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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by jdillon

  1. How did you do with the hair loss? You look like your hair is nice and full. I'm really freaking out about that part
  2. jdillon

    Omg 4 days post

    A friend of mine had her sleeve in February. Her son and she went to a movie and he got popcorn. She grabbed a piece and smelled it. Lol. She said it helped! ? I know it's hard but we're here for you. If you need support come in here or go for a walk. Stay strong.
  3. You've got me even more excited to get started. This waiting is killing me!
  4. jdillon

    July sleevers

    Henderson Nevada. Las Vegas area
  5. Who else will be sleeved in July?
  6. My husband and I are watching a show on our foods we eat called food, inc.. All food in the grocery store and fast food is produced and controlled by 5 company's. The fda used to conduct over 50,000 inspections to regulate the safety of our food now it's maybe 4,000. Feeding the cows corn causes the ecoli that have caused outbreaks and death to the American consumers. The cows are fed the corn and it shows them knee deep in feces and then taken to the plant where they are processed and how dangerous and obvious that the feces become ground into our meats. Gross. Chickens used to grow in about 90 days to be ready for market now with injections and feed changes to corn they're ready in 35 days. They take two steps and collapse. Their bones and internal organs cannot keep up with the rate of growth and cannot support the weight of their body. So there they are crammed into a coup completely darkened from chick to 5 lb chickens in a months time and falling down in feces and we eat that. I don't know about you but eating fast food doesn't sound appetizing to me anymore. Organic and natural is sounding great. This is unbelievable. This documentary is enlightening. I also went to see jillian Michaels on tour and she said the same thing. It might be more expensive but think about it. If your health goes to **** and you get things like diabetes you now spend 70.00 or more a month on meds that Could've been spent on the difference between organic and non organic foods. I'm done. The government does not work to protect us. I do not trust the food on our shelves. Nasty gross
  7. I'm on here every waking moment. Getting psyched and looking at success stories and photos getting advice and learning. I think I'm going crazy with this waiting game. Just my NUT visit and chest xray to go and i am done! I am having gallbladder removed on Friday and I'm scared. I've never had surgery before. Guess this will help with the sleeve surgery as far as not being a stranger to having surgery. I feel like July will never come. Time feels like it's standing still.
  8. Good luck. My boss had lap band and often says she wished she had the sleeve. She paid out of pocket.
  9. Thanks. When's your surgery
  10. Oh yes I have lots of questions. I'm due for surgery in July. I'm 5ft4 and 211lbs. I would like to be at 125. I want to be successful. I'm having my gallbladder out on Friday and that's supposed to help once I have my sleeve. I have gallstones and gallbladder disease. I really want to be a success at this like you! Any advice would be great. What did you start out at? How tall are you? What bmi were you in the beginning? What was your regimen in the beginning? Everyone's is so different.
  11. jdillon

    Before and after pics

    6 months required by insurance. During which time I complete required tests and follow a Dr assisted diet (that he said to not lose weight during because I'm at 40bmi) stupid insurance
  12. In what ways is it similar besides the Incisions
  13. jdillon

    Post surgery day 3

    Wow you stayed 3 days that's the longest I've heard. I kind of hope that's how long they let me stay. Hope you feel better soon. You've done it and the worst will be behind you soon and you can move forward with great success! Be proud of yourself you are brave and strong!
  14. jdillon

    Omg 4 days post

    I'm printing before and after photos of all my favorite success stories on here and plastering them in my fridge and pantry!
  15. You do not even look like a size 18, much smaller! Great job
  16. jdillon

    Before and after pics

    Very impressive! Yayyyy you did it! I have surgery in July cannot wait!
  17. jdillon

    Reached My Goal Weight Today!

    I am at 211 and want to be at 125 in a year from surgery! Im So close to your starting weight. How tall are you? Please, tell me what you did. I want to be successful at this so bad. How old are you? I cannot wait to get my sleeve in July. You are an inspiration!
  18. jdillon


    3 1/2 months? Holy moly! Wow! Good job!
  19. jdillon


    Im going to hang on to a set and look at them periodically when needed to remind myself how far I've come. I haven't had surgery yet but I have lost weight in the past and I want to never struggle again. Maybe a reminder of what size 16 looks like when I get to my goal size of 6 will help me remain on track?
  20. jdillon

    3 month pics

    Wow girl you are doing so well! Keep those pics coming I love it!
  21. Yayyyy good luck! So excited for you! Every time I see this kind of post with a surgery date I get excited about mine and dream about being able to be where you guys are. I just want it here already so I can get the adjustment period out of the way and get on with this weight loss! So happy for you.
  22. jdillon

    packing my bag

    Thank you I added it!
  23. jdillon

    Anyone having the sleeve in april?!

    Good luck you guys!
  24. I don't have a real high bmi. It's right at 40. I need to lose about 90lbs to be at 120 which I've never been at. I've been about 135. Im not sure if I'll have a skin problem but right now I have a slight apron thing going on with my stomach and fat arms I'm worried about.
  25. [ATTACH]43167[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]43167[/ATTACH] Based on your knowledge of insurance does this mean that if I am in need of any cosmetic surgery due to skin rashes, infections, or something like that would my insurance cover it? I don't think I'll need it but just in case.

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