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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by msfitn2014

  1. I was only able to walk...i think at 4 or 6weeks i was cleared to do other excercises!! I dnt think lose skin is goin to be an option for me maybe my arms a little bit....my focus at the gym has been walking, cycling and arm weights!! I lost almost 80 pounds with the lapband and I had no loose skin but now that i gained weight i notice my arms are not tone...im goin to try bodywraps and arm weights
  2. @@jess9395 i measure my food and thats what I measure my salad at 1 cup....i dnt even eat all the salad because im full!! Usually 3-4 bites of something and Im done
  3. msfitn2014

    How long is too long?

    I used Dr Hodges in Dallas and i had 1 week of liquids presurgery....
  4. msfitn2014

    African American Sleevers

    Great advice thats my GOAL this week!! I just did 5 miles on the bike and I usually do 3...i go for my 3 month check up july 9 and I have got to get my butt in gear for that check up!! Stronger workout, more protein and water!! Water is such an issue for me
  5. msfitn2014

    Is surgical reversal "medically" necessary?

    my insurance covers revision as medically necessary. it was I had to have a bmi of 40 or more or if I was less than 40bmi I had to have 2 comorbidities.....When I first went I didn't have a bmi of 40 so I had to gain weight to get to 40. I didn't have any high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, sleep apnea or anything like that. I didn't take meds for anything!! Complications from the band, I had reflux, dilated pouch and something was wrong with my esophagus.
  6. msfitn2014

    Work after Revision

    I couldn't pick up over 10 pounds for 6 weeks, after 6 weeks I picked up about 12 pounds at the grocery store and OMG I started having pain in my left incision where they removed my band....I hurt for a couple of hours so I am just taking it easy.
  7. msfitn2014

    How often do you step on the scale?

    I was recently sleeved and yes Im a "scalewatcher" I weigh every morning first thing.....I know people say its a bad habit but for me, it helps me stay focused. I get on the scale and if I haven't had any weight loss or if I picked up .5, I work harder, I stay focused to achieve better results. Yes I know sometime you can lose inches and not weight but...................its an incentive to keep me focused. Im 11 weeks out and have got on the scale everyday of my 11 weeks.
  8. msfitn2014

    African American Sleevers

    @@Ria1202 its a sign that you are full!! At least for me!! 3/4 bites im full i burp if i try to keep eating im uncomfortable and bloating so i stop! Thats my first sign!
  9. msfitn2014

    African American Sleevers

    @@Ria1202 its a sign that you are full!! At least for me!! 3/4 bites im full i burp if i try to keep eating im uncomfortable and bloating so i stop! Thats my first sign!
  10. I have had a light mustache since 9! I had to shave often and NO i didnt have ingrown hair or hair bumps...once I got 20 I started getting lip wax. I have been taking Biotin since 2005 and my mustache has not gotten any thicker nor have I grown hair any other places that I didnt have before. I currently get my upper lip hair threaded. Funny I have NEVER shaved my legs cause hair doesnt grow on my legs!! Actually since getting threaded I only get my lip done once a month so the Biotin didnt effect that hair...i was banded in 2005 started taking Biotin no hair loss no thinning, i was sleeved in 2014 and still no hair loss or thinning!
  11. msfitn2014

    YouTube videos

    I liked some of them...but some of them go on and on and on!! Shut up and get to the point!! Its like a 15 min video that could have taken 5 min with out all the "UM'S after every word!!
  12. You can call 972-270-4800 for Barker Bariatrics they have a monthly support group.
  13. @@HalloweenBaby24Me2 I have always been obsessed with shopping for clothes, shoes, makeup, costume jewelry and purses....im such a huge fan of Mac makeup and Michael Kors and I own so many of their purses and shoes, I cant wait to fit into their clothes!! I have always felt like i was the Beautiful but Fat girl or as people would say ( youre pretty to be fat) hurtful
  14. msfitn2014

    For the Ladies

    Lucky Me I was lucky enough to be on my cycle in 2005 the day of Lapband and also in 2014 the day of Lapband revision to Sleeve My cycles since surgery 2014 have been really weird I have a cycle for ONE DAY.
  15. I agree my daughter wore a 0 and she was 98 pounds my step daughter wore a 4 and she was 115....i think it depends where yu shop at the sizes differ, I could where a few 4's but mostly 6's at Ny and Co but all the other stores I wore an 8....good luck whatrver size makes you happy, i have such a small waist my stomach starts to suck in instead of just staying flat
  16. A size 8 is perfect for me!!! I think i will look sick anything smaller, plus my head is big...dont want to look like Ms Bobble head!! I used to be a 8 about 4 years ago!! Praying for a sz 8 my largest size ever was a 18
  17. My stomach has made noises prob once a week lol...i can eat lettuce with no problem...i usually eat shredded lettuce
  18. I want to take alter ego photo shoot..good girl vs bad girl..
  19. Haaaaaaaaa "never trust a fart" so true so always have a night bag to change and clean up!! I use my scale and measuring cups so I can accurately put everything in my fitness pal which also tells me how much protein i have had....i stocked up on choc protein which i loved before sleeved, after sleeved it was disgusting I also dont like leftovers since being sleeved.....you will slowly learn what food u can and can not eat...i can not eat any fried food and i found out tonight i cant eat ice cream
  20. msfitn2014

    How soon did you return to work?

    My dr approved me for 3 weeks..i had my surgery on a Wed and honestly I could have went back that Monday...i took my 3 weeks to rest, get used to my new stomach and find me a excercise and food routine...I have a desk job and the heaviest thing I pick up is a pencil..
  21. msfitn2014

    Drain or no drain?

    I never had a drain either
  22. msfitn2014

    Drain or no drain?

    I never had a drain either
  23. my dr and nut said I should be eating around 600-800 cal a day. I measure my food and I keep up with it on mfp and mfp always tell I have not ate enough. I am full, I have a shake for breakfast, a snack, lunch and sometimes I eat dinner and sometimes I don't I have a shake. I try to stay on a schedule m-f when Im at work because Im not hungry Im just eating to the schedule so I can get my vitamins, nutrients and protein in. On the weekend I don't follow a schedule and sometime I forget to eat because Im not hungry and my cal intake is less than 600 some weekends. I usually burp while eating and feel tired and I know im full and I stop eating
  24. Presurgery I had a bm 3x a week...post surgery i have a bm everyday. During my liquid stage I had a bm 2x a day and it was pretty much diarreah...i could not wait to eat solid food. My dr said if i was to go 3 days without a bm to drink milk of magnesium...so far i havent had to take anything
  25. msfitn2014

    Scared to eat!

    @@VSGAnn2014 Haaaaaaaa u killed it!!! I am soooooo liking the response. I Always answer to #1 I Really want to do #6

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
