On boards such as these you will find a lot of people who sing the band's praises and talk about how much they love their band. In fact, I am one of these people. However, I have found a side effect to having the band that not many people have mentioned; namely, a small sense of loss that comes with no longer being able to use food as an emotional crutch. In some respects, I really miss being able to eat large portions of bread, Pasta, pizza, candy, etc. These are delicious foods! However, the good news is that this feeling of disappointment is usually short lived. I am very happy the next morning when I wake up and realize I DIDN'T eat that huge dinner. I guess what I'm trying to say is, the band is a wonderful tool, but it won't fix the underlying "issues" which caused some of us to chronically and compulsively overeat prior to being banded.
If you are often hungry (and don't drink with meals), then you need a fill. If you eat merely for the reasons I mention above, then try imagining what you'll look and feel like when you reach a healthy weight. It is a lot easier to go down this road once you are willing to embrace satiety. Does this help?