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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by msfitn2014

  1. msfitn2014

    ice cream....big mistake

    oh wow thanks for sharing, I will prob try sugar free icecream and when I do I will try it at home!! I was wondering if sugar was gonna be an enemy. I am almost 3 weeks out and I have not had over 7grams of sugar! Good luck
  2. msfitn2014


    Hmmmmmmmmm I hope you don't feel Guilty for long...I do not feel Guilty at all, Yes I have been yoyO dieting forever and have never been able to keep it off. I am proud and I am happy for this tool to help me keep it off, Its not Easy at all, at least not for me. I am excercising, I am watching what I eat, I am using proportion control and Im drinking these terrible shakes everyday...Please don't feel guilty feel good about it and be happy you have a great support system to help you along the way....I cant give up, I want give up because I have this wonderful tool with me forever so I know I will not be yoyo dieting. Good luck and hold your head up and be happy and watch your tool do what it supposed to do!! Cheers and hugs from Texas
  3. I was told to buy powder and liquid forms...i tried to cut a potassium pill in 1/2 today and it got stuck I guess its trial and error
  4. Soup, salmon, something grilled, mash potatoes...any soft food
  5. Today makes 2 weeks since I have been sleeved, had my band in 2005 and had it removed and sleeved on 4/2014,,,,I was sleeved by dr charlotte hodges with the Barker Bariatrics team. I am so thankful that I have not had any complications. I went to surgery on a Wednesday at 630am and was released on Thursday at 120pm...I walked everyday for 1 mile my first week and then 2 miles my 2nd week. I am currently down 17.5 pounds..I am Nervous, I am Scared and I am Hopeful......I was very tired/sleepy the first 3 days but after that I was feeling back normal again. I go back to work in another week and boy am I ready.....I have no pain in my port area nor have I had any, my only pain was in the incision where they removed my stomach...Today its only sore when I wake up in the morning from laying on it during sleep....good luck to everyone, I know its scary but I believe if we stay compliant and focused we can do this!! I hope my update helps someone!! I am very new but you can IM or Pm me anytime, thanks
  6. msfitn2014

    Daily calories

    Yes I was told to count the shakes as Fluid...once i start eating real food im not supposed to
  7. msfitn2014

    2 weeks band to sleeve update

    So far I have no complaints or complications other than not getting all my fluids in.
  8. msfitn2014

    Hunger Pains

    I was sleeved on 4/9/2014 so I don't know if this helps or not, I currently do not have any hunger pains nor am I ever hungry. The only time I was hunger is when I did my pre-op diet and the first 3 days I was hungry and had headaches, once I was sleeved I have not been hungry at all. I am not sure if and when this will change since its only been 2 weeks. I make myself eat dinner everyday and I drink shakes, apple juice and water during the rest of the day. I have a friend that was sleeved one month before me and she stays hungry all the time but is unable to eat, we all different so I don't really know if you were sleeved if you would be hungry or not.
  9. msfitn2014

    Daily calories

    I was told to focus on my protein and not my calorie intake...and to get 60-80 grams of protein a day. Im only 2 weeks out and I am really trying to focus on fluids 640z a day. I keep a log on my fitness pal and I don't eat over 500 cal a day since I am trying to focus on 640z of fluids...I would call the dr or nut and see what they tell you.
  10. I think that's a great question..I also believe it depends on your body makeup/frame...I was banded and lost over 70 pounds in 2005 putting me in a size 8/10. I had NO loose skin but I did have a few stretch marks on my stomach. My only exercise was walking.....Now gaining all the weight back I have more stretch marks on my stomach but my skin is firm. I am hoping that when I lose weight again that I stay firm...I also noticed people who lost REALLY fast and people who already had saggy skin got worse after weight lost..I am 2 weeks lapband to sleeve a I have lost 17.5 pounds and I walk 2miles everyday after 6 weeks I will start on hand weights, I would like to see if I can get a lil muscle in my arms. Good luck everyone, we are all different so we may all see diff results.
  11. msfitn2014

    How long till you feel normal

    I felt normal by day 3 with the exception of bein tired and having to take naps, after a week I was totally back to normal!! Hope you feel better soon!!
  12. msfitn2014

    Pooping 2 days post op

    Very normal!! They told me I would!!
  13. msfitn2014

    African American Sleevers

    Hello my AA sleevers!!! Goodluck im 2 weeks post op from Dallas if I can help with anything just IM or PM me.... Good luck on yo journey
  14. msfitn2014

    Anyone having the sleeve in april?!

    Good luck we all are different!!! I was in sooooo much gas pain right after surgery in my shoulder and back i took my own gasx strips cause they wouldnt give me anything said they was gonna walk me!!! After The gas was gone I felt fine just sore....I have been feeling fine every since thankful so far no complications and I walk everyday...my only issue is trying to get all my fluids in!! Good luck think and stay positive
  15. Im with lockill..im almost 2 weeks out and i do shakes, G2 and water everyday...i have had cream of soup and yogurt one or two times....today was a holiday and i ate one teaspoon of mac/cheese, one teaspoon of potato salad and 3 forks of cabbage!! I got full instantly!! Today is back to water/shakes
  16. msfitn2014

    on my way and nervous!

    Good luck!!! Its ok to be nervous...we all were!!
  17. msfitn2014

    Happy Easter!

    Same to you!!! Thanks
  18. msfitn2014

    Lactose issues

    I was told our BM will not be solid until we start on solid food....im 10days post op and have had 4 bm none were solid
  19. msfitn2014

    Hospital weight gain

    Don't complain I came home with 10 pounds!!! ugh was so mad I lost 9.2 the day of surgery the next day when I left the hospital I gained 10....Im assuming all the swelling and the stuff they pump your stomach with.....Good luck you will lose it!!
  20. msfitn2014

    Is it true?

    I was banded 2005 had my revision 4/9/2014 and is down 15 pounds...i have no appetite and I try to walk 20 min a day everyday... Good luck
  21. Walmart and CVS sells liquid tylenol...i buy the walmart version Equate and its not children tylenol
  22. msfitn2014

    Surgery april 8...excited!

    Im officially down 15 freaking pounds!! Omg i need a protein shake to celebrate lol protein on the rocks pleas ????????????????????????
  23. msfitn2014

    Surgery april 8...excited!

    Goodluck Kazzygal!! Im 8 days post-op!! I go to my 1 week post op today!! My scale says -12 pounds i hope the dr scale agrees!!! Stay focused WE GOT THIS!!
  24. msfitn2014

    Todays the day! Whoop whoop!

    Hugssssss!! Get well soon and take it one day at a time!!
  25. Good luck on your journey remember our bodies are all different....i was band to sleeved on 4/9/2014 and im thanking God it has been very easy for me my hardest part was getting over the 7 day pre op diet my head hurt and i had severe migraines, Im so thankful that has past!! Hope everyone has great success

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