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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by msfitn2014

  1. msfitn2014

    Intetesting observation

    I TOTALLY agree, my co worker weighed 364 and I could not tell she had lost ANY weight till she lost 60 pounds, It was harder for me to notice because I did see her everyday..do not be discouraged keep it up and good luck on your health and weight!
  2. msfitn2014

    Two questions

    1) yes it does 2) im 3mo out and losing slowly BUT im losing and have had no stalls. Yesterday was 3 months and dwn 40 pounds since surg ( band to sleeve)
  3. msfitn2014

    4 months and 80lbs later

    Wow!! Love how you take pix with the same outfit and same spot!!! I need to do that!! Awesome results!
  4. msfitn2014

    Stay Focused to Lose More Weight!

    Soooo true about NSV's!! Thanks for sharing
  5. msfitn2014

    3 month Post Op Check

    Congrats!!! I had my 3 mo check up today, i was band to sleeve on 4/9 and my checkup 7/9 Im down 40 since sugery and I dont do my lab work till october at my 6 months!! GOODLUCK everyone???????????? on your success and health!
  6. msfitn2014


    24 a month is good!! Im band to sleeve and I was told that we can still lose ALL the weight just slower than virgin sleevers!! Today was my 3 mo anniversary and im dwn 40 pounds, had my 3 mo check up today and my dr was sooo excited for me and Im excited for you!! Dont be Disappointed, stay focused and keep pushing,
  7. msfitn2014

    self medicated injections?

    I had to for 30 days once a day to prevent blood clots and I am not on blood thinners....i tried but i just couldnt do it, i did it 2 days, i just walked everyday 1 mile and 2 miles a day...they also sent me home with leg compressions so i put them on all day
  8. msfitn2014

    Pain after sleeve surgery?

    Good luck I had No Pain from my surgery of band to sleeve, only abt 20 min of gas pain....once i took the gasx i was fine!! I wish the best for you and hope you be Pain-free as well!!
  9. Banded in 2005, had my revision in 2014. My surgery lasted abt 45 min and she removed the band and sleeved me on the same day! No complications so far and i felt normal by day 3 of surgery...all my scars are gone except the one where they removed the port! i have lost close to 40 pounds since surgery 4/9/2014. So far Im loving my sleeve, no stuck food, no fills&unfills, no constipation, no acid reflux and no throwing up.....I pray to God I lose all the weight, stay healthy and no complications
  10. msfitn2014

    vitamins all at once?

    I take a powdered vitamin at breakfast, later on I takechewable iron, magnesium and biotin together and then at night I take a calcium pill by it self. I was also told not to take the iron with the calcium. I also do a nasal b12 spray once a week on sunday.
  11. msfitn2014

    60 pounds :(

    Wow,,,everyone said what I was going to say Good luck on your next 6months....I pray that at my 6 months I am 60 pounds less!!
  12. msfitn2014

    One year later

    Good, great and excellent, you look amazing keep it up!!
  13. Please make the choice that you feel is necessary for you....I had the lapband in 2005 and went from size 18 to 8...I was compliant, I started getting fills and unfills from being too tight or not tight enough and reflux kicked in....to prevent any internal damage I had to get totally unfilled and the weight came back on slowly. I did alot of throwing up, the reflux was choking me during the night and food would get stuck and I stayed hungryyyyyyyyy with the band. I say all this to say IT DOESNT MEAN IT WILL NOT WORK FOR YOU!! It didnt work for me and I am recently sleeved and have been loving my sleeve since day1....never hungry, no vomiting, no reflux, no painful needles for fills/unfills, no stuck foods! Good luck on your decision, its yours you maybe able to rock the band and love it!!
  14. msfitn2014

    Pain after sleeve surgery?

    I had a band revision to sleeve....I had alot of scar tissue and they removed my band on the left side and my stomach on the right side...my biggest fear PAIN....while in the hospital one night i was only a lil sore with the exception of horrific gas pains in my back which subsided after abt 20min of me taking my own gasx....day 2 im home feeling fine just a lil tired and sore on my right side. I was able to walk a mile everyday and no pain and no pain meds! I did wake up every morning for abt 2 weeks a lil sore where they remived my stimach and i was tired the first week but I was doing all my normal stuff on day 3 except not picking up anything.
  15. msfitn2014

    One month out help

    I eat a salad almost everyday....i measure it in a cup and i usually eat 1/2 cup or less so 4oz or less a day....i love it!!
  16. @@LynnRinKYYou will not know what it is like till you have it! Try not to be scared....I had NO PAIN, i was a lil sore every morning when I woke up and I did not take any pain meds once I got home!! I was nervous and scared too because I did not know what to expect but it was a breeze for me!!
  17. msfitn2014

    scar cream

    good for you mine was $1500 and my ins wouldn't pay so my dr referred me to Biogel, I actually like it and it has been doing pretty good, cost me $20 from Walmart.....
  18. msfitn2014

    Hospital gown

    I had on a gown and hospital undies ( cycle) i also had a hospital robe to walk in which had pockets
  19. msfitn2014

    Not enough calories

    When im at work i eat almost every two hours...my shift is 730-4 I have a shake for breakfast 730 Break 930 i have a snack ( cheese, almonds, yogurt, jello) 1130 lunch 300 break snack 6 dinner I dont eat over 800 calories today i had 880. Holiday!! I focus on getting 60 grams of protein or more
  20. msfitn2014

    5 months pics

  21. msfitn2014

    Costco shake prices?

    Sams has now brought back STRAWBERRY N CREAM 12 pack is $14.99 right now!! Premier protein shakes
  22. Hi when were you sleeved? I'm 9 weeks post op and had hair loss at the beginning and no more I've been on biotin months before my sleeve and I also put these drops on my scalp to prevent hair loss. @ajsI was revision band to sleeve 4/9/2014 and banded 9/2005
  23. I had both leg cramps and headaches, i dont know why i had leg cramps but i figured low potassium and my headaches was from lack of food and drastic calorie reduction
  24. msfitn2014

    African American Sleevers

    Prayer said!!!
  25. msfitn2014

    African American Sleevers

    I dont eat over 800 calories, i try not to eat over 40 carbs and I get 60 or more protein in...i log my food in on myfitness pal..i am never hungry either but i do eat on schedule while im at work. I eat breakfast, a snack, lunch, snack and dinner...so sometime i have a shake for breakfast, cheesestick for snack, lunch, greek yogurt for snack and dinner may or may not be a shake...on the weekends sometime i eat once a day and a shake or 2-3 shakes a day and thats it..m-f 730am breakfast, 930am break so its a snack, 1130 is lunch, 3 is break i eat a snack

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
