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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by msfitn2014

  1. msfitn2014

    Gas pain and diarrhea

    I had lose BM almost 6 weeks...hope yu get better soon
  2. @ I totally agree!!! Its ALOT of different views and different advice from each doctor and nut!! I l'm just gonna follow my dr and nut orders and I hope everyone else does the same. Good luck on everyones good health and great weight lost
  3. I was told you only absorb 20-30 per setting....i drink 30 for breakfast and i drink 30 for dinner...my lunch and snack should make up any amt i need...i was told to do at least 60
  4. Well i gained weight this week so now Im down 27 pounds!! I went from size 16 to a 14 and was sleeved on April 9th....slow and steady for me!! Looking fwd to being in a 12 and dwn by at least 10-15 more pounds by my 3 mo anniversary!! Good luck ladies/gents
  5. msfitn2014

    Are you ok?

    Lol...just IGNORE them!!
  6. msfitn2014

    My Fitness Pal friends needed!

    I will friend you, msfitn2012
  7. msfitn2014

    Pain after 4 weeks

    I THINK its normal...lol but im not a dr I was band to sleeve on 4/9 and my stomach was removed on the right side and my band was removed on the left...everyday for 2-3 weeks I woke up sore on my right side, i couldnt really sleep on my right side and if I twist/turned my right side would hurt a lil...i had no pain or soreness at all on my left side where my band and port was removed which was weird because that is where everyone said i would experience pain/soreness! Get well soon
  8. msfitn2014

    DAY 3 Omg, The pain...

    Congrats!! Yesssss it sounds like gas!! I only had it in the hospital and gasx and walking is what stopped it!!! In my back like i had been shot with a 12 gauge and in my shoulder!!
  9. You are very pretty!! Congrats and good job
  10. msfitn2014

    Quick Question About The Pain

    All of my pills are in powdered form, liquid and chewable! I didnt take any pain meds after surgery, i felt fine I just woke up every mirning a lil sore!
  11. msfitn2014


    We live and we learn!! Feel better soon!!
  12. msfitn2014

    How much time off work, desk job

    I also have a sit down desk job, the sitting all day made me sore, so I took my 2 15 min breaks, 30 min lunch and several bathroom breaks and walked around to keep from bein sore and help with blood circulation
  13. msfitn2014

    How much time off work, desk job

    My dr took me off for 3 weeks...I really wanted to go back after a week because I was bored and ready to go back to my normal routine!! I did get paid during the 3 weeks off though
  14. msfitn2014


    Love it ????❤️
  15. msfitn2014

    Stay Hydrated – It’s Getting Hot!

    Wow thanks for sharing, very informative and helpful!!
  16. msfitn2014

    how did you pay your insurance deductible?

    My deductible was $3000 and all the appts and test ate that up, i had to pay the hospital $1100 and the dr $750 2 weeks b4 surgery. The hospital did offer a payment plan of dwnpymnt 1/2 and pay out the rest but I didnt...waiting on the anesthesia bill
  17. I miss fried chicken and fried fish!! Now im baking, grilling and boiling my food!! I would be lieing if i said there is nothing i dont miss!! However, Im never going to eat fried foods again and Im sure after a few weeks Im goin to stop missing them!!
  18. msfitn2014

    Great Protein Drink!

    thanks I will look for the new whey in watermelon
  19. msfitn2014

    African American Sleevers

    No i take prescribed acid blocker for prevention my dr said i will be taking it for 6 months..3 mo prescribed 3 mo over the counter
  20. msfitn2014

    African American Sleevers

    Im 8 weeks out and im never hungry...i was off 3 weeks and when i returned to work the first two days i was hungry i think ONLY because everyone was eating lunch, breakfast and snacks all day...so i smelled and saw food all day!! I make myself eat, i am on vacation this week an noticed it was 3pm and that I hadnt eaten anything so i fixed a shake waited an hr later and ate a baked potato
  21. msfitn2014

    2 days post op.

    Yes...i was told to take tylenol only! They prescribed me liquid hdrocodeine tylenol for pain...i was in the hospital on wed released Thursday..Im thankful that I didnt need the pain meds, NO PAIN i was sore when i woke up each morning but once I walked around the soreness was gone!
  22. msfitn2014

    I have officially made it to ONEDERLAND!

    Awesum!! Go celebrate and drank you a shake on the rocks!! Nothing like seeing onederland!! Enjoy!!
  23. msfitn2014

    Diet Pop

    Omg i feel you on headaches!! I used to take BC powder and drink coke to help....my dr told me No more NSAIDS and No More carbonation...i have been NSAID free and carbonation free for 6 months....if i feel a headache comin along I just drink gatorade and liquid tylenol...thank God i have not had a migraine but once and I drank the liquid hydocodeine tylenol they prescribed me!! Good luck its a struggle
  24. msfitn2014


    Are you taking Biotin for your hair? Alot of women get acne from too much Biotin and I know al whole lot of WLS patients take it to prevent hair loss and thinning? Hope you get better soon!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
