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Posts posted by giveyouthemoon

  1. So the "NSV Photo Thread" got me thinking....and seeing porclndoll's HOOOOT boots got me...well...hot.

    Where does a gal with big calves get cha cha boots? I mean the super tall super slutty kind? I want boots that go up to the knee (or over) and in black...and impossibly high.

    Talk to me ladies!!! Where are you finding this good stuff???

    And as payment, I'll share the place where I just bought cute sexy stuff for Valentine's Day. www.lovefifi.com They have great stuff AND in plus sizes. Their sizing runs true and they have such a wide variety of stuff from regular ol' bras and panties to full on costumes!! It's a great place, enjoy!!

    Now tell me where I can find some killer boots for this outfit I just bought!!!

  2. I have a treadmill at home and I loooooooooooooove it. I've had it for several years and I keep saying that treadmill should have an odometer on it cuz I've logged some *serious* miles.

    It is a Nordic Trak and yes, I spent about $900 on it. I recommend looking at Sears because you get a pretty good deal AND you can get a year of support and service along with it. I don't normally like the service contracts, they are fluff, but treadmills can easily break down.

    Tho I have to say....some four years and many miles later I haven't had any troubles.

    I *adore* rolling out of bed and down the hall and getting my workout done.

    A lot of folks don't like treadmills, they say they are boring. For me, I LOVE that it's boring...I don't have to think about it...I get on with my iPod and I let my mind wander for a hour and it's ALLL good.

    I'm a big fan o' my home treadmill!!

  3. Well for me there hadn't been any action at ALL for almost two years....and that last time two years ago was after several months of nothing as my seven year relationship was rapidly unraveling.

    The past two years of my life have been the saddest, bar none, for lots of personal reasons.

    So I went dateless and hunh-huhless for two years. But I lost 75 lbs along the way and in November I met a great guy. He'd gone a year without as well. When we finally did (the day after Christmas, merry christmas to me) we 'bout tore the place up. He's a very tall, very strong guy so the man literally threw me around the room (like I was tiny or something!) and I let him. It was *amazing*.

    He never knew me 75 lbs ago so he doesn't know about a comparison....but he's a very happy man these days.

    Just how much better I feel about myself makes ALL the difference. The other night he wanted me to be on top but I was shy thinking I'd still be too heavy. Well that was no problem. Now we kind of like me on top!!

    And...and this is big....I just ordered sexy stuff for Valentines day. I've NEVER done that!!!!

    (In case anyone is looking, www.lovefifi.com has GREAT stuff and plus sizes!!! I wear bras from there and LOVE them)

    So yay all us happy LBT'ers who are getting some!!!! (and yay to our LBT'ers who are, by choice, not getting some and still happy!!!)

  4. I'll chime in and say yes, SuperDaddy is hoooooooot. Gotta love a good, devoted man like that!!

    Lovecats you are SMOKING HOT. Your eyes are killin' me. I ADORE blue eyes. You look GOOD girl.

    Okay, so my NSV is two fold. One I finished a 5k on Sunday which I'm still giddy about....

    But that evening I went to see the new guy I'm dating. He's about to go out of town for a week...and I wanted to leave him with a good memory...well, so I have these HOT shoes that I bought a while back but didn't think I had the chops to wear

    They look like this:


    ...plus they are really high and with me being so heavy they kind of hurt. But I tried them again recently and I can wear 'em.....and then I found a miniskirt in my closet and holy hell, it fits again (it's HOOOT). And I put on a low cut top with a new bra that smooshes my boobs up.....and some black stockings and hot jewelry.

    So I went over to my man's place and he was outside waiting on me. The LOOK on his face when I stepped out of the car....yeah, I wish I had a photo of that. He was literally speechless for several minutes.

    And I felt SOOOOO hot. Haven't felt that way in a very long time.

  5. I'll go weeks and weeks without a PB then once I PB I get on a bad stretch where I'll PB almost every day for a while (irritated stoma). I HATE the PB. Right now I'm in a bad stretch. My time of month has been all wonky and I'm feeling TOO tight but I'm doing good, managing it. Doing liquids and I'm at three days of no PB. Hoping this is my next long stretch of no PB's for a while......

  6. Thanks everyone for sharing in my excitement!! Pavarthi, you are right, it WAS the most amazing feeling! Crossing the finish line was just a goose bump raising experience for me!

    I was getting philosophical as I walked, and I took stock of how far I've come. How much work it's taken. I am so focused on how far I have left to go, how I've stalled out and I'm grumpy about it. All of that, forward looking and feeling low. It was necessary to take stock of how far I've come on this journey. Walking along I felt light...and free in a lot of ways. It was a nice realization for me!

    live2canoe - a 10k.....you know once upon a time I would consider that a complete impossibilty but you know what? I could probably do it. The 5k was a breeze to walk. I probably could do a 10k. WOW. When have *I* ever said something like that????

    and bensmum!! Bay to Breakers eh? Hmmm.....lol.....you might just be on to something!!!!!

    Thanks to my LBT family for sharing in my excitement. I'm still walking ten feet off the ground.

    (one of the best celebrations of this accomplishment was to hear the new guy I'm dating (an NSV in itself) tell me how proud he was of me. Wow. Yesterday was an all around very good day!!!)

  7. Today....I did a 5k with my friend. Yes, I walked it. Yes, my time was 52.10 which means I was walking a slow turtle-like 17 min mile...but I did it. I finished it. It was a BEAUTIFUL walk through San Francisco and I found it to be easy, actually.

    Six months ago and 75 lbs ago I could NEVER have done this. I physically could NOT have done a 5k. This morning I did it with relative ease.

    And that my friends is an NSV!!!

    Yay me!!!!!! Yay Katrinka (my band)!!!!

  8. So I've used it. I get it at the Health food Store. I used it quite a bit when I first got my band and was adjusting to the new way of eating and on liquids only.

    I'm super over sensitive to drugs and I have to say, this didn't bother me at all, which is a good sign.

    It worked REALLY well right at first. Super well. I was very happy with it. But I found over time that it takes more and more to keep the same good effect. I think I realized when I was taking ten capsules at a time that this just wasn't working anymore. It worked great while it worked then it ceased working at all.

    Good luck with it.

  9. I struggled for ten years with bulimia and fought hard to overcome. I have to admit, sometimes when I PB, it stirs up the old demons. It scares me greatly. Bulimia and those old demons are always there, always dancing around. It's scary stuff.

    You *must* get help in the form of therapy. This isn't a disease you can overcome on your own. It's a deeply rooted thing and a good competent therapist can help you.

    I give you hugs and wish you luck on your journey. It's a tough road but I believe in you!!!

  10. It takes a wonderful strength of character to admit when it's time to get help. You sound like you got a lot from this first visit. Good on ya!

    I'm also a very jealous person and going through a bit of a thing right now with the guy I'm seeing, so your info about what your therapist said on jealousy really helps.

    I also think my green eyed monster stems a lot from my own personal insecurity about myself....if I had better self confidence this would be less of an issue. And self confidence is something that MY therapist and I are working on.


  11. Thanks Karen, and congratulations to you on those 74 lbs......

    Gosh thanks Randy! I actually had to go to my calculator to confirm the total of 74. That number just looks too large to be believed!! Wow.

    I still have a loooooong way to go and am in quite the stall right now....but it's all part of the process I think.

  12. I had the coldest tastiest beer the other day but wow did it hurt after I got it about half down. So I got up and walked around and got the buuurp out and was fine again. It seems I can't burp as easily with the band but the beer tasted fine. I wouldn't do that everyday but it was goooood while it lasted.

    Glad to hear the take of your docs. My doc is so persnickity that I wouldn't even broach this subject with him.....

  13. I got my not so friendly friend right after surgery too. Just another one of those fun things about being a chick. Good thing she talked to the OB/GYN.

    Other than annoying as heck, it sounds as tho all is well.

    And congrats to the Missus on getting banded!!!!

    (edit: ay god, I'm so frazzled at work I put "contracts on being banded" instead of congrats...I'm a contracts person at work....I need a vacation.....)

  14. Wait! You got surgery motivation? I've been jipped! They must have forgot to put mine in...LOL.

    lol! Yeah.....for some reason I was ALL fired up post surgery. I had six good months of not putting a single bad thing in my mouth....then the holidays hit and I found that chocolate goes through the band nice and easy. It's been a downhill slide ever since.

    Sigh. La Madam is right (she should know, look at her amazing success!)...gotta kick the bad stuff.

  15. I think I've learned to eat things that are easy and won't make me pb or anything like that. So i'm in the same boat with you whynot!!!

    Yeah, me too. I think I'm getting stuck into mushy syndrome and that's not helping my weight loss. Yesterday I had shrimp fajitas (no tortillas) and they filled me up fast! I remembered then what I'm supposed to be eating.....can't say I'm fully back on the bandwagon but I at least got a leg up......*sigh*

    Where did that post surgery motivation go?

  16. I have a very unsupportive family and so they had NO BUSINESS knowing about this. I only told my sister but I'm close to her, she's more like my friend than my sis. And she came down and took care of me out of the hospital. I'm FIRMLY on the no tell side....no one needs to know!! This is your body, this is your deal. You tell who YOU feel good about knowing and who will SUPPORT you and not make this harder on you. Having this surgery is about you!!! So you need to feel loved and supported as you go in.

    If it will freak out your folks to know beforehand, but you struggle with them not knowing, maybe you tell them after? It's really between you and your husband and no one else.

    To this day, I can count on one hand the people who know about my band (other than doctors). I just recently told the guy I'm dating. It just felt right to let him know and he is cool about it. But other than that....no one at work knows, just my sis, two friends, my cousin (who is a friend) and now my new guy. That's it!!

  17. So talk a bit about what you are eating in a day? That will help decide the best course of action.

    If you are eating lots of hard Proteins, getting meat in first then veggies then carbs and can eat a lot....then you need a fill.

    If you are eating more mushy foods, lots of carbs, etc....then you may need to get back on track.

    For me personally....I've stalled BAD on the loss....but it's because I'm eating too much bad food and drinking too much.....so if getting back on the bandwagon is what you need, I'm yer buddy. Let's climb back on together, eh?

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