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Posts posted by giveyouthemoon

  1. I have to second this NSV!! I just recently actually got into a pair of pantyhose, put on a dress and 3 inch heels. I felt SOOOOO hot. I used to dress like that all the time!! I LOVED that I was actually able to wear the heels all day. My new man was VERY happy to see me that day!!

    Good NSV! Thank you for reminding me to acknowledge such things!!!

  2. When I was a kid we were up in the mountains and I found a pine cone that had pine nuts in it. So they seemed a perfect fit for my kid sized nose. Hooo boy did I get in trouble. Also got a penny stuck up there one time. Got lectured but good about sticking things up my nose on the ride home from the dr's office both times.

    I'm not big on sticking random items in my hoo-hoo. Other than BOB or a real flesh and blood bf of course.....Dunno, that just never "did it" for me.

    LMAO about "taking a step and the channel changes"

  3. The only thing about drinking something hot is you are not suppose to drink a half hour before you eat? So do you drink something hot an hour before you eat, I know when I am tight it takes me a half hour to drink a cup of tea.

    Yes, this is a bandster rule, but my Dr would rather have me not PB, so he's happy for me to break this one so I don't have other issues. I drink something warm *right* before I eat. I can actually feel everything relaxing in there and I know now how the right "open" state feels so I can start eating.

  4. Sears just delivered our brand new NordicTrack C2200 treadmill and is she ever pretty! She folds up for space saving too!

    It might take some time to break her in. I walked on it for about .003 miles and about passed out. LOL!

    w00t! Let the fun begin!

    You'll be surprised at how quickly you'll get stronger. Hell, six months ago I could barely do 10 minutes on the thing and I was wet from top to toes. Today I am chasing my twin nephews around the house and barely breaking a sweat. It will all come together, I promise.

  5. Okay, that's it. Ya'll have convinced me. I'll try thongs again. I tried them once and just COULDN'T. But....now that I'm getting a little jiggy with the new man, I think he'd like it...and maybe me too.

    I just CAN'T seem to fathom it.

    But is it like when I got contacts? My sis told me "it's uncomfortable at first but you get used to it".

    I guess I started thinking this way when my new man saw my red granny panties and said "oh look, you are wearing Super Girl shorts!"

    :sob: That's SO not sexy.

    All my panties are too big now with almost 80 lbs gone so now is the time for a girl to get new lacy things!!

    In another topic....for Valentine's I've been trying on a ton of lacy naughty things.....so even with 80lbs gone, I'm still 60 lbs from goal.....I just don't think I can feel sexy in that stuff. Does that ever get easier????

  6. what's with the "Hey honey, I'm a towel rack" thing?

    ROFLMAO!!!! Oh yes....I've had more than ONE boyfriend try THAT trick......best just to say "yes, but it's such a TINY towel rack it would only hold a washcloth"....suddenly that thing ain't holding many towels, that I can guarantee. ;)

  7. Hey dawg...so today over lunch I happened to remember this thread and was telling my guy about it. Told him about your admiration for goats. And how I'd told you he likes monkeys. And you saying "monkeys are an acceptable substitute for goats".

    He replied "you know I like goats. I've always wanted one. Just think, I could have a big yard and a goat and I'd never have to mow. That would be so cool."

    It was then I began plotting me and PhotoNut and a Thelma and Louise style getaway while you two yo-yo's talk monkeys and goats.....

    : pounds head on desk :

  8. Beside, goats are cool. It's a fact.

    I *KNEW* there was something weird about you!!!!

    Tho I can't point and laugh too much....my man has thing about monkeys. He *loves* monkeys. He was recently on a business trip to Japan and took a VERY long train to get to that place where the monkeys sit there in the hot springs with the snow all around. He keeps sending me the link to a webcam of that place......yeah, I just don't get it......

    And HEY Dawg, I thought you weren't looking!!!!!!! Dang boys, they just don't follow instructions!!!

    Wonky? I like that!

    You may have it and use it in good health!! Anytime I can spread my bastardization of the english language, I'm all good!

  9. My new man (only two months so he's still on good behavior for me) is wonky about parking spots. We go to the city for a date. We go to a parking garage. The man will pull into at least five different spots before deciding on one. He'll pull in....nope, that other car is too big and too close....back out....pull into another one....nope, this one is at an odd angle....back out....pull into another one....no, this one looks like it has a leaky pipe over it....back out.....you get the idea.

    I have just learned to sit there quietly while the dance of the parking spaces goes on........

    But he is a good man so I guess tolerating some parking space indecision is a small price to pay........

    (edited cuz I think I got a little *too* naughty)

    My man is weird because he's perfect. Wow, how did I score such a guy? *smiles* I mean that, completely.

    No fair!!!! You are just saying that cuz your man is on the boards. I betcha you'd have something to add if your man wasn't looking. Dawg...look away, we need to talk to your woman!!!!

  10. Ya'll I think I'm getting sick!! I'm taking Airborne and I'm using Zycam but damnit!!!

    And my man has been out of town all week, he's back tonight. I can't be sick!!! Mama needs her some attention!!!!


  11. I didn't read the other thread, but Penni, you are a hero to me. I am learning a lot from you because you are willing to be open with your experiences. As i told DeLarla in another thread, speaking the truth matters and when people get all whipped up, it generally means you are VERY close to the truth.

    Continue being a truth teller. For yourself first. And for all us who come after you. Help us to learn, to be smart, to be strong.

    Big hugs to you!

  12. I for one applaud you for speaking your truth. Okay, I didn't read the thread, it's not my cup of tea, but I was put on earth to be a defender of people. I'm a taurus, loyal to the very, very end.

    De, you've been a great source of information for me personally. Your candor about your experiences helped *me* personally to make my decisions about being banded.

    Don't stop speaking your truth. When people are getting whipped up, that just means you are for sure talking the truth.....and truth makes people uneasy.

    Stay strong my friend.

  13. My dr's support group is also mostly RNY and Vertical Gastrectomy people. They look at me like I'm an alien. Sometimes another banded lady goes, but not always. She lost like 120 lbs and you think that would be enough for those vultures, but it's not.

    I just don't get the whole "us vs them" mentality in WLS. We all started out needing help!! Who cares what route as long as we are all working hard to take better care of ourselves!?!?!? Makes me tired.

    Doc, I've gotten most of my support and my pats on the back here at LBT. We love you. We're your family!! Welcome home!!!!

  14. You are too tight. I know, I got overfilled once. Good that you lost 13 lbs but over time, it will drive you to start making bad food choices in order to be able to eat.

    Plus being too tight is very dangerous for the band. It could cause slippage.

    This NOT in anyway "band life". Get an unfill. Make the appointment today.

    My dr's philosophy about fills is thus: "I'd rather have you be a little underfilled and be able to eat a bit more of the right foods (like chicken) than be too tight and make bad food choices"

  15. I don't have kids so I didn't do the letter thing, but I talked with my sister who is the executor in my will and told her where all my paperwork is. All my stuff is pretty well spelled out in my will but I made sure she and I were on the same page.

    This kind of fear is TOTALLY normal.

    What I did was at each step along the way, I told myself "I don't have to do this, I can leave". I mean, EVERY step I was SCARED but there I was putting on my gown going "you can leave" and waiting in the staging area "you can leave and go home" and even as I was laying down on the op table I told myself "I don't have to do this, I can leave and go home and have a nice snack"

    Being scared is part of being alive. I think it's beautiful you love your family so much you took the time to write up some stuff. I suggest you pull it out and read it on the one year anniversary of your band!!!

    Big hugs from your LBT family!!!!!!

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