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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by msfitn2014

  1. msfitn2014

    The relief of the revisit

    No FRIED FOODS!! It turns into dumping syndrome for me! I can eat anything else as long as I eat in small portions and chew well!
  2. msfitn2014

    Protein on the go

    Yes i have rtd protein shakes...i just ask for a cup of ice anywhere and drink it...i also have small ziploc snack bags with healthy snacks and yes the beef jerky is a hit. Im never hungry and sometime im busy or hott and notice I feel funny and realize I have not ate and those snacks help until i can eat a real protein/veggie meal
  3. msfitn2014

    Food diary

    It is for me...it helps me see how many carbs, sodium, calories i am getting enough of or not enough of! I use it My Fitness Pal and its amazing
  4. I just said a prayer for you!! God Bless you on your journey!
  5. I agree I bought Isopure and I bought two diff flavors omg DISGUSTING thee were $4 a pc and I believe 40 gm of protein...I would suggest GNC, bodybuilding.com or the Vitamin shop...the vitamin shop has all kinds of protein shakes that you can buy in bulk or single....of course you would want to try it in single first...
  6. msfitn2014

    April 16th role call - who's with me!

    I have always considered myself a DIVA...so I was ashamed to shop at stores that ONLY catered to plus size women, I wanted to fit in sooo bad with everyone else ( skinny) women that I spent tons of money shopping on shoes/purses and etc...being overweight really bothered me emotionally with crazee thoughts and feelings!! I am very PROUD of everyone NSV!! I went from size 16 to a 14 and I can fit back in all my heels, gaining weight caused me to wear a sz 10 shoe and now Im in 9.5 and a few 9's again
  7. msfitn2014

    Protein shakes

    I drink one premier shake a day everyday for breakfast 30 gm of protein, i started drinking them as a meal replacement for breakfast b4 surgery
  8. msfitn2014

    Birth control question.

    I had to stop taking my BC pills one month b4 surgery and one month after surgery..this is my first month back on the pill and my weight loss is still the same rate and Im never hungry....i think they suggest no pregnancy for 18 months.
  9. msfitn2014

    Order of surgery

    That is a question I asked my dr before surgery and she does all the easier ones first...luckily the day of my surgery there were only 3 booked, first person was gastric bypass, then I was 2nd band to sleeve and her 3rd patient was also band to sleeve. I didnt find out what order I would be until the day of surgery but I knew since i was having revision i would not be first
  10. In 2005 i Used Dr Hamn and Dr cribbins at Plano presbyterian had my surgery in frisco...i really liked Dr Hamn In 2014 for revision from band to sleeve I used Dr Hodges at Barker Bariatrics the hospital was Forest Park Med...i loved Dr Hodges she is super sweet!
  11. msfitn2014

    Sleep study Dr. David kim

    I used Dr Hodges with Dr Barker Bariatrics the sleep study was $8000. The sleep study was a requirement for the dr but not my insurance.. I have BCBS anthem....
  12. Wow... I am 10 weeks out and STRUGGLING with water..for breakfast i have 12 oz shake it takes over an hr to drink and Im soo full then I sip on 16oz of water for 1-2 hrs then I wait 30-45 min so I can eat, take me 30 min to eat then I have to wait over an hr b4 i drink because Im soo full from eating! I want stop trying i wish sometimes i could just drink normal or gulp but i cant...practice makes perfect
  13. msfitn2014

    GS recovery time and expectations?

    I was off for work work 2 weeks with the lapband but I could have went back after a week, I was off 3 weeks for band to sleeve and I could have went back after a week. I did not have any complications as far as recovery for both. I was tired with both but I was more tired with the sleeve or at least I slept more with the sleeve. In 3 days I was back to normal with the band and the sleeve....I see people travel all the time going from Mexico back to the states from surgery, I would ask my dr. I guess if you had to fly you may want to get up every 30 min and walk to the bathroom. My recovery was smooth with both operations and I was banded in 2005 and revision in 2014. Good luck
  14. msfitn2014

    Slow weight loss?

    I think you are doing awesome, I was told that MOST band to sleeve patients are slower than virgin sleevers. I have lost 30 pounds since April 9th, and I go for my 3mo check up on July 9th and I am praying I am healthier because I am happier. I could not have lost it w/o my sleeve. Most importantly I didn't gain 30 pounds. I am just going to continue to eat small portions, watch my carbs, exercise and get my protein in...I know I will meet my goal soon and my dr said he knows if I stay focused and follow the rules that I should meet my goal in 6 months and If I don't I will just keep going till I do....Good luck, I got 43 to go for my own goal and 53 pounds to go for my dr goal All I know is Change is Coming!! happy to be a bandtosleeve
  15. When you are on a social site, its always going to be opinions and advice....Good and bad, helpful and unhelpful....That goes for any social site!! I have been on this site pre sleeve and wish I would have had it in 2005 when I was banded. I love reading the good and the bad. I have not had any complications as a sleever and I was normal in 3 days. My only complaint is not being able to get 640z in and not being able to tell if I have a bm/gas at times I have learned sooooo much on this site and I want to be encouraged and encourage others on this site...I can truly and honestly say I come here everyday to read post and progress and see people that are going through what I am going through and know that I am not alone and I have people that I can talk to and understand.
  16. msfitn2014

    Obese Kids

    I was wondering for the ones that have children are your children obese? I was told most obese kids parents are obese? My daughter is 21 and wears a size 4 and I think I have made her so health conscious that she is constantly on a diet and eating salads and eliminating meat because she doesn't want to look like me....My highest ever has been 16/18 18 tops and 16 bottoms. My lowest has been a size 8 bottom 10 top so she has NEVER seen me small. When I was in highschool I wore 7/8 thru 9/10.
  17. I was banded in 2005 and had no hair loss or thinning.....im praying and so far so good no hair loss or hair thinning since being sleeved....i know for some of us our hair is our glory
  18. msfitn2014

    Obese Kids

    thanks for all the wonderful input
  19. msfitn2014

    Vitamin suggestions please

    Powdered vitamins at barilife.com and my dr office also sell them
  20. I was banded 2005 went from 18/20 to 8/10....felt great, looked great, no hair loss no loose skin!! 2009 i started having allllll the band complications, fills and unfills, change of insurance and was back in 16/18 by the end of 2012....jan 2014 I got the ball rolling on band to sleeve April 9 I had my surgery Wed and released Thursday was taken off work for 3 weeks...so at 9 weeks im 30 pounds lighter and I am 1 size smaller size 14...i was really tired at first but by day 3 i was normal..walked a mile every day for 2 weeks and then 2miles everyday for a week b4 going back to work..my stomach was removed on the right side and port removed on the left...my right side was sore for a few weeks but no pain on left side..im never hungry but I eat on a schedule when im at work not much on my off days....no stuck food, no girgling throat noise, i can eat and drink laying dwn, no throwing up, no acid reflux. I struggle with getting 64 oz of water in and hope i dnt get dehydrated, my taste buds have changed, i get full quick and i can not eat any fried foods because it cause me to dump like gastric patients....first 3 weeks i had terrible runs and confusion between gas/bm i guess its because you are on liquids. I think im a slow loser compared to virgin sleevers but its still early and im losing. So far no complications and i take a multi vit everyday, acid blocker, biotin and msm pills....my scars are almost gone i use bio gel i think is the name from walmart, my only noticeable scar is where the port was and it has lightened but is noticeable
  21. Try a high dosage of biotin and take a msm pill which is also used for hair thinning, msm pills can be purchased online, cvs and walgreen...you can google all the good things msm pills are good for
  22. @katesuccess....nooooo dont compare yourself!! Im ok with being a slow loser, as long as im losing. Im actually at 30 lbs lost! Im losing inches! Im doing what my dr/nut told me....since i work 6 days a week 10-12hrs a day m-f and 4 hrs on sat i have not been able to workout but 2 days sometime 3 a week I never eat over 800 calories and I get 60 or more protein in, im struggling with 640z of water but im working on it.....no sagging skin and no way I could have lost 30 pounds without my sleeve in a lil over 2 months!! I would rather lose than gain anyday!! Signed Ms slow n Steady
  23. msfitn2014

    Obese Kids

    @virtualpisces....wow thanks
  24. msfitn2014

    Drink to prevent dehydration

    OMG for me its a struggle, it takes me about an hr to drink 12 oz of gatorade g2, shakes, juice or crystal light. Im soooooooo full from drinking too and if its water which i hate drinking it takes me even longer to drink 1-2 hrs to drink 12 oz.
  25. yes and they were tasty, I think I got them from Costco.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
