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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by giveyouthemoon

  1. Dionna113, srknepler and Laurinda - gosh, thank you for your kind words. I'm both blushing and getting kind of teary eyed over here!! Ya'll rock! Mischievous1 - you know, actually saying the words "I'm a bulimic" out loud for the first time was one of the hardest things I've ever done. The secrecy is all part of the eating disorder. The "I'm all right" perfectionist face is hard to overcome. It's a lot of hard work, and slipping back into it was horrifying to me. And you're right, I've learned the only way to truly step beyond it is with the help of professionals.
  2. Thank you beth443 and HeatherO!! Still hard to believe it's been three years. In so many ways, I still feel like a newbie at this.
  3. Thank you, Kat817!!!!
  4. giveyouthemoon

    Help me i've...

    If you find out, let me know. I'm STILL 30 lbs from goal. I've been as close as 20 lbs from goal then drift up. Then down. Then up. I guess I'm just going to stay here for a while.... *sigh* Or...I could actually exercise and eat fewer carbs..... *sigh*
  5. giveyouthemoon

    100 lbs! You did it! Now tell me how.....

    Really? Honestly? Follow the rules. All of 'em. Eat slow. Eat low carb. Exercise. Small bites. Watch calories. And anything else your band dr told you to do. Making a band a success takes tenacity. When I stopped following the rules, weight loss stopped.
  6. giveyouthemoon


    I agree, take it easy for a few days, your stoma is probably swollen. Give it a rest and it will rebound. You could also try to drink Aloe Vera juice. Tastes terrible but helps the swelling. I swear by the stuff.
  7. giveyouthemoon

    Post Surgery..Name 10 positive things

    The "quick hits": 1) I can buckle the seatbelt on an airplane without an extender or the belt cutting in to my gut all flight. 2) I am wearing clothes that I haven't gotten into for YEARS (why I kept them all this time is a whole OTHER issue) 3) I don't have to shop at the "plus size" shop anymore. 4) I have more control over food and eating. I can even fathom eating the amounts I used to eat. 5) By blood pressure is normal, my knees don't ache, I can walk up a flight of stairs, I have energy, I don't sweat so much, I sleep better.... The "longer term" items" 1) I feel better in my own skin. 2) I take myself more seriously and thus others do too. 3) I discovered I have more courage than I ever gave myself credit for. 4) I may not be the prettiest girl in the room, but I'm "in the running". :thumbdown: 5) I am getting married in three months. I was oh so very lonely at 300lbs because I didn't want to meet anyone, or put myself out there. I met my fiancee six months after banding. I hadn't lost all my weight by a long shot, but I was so much more confident. It's been a life changer, no doubt.
  8. giveyouthemoon

    Anyone have "tight days"?

    Heck I have tight hours in a given day. This is totally normal, the band is a fickle beast. It will sometimes feel wide open, sometimes like you can't even sip Water. I have had mine almost three years and that is the one consistent, that the band isn't consistent. You sort of learn to get used to it.
  9. giveyouthemoon

    Bear with me here.

    The band is what my surgeon calls "surgical behavior modification". You get instant feedback when you eat too much, or the wrong thing, or too big a bite. Over time, your idea of sizes changes. When I was first banded, I thought "gosh, I'll never be satisfied with just this little bit of food". It wasn't long before I thought "gosh, how did I EVER eat that much food???" It's a subtle shift that happens with time.
  10. giveyouthemoon

    Addiction - the real reason behind obesity?

    Yes, I am a food addict as well. I hear you. This is going to be hard to hear, but....seek the help of a really good therapist. You cannot do this alone. There are LOTS of deep issues around why food rules your world. All need to be explored. But for the grace of a higher power and a really savvy therapist, I'm beginning to make progress. Food is not a friend. Food is not an enemy. Food is nutrition. That's step one. Big hugs......
  11. giveyouthemoon

    Understanding being full or Stuck ?

    Jack hit it on the button. You stop eating before you feel full. If you are getting an "in your throat" feeling, then you are eating too much, packing the pouch and potentially damaging your esophagus. This is, for me, the hardest lesson to learn. I am almost three years out and still fight this fight. I wish you better luck with it than me! :blushing:
  12. giveyouthemoon

    Really Low Blood Pressure!!

    Uh....yeah. :rolleyes2: I'm going to adopt the scolding mommy pose now..... Yeah, that's so not going to happen. They may want you to slow down a little if you are losing really fast, but probably not even that, to be honest. They need to figure out what's doing here, you know? When I Google the causes of low blood pressure, it can be some scary stuff. But I'm wondering if it's dehydration for you and since you tend to low/normal blood pressure anyway... Ok, thus ends the tough love portion of our show. You are a grown up and can take care of yourself without some 'net freak tellin' ya what to do! lol!!!
  13. The answer to your question is yes. For RNY patients, they can't eat sweets due to dumping. For a bandster, many sweets go down juuuust fine. This was TOTALLY an issue my surgeon pointed out before I had the band put in. It's something that has to be addressed. For me, I need to make sure I get enough Protein. I tend to crave less sweets if I get enough protein. It's not a failsafe, however. I do still have sweets. In all things, moderation. It is possible to work sweets into your eating plan and still lose weight.
  14. giveyouthemoon

    back to work...have a question

    Totally normal. It will pass (heh) in it's own time. Also be ready for sitting up at a desk all day. I noticed I'd sit for several hours working then get up and my incisions had "tightened up" (only way I can explain it) and HURT. Make sure you keep walking, walking, walking around. You are still healing.
  15. giveyouthemoon

    Really Low Blood Pressure!!

    Ok, time to go back to the dr. That is scary low. Need to concentrate on staying hydrated. It's a bad thing about us bandsters, we often don't drink enough Water. Also, cut out anything that could be a diuretic like anything caffeinated! Are you on blood pressure meds? Probably not since your bp was never that high. Need to see your doctor right away tho, you could pass out somewhere and really injure yourself or others (like behind the wheel of the car).
  16. giveyouthemoon

    Which celebrity do YOU think needs the Lap Band?

    Artie Lang the comedian. He's really struggling. Also Louie Anderson. He looks like he's really not doing well health-wise. These are really funny people, I'd like to keep them around.
  17. giveyouthemoon

    Acid Reflux

    Gosh thanks! I actually looked at that photo and was horrified. Oh well...I own it! :tongue_smilie: Have I had issues/complications? Yes, a few. I got into a bad habit of packing the pouch and distended my esophagus. It took some time on liquids to help that. I also had been a severe bulimic before banding (had recovered) and I don't think I'd ever fully addressed all the issues. So about a year into banding, it became *too* easy to PB and I had to spiral down into bulimia again. But that is my issue, not the band's fault. I spend some time in intensive therapy and am proud to say I've kicked that problem. There were some unaddressed food issues. I will tell ANYONE considering ANY sort of bariatric surgery not to do this without the help of a really good therapist. The body is one thing...the mind is VERY complicated. I also suffer reflux, but a lot of that is the abuse to my esophagus from vomiting. Since I stopped, the reflux has improved a lot. I still struggle with food issues. Those just don't go away. And body image issues. It's a lifelong thing. That said, would I do it again? OH HELL YES! I got my life back. At 300lbs I could barely walk down the hall much less stairs or anything that would exert me. I was miserable. I was hot and sweaty all the time. I ached all day. It was terrible. I was as happy as I could get myself to be at that weight. And then it was time to do something about it. My band is a freaking miracle. It is a lifesaver. I own my life again. I feel strong and energetic. Ok, sure, I weigh 183 lbs which is STILL obese, but who cares? I can walk and run and jump and my knees don't hurt and my back doesn't ache. Is the banding process perfect and without troubles? Nope! But the challenges are worth the pay off. Just my thoughts....like I said, others will have varying thoughts.
  18. giveyouthemoon

    140 lbs!?!?!?!

    140 lbs is exactly how much I have to lose. I am now 23 lbs short of that goal. So...yeah, it's daunting, but possible. My goal is to weigh 160 lbs. The very high end of "normal" on BMI. Not rail thin. Is totally doable. So....yeah. Feeling freaked out is normal. Just keep your head down and concentrate on mini goals. For me each 10 number was key. 290....280...270...etc.
  19. giveyouthemoon

    Acid Reflux

    Ok, here we go. Geez, this is totally embarrassing. I feel like I look better than this photo shows. Plus my skirt is too big..I probably need to let it go..... But not bad for a girl who started three years ago at 300 lbs. As of this morning I weigh 183. Your milage may vary.
  20. giveyouthemoon

    Acid Reflux

    Bandit Girl - I don't have any handy but let me see what I can do. If it helps I'm in between a size 12 and size 14. My boobs have gone from a 38-40 D (almost into double) to a 38C, although that is getting loose. I'm going to try a 36D. My feet have gone from a 9 1/2 to an 8 1/2. You know the biggest change I see? My neck. I had a real flabby neck but it's not as much anymore. Let me get my fiance to help me with a full body photo, ok?
  21. giveyouthemoon

    Anyone Have Problems with Milk?

    Oh. My. God. I am SOOO glad you posted this. I thought I was the only one! I have been too scared to even ask!!! I *think* that this happens from drinking a bit too fast. It sits in the warm tummy waiting to go thru the stoma and curdles. And heck, those curdles don't go thru very well! I keep PB'ing curdled milk and have had to stop drinking it as well. This even happens if I drink a latte. I know I'm a skosh too tight so that may be some of my problems too.
  22. giveyouthemoon

    What the heck is going on???

    Could be the meds. Could also be that you are eating too much ("packing the pouch") and have distended your esophagus a bit which could bring that on. As the very wise Jack said, consult with your surgeon right away!
  23. giveyouthemoon


    As someone said, it's nerves. When they cut into your tummy, they cut nerves and they are now repairing themselves. It takes a while. Also the fibers in your muscles where they put the port are reknitting. In addition, at almost three years out I still sometimes get a twinge. I mean...the port is sewed to the muscle, so if it pull it oddly, I feel it. All perfectly normal but I still suggest you ask your doctor just in case!
  24. giveyouthemoon

    So, I'll never be 125?

    You get out of it what you put into it. The Lapband isn't a free pass. You still have to work at it. I've lost 80% of my "excess weight". Why not 100%. Because I FREAKED OUT when I lost all that weight. I wasn't prepared for how it would change my life. With the help of a great therapist I'm back on track and losing again. Had I stayed the course, I would have made goal in about a year and a half. Oh well, what's done is done. Onward. I guess the answer to your question is: "Your milage may vary"
  25. giveyouthemoon


    Oh man...I was so scared. Right up to the moment I laid down on the operating table I was like "I can leave....I can leave". I had never been in a hospital before. I was scared so much! But it turned out great! As for the binge eating part. That is really tough stuff. The band is both a help and a hindrance for that. I was a recovered bulimic when I got my band and about two years in the bulimia was back really bad. The ONLY way you can do this is with the help of a therapist. Don't go down this road without some help, ok? Best luck!!!

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