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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by msfitn2014

  1. Not to sound disgusting or offend anyone but is passing gas an issue for sleevers....I see a lot of people quoting "never trust a fart" will we be pooping and passing gas together now? Curious to know being Sleeved first week of April
  2. Excited and sad about my results from my blood work. Everything was fine except my Vitamin D was extremely low I guess starting today I am going to have to start taking Vitamin D twice a day. My b12 was extremely high. I currently take Nascobar nasal spray and its 1 time a week. My 6mo check up had me so nervous but Im glad I had the surgery with 0 complications and Im losing slowly and gracefully.
  3. msfitn2014

    Officially overweight not obese!

  4. msfitn2014

    Water and food at the same time?

    I cant tell which surgery you had BUT when i was banded in 2005 i was told not to because if you are too tight the drinking/eating will cause you to throw up...if you are not too tight it pushes the food out the pouch allowing you to eat more, which cause weight stall-gain! Im now sleeved in 2014 and if i try to drink-eat i will throw up and have chest pains because there is no room for food/liquid! Hope this helps
  5. msfitn2014

    Peanut Butter

    I love it powdered pb2 and i pour it in my protein and shake it in a shaker!!
  6. I never had a stall, I would lose at least 1-4 pound a week after surgery. Im 6 months out.
  7. msfitn2014

    Scar remedies

    @@MisforMimi Im african american and i use Bio oil and it helped alot on my stretch marks and surgery scars...5 of them I did keloid on one scar and that is the scar i had my lapband removed from, it keloided in 2005 when i had the surgery and in 2014 so im fine with one bad scar
  8. @@ArtSong Im sorry to hear that, are you a virgin sleever
  9. msfitn2014

    Dumping syndrome and sugar?

    I have heard some sleeve patients can not tolerate sugar, milk, salads or fried foods. I happen to be one that can not tolerate anything fried. I would try it again in maybe a month or two and see what happens, good luck.
  10. I also use MFP to help calculate my protein intake. I drink one shake a day so I know for a fact I am getting in at least 30....In my early stage first 1-2 mo I drank 2 shakes to make sure I got 60 grams in. I know most of the time if I eat something its never the full or even 1/2 the serving Good luck
  11. msfitn2014

    Lapband to sleeve

    I have a desk job and my dr took me off for 3 weeks....honestly I could have went back after 3 days. They did my paperwork for time off the week b4 surgery so of course I didnt know what type of pain I would be in! We are all different and will experience diff pain and recovery differently....I was pain free and had a speedy recovery
  12. msfitn2014

    Lapband to sleeve

    @ifein229 The only food that I tried twice and could not eat is fried food...yes I dumped...severe abdominal cramps, sweating, chills and runs for abt 30-45 min and abt 10 min after I ate it both times I tried to eat something fried....everything else I have no problem with, i just eat in small quanities...fruit, veggies, salads, dairy products, bread...i can eat one slice of pizza!
  13. msfitn2014

    Lapband to sleeve

    Goodluck ladies!! Im one week from 6 mo and dwn 55 pounds and dwn 2 dress sizes!! I am band to sleeve, banded 2005 and revision 2014. Yesssss i noticed i am a slower wls patient than virgin sleevers and i was told i would be by the dr! I am still happy and proud of my results! I always have restriction and the first 3 mo i was not hungry ever i just ate because i had to and was on a schedule. I love my sleeve and its 110 PERCENT better than the band No COMPLICATIONS and no ISSUES with stuck food, throwing up, no problems with RESTRICTIONS and No Gerd
  14. msfitn2014

    Silly question lol

    Wow....they gave me tea in the hospital and coffee..i never seen where i couldnt have it. The only beverage they told me not to drink is alcoohol for 6 months, no carbonation/sodas ever and no drinks or juice high in calories! I drink coffee 5 days a week with two packs of sub sugar and i drink abt 4oz a day.....i been drinking it since 3 mo out and im one week from 6 mo...i go for my 6 mo checkup 10/8 and i will ASK cause i could be wrong Goodluck everyone
  15. msfitn2014

    Introducing myself!

    Try puritanpride.com they have Free Shipping and they used to sell liquid biotin
  16. msfitn2014

    Introducing myself!

    Im in the Dallas area as well!!Welcome and Good luck im 1 week from 6 mo!!
  17. msfitn2014

    POST-OP chime in

    I am 5 mo post op, I tried to eat fried fish...i experienced dumping syndrome which included severe cramps, sweats, chills and runs for abt 45 min....i called my dr and he explained to me that after the sleeve alot of people can no longer eat certain foods like milk, salad, sweets and fried foods....my favorite fried fish is now my favorite grilled or baked fish!!
  18. msfitn2014

    Any April Sleevers?

    Hello April sleevers we are getting ready to hit our 6 month mark!! I hope everyone is doing better, looking better and feeling better!! I am band to sleeve and have had a slow weight loss but Im HAPPY!!! I wish everyone continued success with health and weight loss journey....its been a long road 4 me
  19. msfitn2014

    African American Sleevers

    @@Ria1202 Dont leave the group...there is NEVER goin to be a group without positives/negatives!! I think you are a great inspiration and motivator!! Keep motivating and keep doin what you do!!! I will post my info for the challenge when i get to a scale tonight
  20. msfitn2014

    African American Sleevers

    @@Ria1202 Dont leave the group...there is NEVER goin to be a group without positives/negatives!! I think you are a great inspiration and motivator!! Keep motivating and keep doin what you do!!! I will post my info for the challenge when i get to a scale tonight
  21. msfitn2014

    Dumping syndrome? Tmi

    I have dumped from fried fish, sweats, chills, severe stomach pains and running to the bathroom!! This lasted for abt 45-60 min NO MORE fried food for me!! I can eat dairy products and salad just fine but i notice alot of sleevers cant
  22. msfitn2014

    African American Sleevers

    I dont see alot of African American women losing hair....i was banded in 2005 and sleeved in 2014 NEVER had any hair loss nor did the AA coworkers, family or friends who were weight loss patients....my gf she had alot of thinning ( superbad) and she is AA but she didnt take biotin didnt get her protein in and she is prob 4 years out with gastric and she is 100 lbs lighter but hardly any hair

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
