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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by msfitn2014

  1. msfitn2014

    Surgery on tuesday the 15th!

    My tip is SIP all day!! Once you finish your protein shake get you a big thing of water and sip on it all day....
  2. Woooohooooo I made it!! 7 days post op!! I feel good and no hunger!! I can officially move to full liquids today!!
  3. I REALLY dont want to be a scale freak!!! I was just sooooo mad to lose almost 10 pounds pre-op 7 day liquid diet only to gain All 10 pounds back on the day of surgery now im 6 days out and Im down 10.5 pounds when really it should be 20 pounds.....i go to my first postop office apt on Thursday and I start my full liquids on this Wednesday......im so glad i have had NO APPETITE!! I love the vanilla shakes but pre-op i loved the chocolate....if you live by a vitamin shoppe they have a 40 gram protein drink by ISOPURE, i love the grape frost!! They gave me one in the hospital and its not thick or like a shake..
  4. msfitn2014


    My dr prescribed me meds for 6 months...acid blocker
  5. Omg the dr surely did not tell me I would gain 10 pounds the day of surgery...i was so sad and worked so hard on my 7 day liquid preop and lost 9.2 pounds only to wake up and have gained 10......im 5 days out and have been losing 1.5 a day....i too must stay off the scale!!
  6. msfitn2014

    Anyone having the sleeve in april?!

    Im feeling fine...i have a lil pain on my right side when i wake up or if i bend...i was lapband to sleeve on 4-9-2014....i have no hunger at all and im trying really hard to get my protein and water in but i have not....i be soooo full drinking a 11oz shake and it takes over 2 hours to drink...
  7. I had to pay the dr 2 weeks b4 surgery $750 and I had to pay the hospital a day before surgery $1150.....i was alteady told on my first consult that is what i would have to pay!!
  8. msfitn2014


    Hmmm i was revision from band to sleeve 4/9/14 and was told i may or may not have any food restrictions that it was trial/error....i havent had an appetite at all since 4/9
  9. msfitn2014

    Newly Sleeved, Too Much Liquid?

    I was sleeved 4/9 the only thing i been doin is sipping all day too, my dr gave me a sheet it says sip every 15 min i usually start at 15 min but it ends up 30-45 min every sip. I can drink 16 oz of water 11 oz shake 1 8 oz isopure and 4 oz of g2 gatorade in a whole day...each day im trying to get more fluids in..my goal by the end of the week is to get 2 shakes in so i can get 60 protein, right now im only getting 45
  10. msfitn2014

    How is your Port area post surgery?.

    I only had soreness around the port for 2 days but it was a lot of bruising of the skin....Im 4 days out and my right side is still tender and sensitive..but I am feeling great
  11. msfitn2014

    How long did your surgery take?

    I had my surgery 4-9-2014 and they removed my band and did the sleeve they rolled me back at 9am when I woke up it was 145pm. Im not sure if it took 2 hours and I was in recovery for 1 hr and 45 min or not, but the dr said if I didn't have a lot of scar tissue It would only be a 2hr surgery.
  12. msfitn2014

    3 days post op

    Hi we are twins............you have described my stomach exactly and I am 4 days post op...I only feel sore in one incision and that's the the right hand side one.
  13. I take the barilife powdered multi Vitamins but I was told I can take the flinstone chewable vitamins... I plan on taking the barilife powdered multi for 3 months then I will switch to flintstones. Good luck
  14. msfitn2014

    3 days post op is this normal?

    Band to sleeve on 4/9 my stomach is bloated as well!! I even gained almost 10pounds on the day of surgery from everything they put in my body that day...
  15. msfitn2014

    when to start vitamins?

    I started the day i came home and its powdered vitamins by barilife and my b12 is a nasal spray
  16. msfitn2014

    packing my bag

    I took phone charger, gasx, deodorant, hair brush and flip flops...they provide me a gown and a robe, toothpaste, toothbrush, maxi pads and shower gel!! My back and shoulder was killing me and i had to wait for pain management to give me gas x so i just took one that i had in my bag....it moved the gas asap on my back but not my shoulder...they walk me every 2hours and they gave me heparin shots 2x a day
  17. msfitn2014

    April 2014 sleevers

    I did not have a chest xray
  18. msfitn2014

    3 days post op is this normal?

    I had my surgery 4/9 they put sometime of nausea patch behind my ear and gave me nausea meds in my iv and sent me home with nausea meds...i have not been nauseated or throwing up...i have no appetite!! One of my 5 incisions hurt! I sip every 30 min and sleep mist of the time
  19. I was scheduled 4/9 came home 4/10 my right side still sore..i have to take daily injections for 30days I have been drinking shakes, isopure and water! Everything going down fine..i been doin a lil walking...starting on sunday i wil walk 15 min in the am and 15 min in the pm
  20. msfitn2014

    can we say .. EMBARRASSED!

    I was ony cyles with my lapband and sleeve surgery..i just had to attach the pad to the fake panties
  21. msfitn2014

    Sleeved April 9th! Here's my recap!

    I was lapband to sleeve, i have 5 incisions, gas was badddd in my back and shoulder...i took gasx and by back stop hurting. Surgery was 4/9-2014 they relased me 4/10...they took me at 930 and I was out at 1:45....my sips all went down perfectly..they sent me home with a 30 day supply of heparin i dont like doin these injections!! I gained 10 punds in one day of the hospital, i also took home these leg warmer things that prevent blood clots i have to return on next week!! All my incisions seem fine except one its sore!!
  22. @kmlg haaaaaaaa i feel you!! I still have gas pains in my left shoulder..i be excited to belch or pass gas...im a lil sore on my right side..no naseaus no throwing up no hunger feeling...i was so happy to have lost almost 10 pounds in my 7 day liquid diet only to get on the scale after surgery and all the meds blew me back up 10pounds!!! Im doin clear luquids and no sugar for a week then a week of full liquids then a week of soft foods and full liq...affter that reg foods
  23. msfitn2014

    Revision done 3/12/2014

    Goodmorning Im home!! Surg on the 9th released on the 10th...so far so Good im still havin a lil pain in my right side and still have a lil pain in my left shoulder...been walkn and takin it easy..todays goal is water and shakes..yestrrday i took all day to drink a 11oz shake so today im goin to sip every 15 min
  24. I was sleeved 4-9 one hospital stay... Im feeling fine today just sore on my right side... I LOST ALMOST 9 pounds preop!! The morning of sugery i weighed 230 that same day i weighed 240 Such a bummer!! Still taking gasx
  25. msfitn2014

    Revision done 3/12/2014

    Surgery 4/9 my right side is very sore!! Had alotof gas in my back...im home geeln fine other than that

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
