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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by green*eyed*girl

  1. green*eyed*girl

    PPI's, ulcers and old stomach questions

    "Might there be any advantages to removing the stomach remnant? Well, there is one mostly theoretical advantage. It has to do with the possibility of stomach ulcer formation in the stomach body or remnant. In some unusual cases, gastric or duodenal ulcers can still form in the bypassed stomach remnant or duodenum, but because of the bypass we no longer have easy access to endoscopically inspect the lining of these structures as we do under normal circumstances. So if a person is having unexplained pain and they have had a gastric bypass, we are not as easily able to perform upper endoscopy (passing a flexible camera tube down into the stomach and duodenum to inspect for ulcers or irritation of the lining). The same would hold true if a tumor were forming in one of these areas. Doctors could investigate with other types of studies, namely imaging studies like CT scan, MRI or ultrasound. Or, if it was felt to be highly important to inspect endoscopically, then the endoscopy could be performed surgically with an incision through the abdominal wall." http://www.sasseguide.com/blog/what-happens-to-the-%E2%80%9Cold-stomach%E2%80%9D-in-gastric-bypass/
  2. green*eyed*girl

    PPI's, ulcers and old stomach questions

    Yes, I can see that coming. I will see my GP in a week or two and I will ask him, but honestly I do not think he will have an answer as he is not a bariatric surgeon or an expert on this field. The next time I will see my surgeon is going to be in October, hopefully he will have some answers... When are you going to talk to your surgeon?
  3. green*eyed*girl

    PPI's, ulcers and old stomach questions

    Well, I am not a vet but this is an excellent question, I am only 3 months out but this is a big question in my head too. Like I understand the importance of my PPI when it comes to my "new" stomach, but what happens to the bypassed tummy??? Because it is just sits there and produces acid and it's not like my PPI will ever get to it to to turn off the pumps that are producing the acid? I am not sure the PPI goes systematic, I have researched it on the internet but didn't find much about the bypassed stomach. I will sure to ask my doctor the next time I see him...
  4. green*eyed*girl


    Hah, I was hungry on the 5th day after my surgery. Like HUNGRY HUNGRY, not head hunger! Thank God I was able to start soft food on day 5, and well chewed solids on day 10, it was a life saver. I was able to eat much more back than then now. And as time is passing by ,my hunger is moving to the back. Now I barely ever get hungry, and if I do, a few bites of something will satisfy my hunger.
  5. green*eyed*girl

    April 2014 RNY/Bypass Post Op Support

    Fingers crossed Bianca, keep us updated!
  6. green*eyed*girl

    Melt Down :(

    Everything gets better. Your head gets better and being able to eat food gets better. Your head will understand that food is just a neccesity now, you will leave carbs behind and re-learn to eat. And things will get easier. your tummy will get used to this new life, and you will be able to eat your favorites again - only a few bites though!
  7. green*eyed*girl

    When to purge old clothes

    Yup, same here, I made a post somewhere earlier that I am actually sad to see a few of my stuff to go. It took me long time, effort and money to build me wardrobe and now I have to say goodbyes. I mean it is great to lose weight but it will cost me a lot 'til I reach my goal weight Somebody suggested to have my clothings altered, I guess I will look into that, maybe a few of them can be altered without looking funny, but most of them has to be sold...
  8. green*eyed*girl

    April 2014 RNY/Bypass Post Op Support

    Hi sweetnell, well, I am not a doctor for sure but your pain sounds like gallbladder... I had mine out when I had my bypass coz I had a 4cm gallstone. PPI is proton pump inhibitor, it's your stomach medicine that lowers stomach acid so you will not develop ulcers after surgery. With my doctor it is mandatory to take it every day for life. But my pain was not crushing or radiating just very bad stomach pain. Whatever it is a wish you good luck!
  9. green*eyed*girl

    April 2014 RNY/Bypass Post Op Support

    3 months out and 50 pounds down, I guess it could be more but my lazy ass is not excersizing I am so glad to see everybody doing so well! Keep up the good work ladies. Oh I try to attach a photo, finally I can see some weight loss...
  10. green*eyed*girl

    50 pounds loss

    My first photo since my surgery. 3 months out 50 pounds down.
  11. green*eyed*girl


    From the album: 50 pounds loss

  12. green*eyed*girl

    April 2014 RNY/Bypass Post Op Support

    Are you taking PPI medication? I had the same pain when I was taking 10mg of my PPI and my doctor upped it to 20mg/day, now I have zero stomach pain. Before it used to come in waves and I had to lay down for 10-15 minutes before the pain would go away.
  13. green*eyed*girl

    When to purge old clothes

    Yeah, just like Beckyy I am selling my stuff. I have really nice and expensive things and if they are in good condition (most of them are), I am selling them. The ones I would not wear coz they show signs of wear I just toss them in the rubbish. I would not want anybody to have them if I do not think it's worthy. As of now I am shopping smaller sizes then I am now (I am about size 16 jeans and 14 tops). I am buying 10, 12 sizes and first time in my life I know for sure they will fit in metter of months. It is crazy how fast I drop sizes, I barely get any fun out of my clothings. But I am a shopper, what can ya' do?
  14. green*eyed*girl

    Huge slap of reality

    Oh I could have written this post, same exact story, flying alone on one of the European budget flight with really small seats and the seatbelt didn't click coz I was so fat. I needed an extender, thank God the steward was very nice and discreet. Luckily I was already in the process of getting my bypass, but I was still horrified. I am flying again in October and I am looking forward of clicking that sucker!!!!
  15. green*eyed*girl

    Why didn't I get the Rny Bypass first?

    Yes, as Lilmiss Diva Irene said it has to be a decision made by you and your surgeon. It's not like you can just go ahead and pick and choose the surgery you want, it is not a candy from a shop. Well, I thought that at first as I am such a control freak and I tried to control even the surgery my body needs, but my doctor refused to give me a sleeve coz of my GERD. I was devestated but now I know he was/is right and I will always have to listen to him. I am very happy with the bypass. Lilmiss Diva Irene, Life happened and God knows you always just wanted the best for yourself, too bad your journey had to be filled with complications. I am glad that you are free of health issues now, and I wish you success in the future. Beckyy I have you in my prayers, another week or so for you to go, be strong, not long now. Please keep us updated!
  16. green*eyed*girl

    JULY 2014 Post Op Rny / Bypass Support Group

    For sure miss Diva no one knows better than you, tried them all ! I am glad you finally have the bypass!
  17. green*eyed*girl

    can anyone help me please ?

    Hello Kay! I am sorry to hear you are having difficulties. It is awful, and I hope you will get better soon! If you are in the UK, I think you should get a Patient Advocate. I will put a link here, read carefully, collect your thoughts about what do you want from your advocate and then call the hospital. if you would take my advise, please get an advocate who is professional health care worker (provided by your hospital), not a family member of friend. By the way I believe it is very unprofessional of your doctor to shake you off like that. Really, he should be the one doing the follow ups and investigating the reason of your sickness. I wish you the best of luck and please keep us updated. http://www.npsf.org/for-patients-consumers/tools-and-resources-for-patients-and-consumers/role-of-the-patient-advocate/
  18. green*eyed*girl

    Sleeve to Bypass, Anyone?

    @@LilMissDiva Irene just had her sleeve converted to bypass, and she is doing great!
  19. When you eat, how much do you eat? Is it the 3-4ozes I keep hearing about or more! Really, it's different every day and depends on the food. If it's dense only a few bites I can handle, if its soft I can eat more. Some days I'm super hungry and I eat all day, next day I have no desire to eat and I just drink. But honestly, I do not even think I had 2-3 oz of food at one sitting since the surgery, that is too much, mind that I am only 3 months out.
  20. Bypass post-op here, I hope you do not mind my input here. I love this sleeve forum, and I wanted to get the sleeve, but the last minute turned out I have GERD so I got the bypass. I miss this forum (I find the GB section a bit boring ) It's like coming home So anyways, my doc is nothing like others! 5 days hospital stay is standard with him. First 3 days - nothing through mouth! Day 4 - liquid Day 5 - mushy food, but only s few bites Day 5- Day 10 - soft food (skipped pureed altogether!) Day 10 - regular, well chewed food. He said I am allowed to eat whatever I want as long as I can tolerate it. I am very lucky, nothing is upsetting my tummy and I do not have dumping. So I progressed to solids real fast, that probably explains that I only lost about 50 pounds in 3 months, but I haven't had any stalls. It is slow but steady.
  21. green*eyed*girl

    Hairloss question

    I am almost 3 months out of RNY and I recently started to lose lots of hair. I mean it is baaaaad...I brush my hair multiple times every day otherwise all the lose hair will end up on my shirt I made peace with this, not much I can do (yeah yeah take my protein and my supplements, it doesn't help), so my question is: WHEN DOES IT STOP?????? When will it slow down? If you started to lose your hair around 3 months out, when did it start to grow back? I am afraid if I lose my hair as fast as I do, I will be bald in 2 months... Oh and for the record I have lots of hair and pretty thick, and I just had it trimmed (stupid me!) for the summer before the hairloss started. I only say this to let ppl know it happens to everybody, not just the ones with fine hair...
  22. green*eyed*girl

    Hairloss question

    Ahhh girl, and underarm and bikini line, now that would be awesome
  23. green*eyed*girl

    Hairloss question

    Ohhh you give me hope, I pray this hair losing phase will only last a short while, like 2-3 months, I could handle that...
  24. green*eyed*girl

    Hairloss question

    I have not tried it but I might will if my hairloss doesnt slow down, I have read from an other user she is using it and she loves it, it's called toppik, it's a hair building fiber for thinning hair or bald spots...not too pricey so worth a try...? http://www.toppik.com/
  25. Oh my, how sad is that, I hope bypass will resolve your issues and you can step on the path of healing - and losing You have been through so much, I wish you the best of luck and keep us updated!

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