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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by giveyouthemoon

  1. It depends on what is being MRI'd. I have had an MRI since banding but it was on my head. I told them about my port and they asked if it was secured down, I assured them it was, and they said it was fine. Only my head was in the tube so I think it was ok.

    If they are doing an MRI of your spine, you may have a problem...but if on your head, you should be fine.

  2. Actually having a fill that is too tight is dangerous to the band and absolutely not recommended. You will lose slower but not because of starvation mode....you will lose slower because you will only be able to get certain things through the band and you'll make poorer food choices...getting into mushy syndrome instead of eating how you are supposed to (hard proteins).

    I was overfilled and it was miserable and my weight loss slowed a lot.

    My doctor and I had a talk and he told me that too tight drives bad behavior plus puts you at a real risk for slippage.

    His philosophy on fills is thus: "I'd rather have you be a bit loose and able to eat a bit too much of the right foods than too tight and making poor food choices"

    Folks think that being "too tight" would be super, that you'll just never want to eat. That's not the case. It's frustrating as hell because you'll be hungry but not able to eat and you pb all the time. NOT good.

    You should aim for "just right" restriction because then you can eat small meals and be satisfied and not be hungry for several hours.

  3. Karen, Chris is the best husband most of the time. Trust me, I knocked a lot of rough off him over the years, but he's still got some pretty sharp edges!

    Well girl, knocking the sharp edges off is all part of an amazing relationship. No man is perfect....but this one is perfect for you.

    And lol that he's the big man cuz his wife has a toy business. Men!!!!

    So :tap tap tap: where are the photos of the new baby. I looked up photos and wowowowowow but I want to see YOUR new bike with the pink striping!!!

  4. I suffer Migraines and they had tailed off but got worse for a while after banding. I think it was because fat stores toxins and as I was losing, I was releasing toxins into my body and that got me a little messed up for a while.

    I don't take meds anymore (used to take Imitrex shots but don't anymore) so can't help you on the nausea. Sounds to me like something you should ask your doctor!!

  5. What you have to know is that your nutritionist is ALWAYS going to err on the side of super conservative. I'll bet your nutritionist can't follow her own advice.

    At the end of the day, you are responsible for YOUR OWN body and your own health. You make the decisions that are right for you.

    You might find you want to cut down on caffeine and also drink far less than before. You have to be responsible to make the best choices for YOU.

  6. But really has anyones dr said that drinking will cause harm to your band in anyway or just slow weight loss??? Any ideas??

    My doc talked about it...his only concern is that it is "empty calories" and thus not good for the body. But no, not a damage to the band other than it takes away inhibition and you may eat too much thus stuffing the pouch.

  7. I think it's kind of interesting that a few of us (small sample I know) are in a stall. I had about a two month stall and now it's sort of starting moving again. Must be part of the journey to plateau at the 6-7 month mark, eh? Weird.

    Well, we all need to stay strong and keep going!! We know what to do, right? The holidays are over, now BACK ON TRACK!

    any pointers for us newbies about diet/exercise?

    You know, you probably know everything we know. It's just dedication! Exercise and watching what you eat which is SOOO much easier with the band in place. Wishing you tons of bandster luck and LOTS of motivation!!!

  8. Oh princess...a TALKING scale? That is just frigging EVIL! Not right. Sheesh.

    My scale is a piece of sh-t...will always be a piece of sh-t...and yet I keep returning to that piece of sh-t for validation......: cry :

    I hate that bastard scale. I'd never let a human treat me as bad as that hunk of junk does.

  9. Hey fellow June banded folks. Where'd ya'll go? Anyone out there? Just thought I'd put up a post since we're all at seven months out now.

    Things are going well for me. I've lost about 70 lbs from my all time high and my life has changed dramatically. I had nary a date for two years and was pretty lonely but I've just recently began seeing a guy. He's amazing!!! He even loves my body which almost freaks me out. I don't have a nice body. Still a good 60 lbs to lose, stretch marks, etc. And yet he loves to touch me. He makes me feel sexy and that's long overdue!!!

    As far as eating...the holidays were tough for me. I didn't gain but I also didn't lose. I seem to be back on track and have eased off another five lbs since the New Year.

    So report in June '05 band folks!!! What's your current status? How goes exercise? What are your issues?

  10. Yup, I drink. I have friends who love to go out so (responsible) drinking is a big part of my life. I have only had beer once since banding and it HURT. I could feel the pressure on my band. So I go strictly no carbonation.

    I had a talk with a bartender one night about what's a girl to do? Low carb and no carbonation. The choices aren't many. I usually end up with a martini or a bloody mary. Or I just have something straight up. When I'm feeling it, I'll have a margarita (LOOOOTS of sugar in there) or some wine.

    But yeah, two drinks is my limit and sometimes just two gets me hammered. I'm *all* a cheap date!! lol!!!

  11. If you are PB'ing every day and at almost every meal. If you can ONLY eat mushies. Then you are too tight.

    My doctor talked to me at length when I was overfilled. He said that when you are too tight, you make bad food choices ("mushy syndrome"). He said he'd rather his patients be a little loose and able to eat a bit too much of the right foods (hard proteins) than be a little tight because that drives bad behavior and bad food choices.

    Give it a couple weeks to see if it settles in but DO NOT WAIT to get an unfill. You can do more damage than good be being too tight.

  12. Not a mom but was side by side with my sis when she brought her twin boys home from the hospital. The one thing we always needed were more onsies. It's hard to find time to do laundry so having a drawer full of clean dry onsies was super helpful. Get them in a variety of sizes since the little buggars grow up so fast.

    I can also chime in on the boppy. It's a godsend. Esp. when there are two little hungry mouths!!

    And you know, as boring as it sounds, it is SUPER helpful just to have a package of diapers. It's hard to get to the store with a newborn so we were really grateful to all the folks who had gifted my sis with diapers.

  13. I do think I was less hungry when I was eating cottage cheese in the mornings

    Yes....cottage cheese seems to be the ONLY Protein thing I can have in the mornings that ties me over to lunch. eggs...nope. Can of tuna....nope. Weird huh? I wouldn't live without the cottage cheese! Half cup of the stuff of the lo fat kind (that little bit o' fat helps...the no fat kind wasn't working) has 100 calories and 14 grams of Protein. That's a pretty good protein payoff.

  14. No numbing here. It was hard the first time since they couldn't hit the port. Now that I've lost weight the port is closer to the surface so they hit is super easy....hardly any pain and I'm a BIG WEENIE about pain!!!

  15. So I'm a firm "no tell" kind of girl. Only a few people in my life know. So I've been dating this guy for about two months. Things are definitely serious. To his credit, when he saw the scars, he said nothing. But I did end up telling him later. Mainly I wanted him to know since we often eat together and I figured he should know if I get that teary eyed "stuck" thing going. I got "stuck" on our first date and whooo boy was that hard to manage.

    He was really cool about it and hasn't really brought it up since. He thinks it is a good thing if I think it's a good thing.

    So I say if you trust this person and you want them in your life, it's probably okay to tell him. But also tell him this is a BIG DEAL to keep quiet so no blabbing to his family and friends.

    It just depends on how much you trust this man and how much you think he'll be a part of your life. Only you can decide.

    Also...it's your choice if you NEVER want to tell him. It's your body, your choice. I think you'll know when the timing is right. The fact you are thinking about it so much tells me the "right time" is probably soon.

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