to go to the freaking support group meetings that the WLS clinic offers. Christ, I feel completely confused and totally out of my element.
  25. Angelica

    Help me out, Please.

    Issues, Issues, Issues. Food, I hate food, I love food. Food is the worst abusive boyfriend I have ever had. Albeit the longest boyfriend I have ever had. My band is tight, I have GOOD RESTRICTION. I can’t stop myself from eating until the food is gone, or until I am uncomfortable. If it’s in front of me, I have to eat it. I have resolved that I should get the food away from my face whist I am trying to make this change. In order to do that, I do a variety of things. If I am eating at my desk at work, and there’s more food than I should eat, I pour water or tea over the remaining food, and throw it away (don’t ask, yes, I have to ruin it before I throw it away). When I first had my band, I didn’t have these issues, I wasn’t tight enough to have them, I could eat however I liked, and I didn’t lose a lot of weight. I still haven’t lost a lot of weight, but I am trying my hardest to make the best choices when it comes to food. Since the tightening of the band, (I am now at 5.7 CC in a 10 CC AP band) I have started drinking. A lot. Like, every night, and if I don’t drink every night, I am thinking about drinking every night. Drinking has caused me to make some very stupid mistakes, and hurt myself even further. I don’t understand, is it not knowing your self worth that makes you want to hurt yourself, why do we sabotage ourselves? I just want to be free of all these addictions, and be able to breathe again. I can’t quit smoking, I can’t quit eating, I can’t quit any of it. Sometimes, I wish I could just go on disability and live in a nut house for a few weeks to help myself center again. I feel an emotional distance from God, from my family, from my friends. I make incredibly stupid choices sometimes. I feel out of control. Its strange, to honestly consider joining one of these programs to get your life straight. Having said that, I do have a good job with good insurance and an understanding boss. I have all of those things. If I feel like its necessary, why don’t I JUST DO IT. Mostly because of the social stigma, maybe it’s that it will make me feel like a failure. I don’t want to drink anymore. Sometimes, I think, okay, maybe I just need some talk therapy, sometimes, I think, okay, maybe I should detox my body and go on a 30 day juice fast to connect with God. Sometimes I think I just lack will power and I need to knuckle up and deal with it. The fact is that I NEED help, and that’s the most important thing. I guess today I will be making an appointment with a talk therapist. Maybe I just need to go to the freaking support group meetings that the WLS clinic offers. Christ, I feel completely confused and totally out of my element.

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