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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by msfitn2014

  1. msfitn2014

    Sleeve date : 7/8/2014

    Yea must be Tx thing lol I was banded in Plano and sleeved in Dallas!
  2. msfitn2014

    Sleeve date : 7/8/2014

    Hmmm I have never heard of anyone waking up with a tube dwn their throat... I would ask my dr if that is the procedure before i bought anything.. I have had lapband and the sleeve and have never woke up with a tube dwn my throat.. I was banded in 2005 and woke up with my voice sounding hoarse/scratchy but no pain, when i got sleeved in 2014 my throat was just fine I couldnt tell anything had been dwn my throat...2 of my bff had gastric and they didnt either so its prob a Dr Preference to choose or not to choose!! Goodluck i didnt have a drain nor was i in any pain just a lil sore!! Goodluck dnt worry
  3. msfitn2014

    African American Sleevers

    @brandynewtrinaPlease dont worry yourself to death!! I have had a baby, my gallbladder removed 2001, lapband 2005 had the lapband removed and sleeved 2014....my biggest pain was the contactions from the baby!! My slowest recovery was from gallbladder removal! Lapband surgery and sleeve surgery were a PIECE OF CAKE!! My dr took me off 3 weeks to heal but honestly i felt normal at 3 days and was doing my normal routines at 3 days! Yu will be fine, think positive and try not to worry abt it!!
  4. Has anyone had great restriction during their menstrual cycle and if so do anyone know why? I used to be a Bandster and I could barely eat during my cycle because my band would be soooo tight. I am currently band to sleeve since 4/2014 and noticed the same thing. I can barely take one no more than 2 bite and I am full and my stomach feel tight.
  5. I lost 25 pounds in almost 2 months...which is not as much as i see others losing 40 or more in 2 months..i think im a slow loser, but thats ok im losing! I went from size 16 to 14! All my clothes are loose! I hadnt told anyone but coworkers and i went to a party lastnight and everyone was asking how did i lose weight? I was HAPPY and SHOCKED. Cause i didnt think anyone could notice ONE SIZE drop!!
  6. msfitn2014

    Here again?! Need advice!

    I was banded 2005 and revised to sleeve 2014. Im almost 8 weeks, I have lost 25 pnds went from sz 16 to 14...i was not in a lot of pain, had alit of scar tissue but it was not an issue! All 4 of my 5 scars are healed and almost gone, the scar from the port is still there and will prob always be there...i struggle with 64oz of water but i get my protein in...i cant eat alot, mostly nibbling..no stuck food, no throwing up, no reflux.. I can eat pretty much everything except fried foods they make me soooo sick, severe cramps, sweating, and runs! I do get full quick
  7. April 9th checkin in!!! I have been struggling everyday to get my Water in and since I have been back to work I have been struggling to workout 5 days a week.... Drumroll I have dropped one dress size! I am in a size 14 I bought me 5 pants from 3 diff stores and they all fit nicely! Im moving slow but im moving.... Im praying and staying focused because by my 3rd mnth I would like to be in a sz 12!! I have decided to start walking everday on my 2 15 min breaks at work!! No Excercise excusessssss
  8. msfitn2014

    African American Sleevers

    I see it has MSM and Biotin in it....i take biotin and msm in high dosage..no hair loss for me or thinning Thank God!!
  9. I was banded in 2005 and NO hairloss and NO hair thinning, I was recently band to sleeve 2014 and so far No hairloss and No hair thinning!! Good luck, Im hoping I do not lose any hair as well
  10. I ate salad fine with no problems, I ate 2 spoons of macaroni last night and it didnt sit well with my tummy. It came up and yes i ate it really slow I have had salad once, it was so good and it went down fine and no problems at all!! my first time throwing up
  11. We talked about the cons and the pros and he gave his honest answers....He excercised with me and coached me. He loves to go out to eat and he helps suggest places that we both can go to and enjoy. He has always complimented me and now he does it a little more. He has also bought me a dress 2sizes too small as a TREAT for me. He has constantly told people he love me the way I am but I made the decision to have wls and he is gonna support me. My biggest support he is!! He has been reading pre-op and post op on the surgery to make sure he can help me anyway possible.
  12. msfitn2014

    Foods that make you barf! Literally.

    Fried foods make me sick!!! Barfing is an understatement for me!!
  13. Cushy....I hope you get you some energy soon, just focus on healing first We all lose at different levels, have diff pain levels and energry levels....I have seen some people take months to get energy while others take a few days....Good luck on your weight loss journey.
  14. msfitn2014

    African American Sleevers

    Hi msfitn2014, I just read your post. What's msm? Thanks in advance. MSM pills are joint support pills, but if you google them they are also used for hair thinning and host of other great things for your body. You can get them from Walgreens or CVS. I order my biotin and msm pills from puritanpride.com with free shipping
  15. @ceeba....im sorry I was off work for 3 weeks..I worked out everyday during those 3 weeks. I would walk a mile everyday then come home and take a nap, I did push it up to 2 miles around the end of 2 weeks...Now that I am back to work Im only working out 3-days a week with hoping i can get to 5 days a week...also i only walked, now Im riding the bike, on the elliptical and this week will start on 2-5 pound weights!!
  16. I had lapband in 2005 and had no hairloss or hair thinning...I have long thick hair. I recently was sleeved April/2014 and so far no loss...my dr told me to continue taking my vitamins, getting in my protein, drink water and take my biotin...i have been taking biotin since 2005 and just recently started takin MSM in 2014 which is also good for hair thinning.....Im hopin and praying that I dont lose any, like someone said earlier WE just dont know if we lose it or not and I know WE all fear the unknown...goodluck on your journey
  17. I started walking a mile everyday on day 2....i was in the hospital for one day and off for 3 weeks and i took a nap everyday. I didnt start feelin normal till day 3 of being home...I really wished I wasnt off for 3 weeks..good luck
  18. Congrats and Good Luck!!
  19. msfitn2014

    African American Sleevers

    I was recommended maderma or bio oil since the ins would not cover the topical scar treatment and I could not afford $200 for the small one...i bought a big bottle of bio oil !19.95 and it does work.....i didnt have a DRAIN either so im not sure
  20. msfitn2014

    Goal weight

    I determined my goal weight an the dr wrote it down and said it was doable
  21. msfitn2014

    Off to the hospital again... :(

    Oh my...sending prayers and hugs!! Get well soon!! Please keep us posted!!
  22. msfitn2014


    I have 5 incisions, 4 of them look like small pencil lines, i am lapband to sleeve and on my 5 incisions its a small 1/2 inch scar...im 6 weeks out and 4 of the incisions are almost gone, you can only see the 1/2 inch scar which is still small but noticeable...
  23. msfitn2014

    African American Sleevers

    @ keewee I take 7500 mcg of biotin and 500 mg of msm...i have been a wls patient since 2005 and no hair loss or thinning..biotin needs to be at high dosage to work is what i was told!!
  24. msfitn2014

    Costco shake prices?

    @shmily...maybe you can go in. Half with someone and share the $55 cost for membership!!
  25. You may have to check some whole food stores by you...i know several stores that have a big gluten free section and im not sure abt the artificial sweetner part of it...good luck

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