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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by msfitn2014

  1. msfitn2014

    Unbelievable charge for VSG to my insurance

    My hospital bill was $63000 and i had to pay $1500,.....i paid $1150 the day of surgery and they billed me the rest...i was band to sleeve, had a private room and was there one night! Signed in at 6am wed and released at 1pm Thursday!
  2. I take liquid tylenol for headaches and tylenol pm if i have a headache at night....i was told in 2005 no NSAIDS when i was banded now I am sleeved 2014 i was also told no NSAIDS! Walmart carry a version of both.
  3. msfitn2014

    Ok this is bugging me

    @@woo wooYou are sooooo right!! I seen a sign this morning on my way to work that said self pay package $8999, I had my surgery with Dr Barker Bariatrics and I have my 3mo follow up next week I will def inquire and I will post the info, also i will get the info on the $8999 sign i passed here in dallas tx! What ever surgery you choose rather in the States or outside the states just make sure you research and feel comfortable that is best for you!! Good luck
  4. msfitn2014

    12 Weeks Post Op

    Heyyy ladies!! We are triplets!! I was sleeved 4/9 i have not had any complications and I was back to normal by day 3...Im still struggling with 64oz of water and Im a SLOWLOSER!! But I am losing, i am down 40 pounds! Congratulations to all of you 4/9 sleevers stay healthy and keep losing Losers!!
  5. msfitn2014

    How much did you weigh when....

    Wow!!! Very intersesting!! I think Height and the way we are shaped play a huge role! At my highest 245 i wore 18/20 top and 16 bottoms!! At 160 pounds i wore a 10 top and size 8 bottoms, my waist is small, boobs are big and I am 5'5
  6. Glad you had your BM...i had BM the 2 nd day of surgery and have been lucky to have a BM everyday since sleeved
  7. msfitn2014

    How did you drink the vitamins?

    My b12 is a nasal spray and my multi vitamin is powder my iron is chewable and so is my calcium
  8. I am revision from band to sleeve and no it was not more.
  9. msfitn2014

    Staying regular

    I was NEVER regular before surgery, now Its a daily morning routine. I do take probiotics and I was taking them before i was sleeved. I heard they helped with digestion and weight lost.
  10. msfitn2014

    hair loss 5 months out. what to do

    I take Biotin a high dosage 7500 and also MSM pills...i was banded in 2005 and sleeved 2014 no hair loss or thinning...yu can google msm pills and read abt the good things they are used for...hair thinning is one!! I would also suggest a shampoo with protein and making sure you get over 60 grams of protein a day with food, shakes, bars, pudding or whatever you can take to get over 60 grams
  11. msfitn2014

    How did you drink the vitamins?

    I take powdered vitamins...yu can swallow and wash it down, or yu can mix it in a drink, food or jello, yougurt!
  12. msfitn2014

    Whats your "full" signal?

    I burp and feel tired or bloated
  13. msfitn2014


    Some people have hiccups and its there sign of being full....i burp and feel bloated!
  14. msfitn2014

    Work after Revision

    Be careful and hope you feel better!!
  15. At photo925....yu are so correct!! My stomach is flat and no need for a tummy tuck, im concerned with my arms but I wouldnt want the scar, i guess i will have to weigh my options
  16. I had the band from 2005 till 2014 so almost 10 years. Yes I was hungry with the band and finally after so many fills I got restriction. I would be so hungry but couldn't eat because of the restriction. I started measuring my food and that would help sometime but I would vomit a lot with the band embarrassing. For some odd reason when my menstrual cycle would come I would have huge restriction and I could barely drink water or even swallow and I had night time reflux. I couldn't eat first thing in the morning because I would be too tight. I went up and down from fills to unfills. I went from size 16/18 245 pounds to size 8/10 165 pounds in a year with the band. I was able to keep the weight off from 2005 till 2009 and then I started picking up the weight and could never get my restriction back. I was revised to sleeve in April and so far I love it, no stuck food, no girgling noises, no vomiting, no fills and unfills, the best thing I have NO HUNGER. I am close to 40 pounds lost at 11 weeks and I have went from size 16 to 14 and the 14's are loose..its the beginning of my journey and Im loving it, hopefully I work hard, make good decisions and be able to keep it off.
  17. As long you look and feel healthy....I would not want to lose so much weight where I didn't look or feel healthy no matter what the scale or bmi calculator says. Healthy is my main goal!! I wish you the best of luck whatever weight you decide to maintain, increase or decrease.
  18. msfitn2014

    My 1 year anniversay

    You go boy!!!! Very suave indeed!! Good luck on your years to come, You rep D-Town well!! and I hope to rep D-town well lol
  19. msfitn2014


    It really depends on each individual, i had my gallbladder removed in 2000, lapband in 2005 revision to sleeve in 2014....having my gallbladder was the worst as far as pain and feeling normal again...i had a fast recovery from revision I felt normal after day 3...i went back to work after 3 weeks because thats what my dr suggested...i REALLY could have went back after a week!
  20. I pooped all day everyday for abt 10 days!! I was fine...all liquids i drank all liquids came out!!
  21. msfitn2014

    Optifast after surgery?

    They gave me protein the next day and i have been drinking them since...im almost 3 mo
  22. I am wondering how do we treat others that are overweight when we are overweight vs how we treat people when we lose weight. I see a lot of people who become Conceded and not Confident....Do you notice once people lose weight that they treat other obese or overweight people different? sometimes in a good way or sometimes in a bad way?
  23. msfitn2014

    How do you treat Obese People?

    I try not to treat anyone different but I catch my self staring at an obese person thinking how do she/he feel. I too feel sorry for them and I don't really know why because that person may be HAPPY.
  24. Lol I used to drink one caramel frapp no whip cream extra caramel once a month every month!! Venti please!! Thanks for sharing i will try this
  25. msfitn2014

    African American Sleevers

    I started walking the day of surgery they walked me every 2 hours all night and the next day and told me to walk everyday...i walked a mile everyday for 2 weeks then i started walking 2 miles in week 3...after 3 weeks i had to go back to work now i only workout 2-3 days a week and i cant afford a trainer i just go to the gym

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
